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Posts posted by ratman

  1. [quote name='mingsta' timestamp='1384964298' post='2282878']
    I really need to put it through a loud band/gig situation to get the full picture.
    You have a treat in store when you crank it up :D :D :D

    [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1384866450' post='2281562']
    Thanks for the offer but we're opposite ends of the country!
    If you're in london, feel free to come over try out my Streamliner. Bargain of the century at the moment.

  2. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1385024086' post='2283455']
    Hmm I think that's simplistic as everyone is different. My memory is fine for playing but really bad for lyrics.
    That's true, we are all different. The point I was making was that I had to find myself in at the deep end to find out I could do it without charts. It worked for me though. If I had a terrible gig I guess I would have brought them next time. I agree with your comment about lyrics though. I have to work a lot harder to learn lyrics, and I only do BV's!

  3. Your brain isn't full. That's just your excuse to yourself. You just have to do a gig without your charts and prove to yourself that you can do it. It happened to me a while back. I was running a very slick function band and once at soundcheck I realised I forgot my pad. I nearly freaked. But, I did a 3 hour gig, and made 2 mistakes. The pad stayed at home after that.
    Take the leap of faith at your next gig and just get on with your playing. And you'll have more fun if your nose isn't buried in charts all night long.

  4. Batteries were always a pain, and no matter how good you are at remembering to charge them up, you will always mess up once in a while. I'll be sticking with the mains supply.

    Is this a case of 're-inventing the wheel', as it were, selling us something that we don't really need? I mean, we have batteries and we have mains supplies. Now some bright spark has thought up the idea of a rechargeable battery that you can plug into the mains so you can use it and charge it at the same time. Brilliant.

  5. I've tried the defretter out. The problem is, apart from a real fretless, I've got nothing to compare it to. It does give the timbre of the bass a sort of seudo-fretlessy growl. Sliding up and down the neck you will still hear the notes change as you pass over the frets, so don't expect to hear a smooth slide. I won't be using this effect anytime soon. IMO the best thing to use to sound like a fretless........is a fretless.

  6. Each to his own, that's ok. Personally I have both and I would recommend the B3. The foot switching is way more versatile for live use. I like to think I have great tone from my rig and pedals, and these Zooms are welcome additions to my effects, and they both get used a lot.

  7. I've had one for a few weeks now. I've done maybe a dozen gigs, and it's been amazing. My tone is a bit tighter and there's a bit of woolyness gone down in the deep end. Lots of band members have commented on the difference which surprised me as I already use good quality gear. I won't play without it now.

  8. You'll get a massive volume increase when you push in the high gain button. The distortion is wonderful though. You can ride the sweet spot, so you can go from clean to dirty just using your fingers. I suggest you play one before you buy so you know what you are getting. And no, there isn't a footswitch socket on the Streamliners.

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