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Mr Fretbuzz

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Posts posted by Mr Fretbuzz

  1. Ordered it in June and it arrived today. Not particularly happy with it. £130 or thereabouts. The casing has various marks over it. It works with the Ampkit App but I tried it with the free Fender app and the paid for David Ellefson app but they didn't work properly... There was a delay on the bass coming through like an echo. It is quite useful plugged into headphones for quiet practice and you can play along to your iTunes and set list playlist etc. it won't play on the iPad speakers. I plugged a lead from the headphones out socket into my fender 15 practice amp and the song came through loud but the bass coming through wasn't so that didn't work properly. It wouldn't work on a bluetoothed speaker from my iPad. The utube shows it playing outside headphones through the DI Out socket, which I thought was for a PA .

    I think I'll stick to using my IPad plugged into my Fender practice amp and I can plug headphones in there for quiet practice anyway. For me, it will only be useful maybe in bed or if I was at a hotel or something which is rare or maybe lunchtime practice in work.

    It might be good for recording into garage band or something but I don't do that. It might be good for playing out of a PA ... But would you play out of an iPad or wouldn't you take your main rig for that?

    Not convinced personally. Could have bought a decent pedal instead :-(

  2. Bummer I'm going to miss one or both as I'm flying back from Kos tonight for a knee operation on Friday and I'll be off sick for 2/3 weeks :-( so happens that I've had a 3 cm tumour in my knee joint for over a year. They found it last Friday and wanted to operate immediately. Sod that, I needed to fly out last Saturday.

  3. I found the transition fairly easy by adjusting the strap so my Bass is in the same position when seated and standing. Also I find it easier to look at the fretboard when the top screw isn't on the back of the bass like my T Bird... But for that I just crane my neck a bit and blow out my belly .... :-D

  4. As the Am Std P Bass nut is cut for .045, .065, .085, .105,... I'll probably get La Bella 760FS Standard Flatwound for about £36 or GHS Precision Flats PFM Medium for about £29.50 as they are an exact fit... or get both, stick one set on my Squire and compare them for feel but they would bound to sound different owing to Bass quality.

  5. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1373471411' post='2138032']
    I've got Fender flats on a couple of my fretlesses. I find them not as smooth as the ones on my other fretless which I bought off ebay with the strings already on. Don't know what they are but they have black silk. Anyone know what they might be (with apology for the hi-jack)

    Not sure but maybe La Bella 760 Black Nylon Tapewound ?? which are suitable for Fretless apparently

  6. [quote name='Drakers' timestamp='1373559640' post='2139082']
    Mr Frettbuzz,
    The absolute best, THOMASTIC INFELD made I think in Austria. I was faced with the same dillema but since I found these I wouldn't use anything else.
    The downside is they are expensive, I think I paid about £40 for the set about a year ago.

    They are the number 1 seller Drakers with Thomann.. 3000 sets sold but I read that there is a query over tension?

  7. [quote name='yepmop' timestamp='1373559232' post='2139075']
    got mine from here a few months back £38 including next day delivery


    The Am Std P Bass nut is cut for .045, .065, .085, .105,...so it more than likely would need to be modified if I get them. Think I'll find something with that spec or thereabouts.

  8. Yep I'm searching for the Holy Grail :-D wonder how thick strings can be used without having to adjust the nut. I think I'll go La BELLA :-)
    Thanks for the advice guys :-) I've found James Jameson ones :-)


  9. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1373231521' post='2135175']
    I'm in the Skimmity Hitchers, a scrumpy'n'western band usually described as 'The Wurzels on crack'.

    LOL saw you at the Great Western Rally ..I was standing behind my son Jake who was being teased about your song on the bus :-D enjoyed you guys a lot :-)

  10. Go for it..I'm going to be right out of my comfort zone and ability but what the hell.. It's all good experience. Metal Hammer is going to be really difficult as I've never used a pick and I need more fingers :-0

  11. :-D

    ...bit of a dilemma , buy cheaper ones and bin them quicker if I can't get on with them or buy expensive ones and leave them on forever :-) if it was my Squire P bass I'd definitely get the Fender ones but it's for my Fender AM Standard so I'll get the best ones available and leave them on forever and when I die, sell them up North :-D

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