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Posts posted by Zenitram

  1. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/4-Channel-Line-Mixer-/390780872084?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item5afc5ae594"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item5afc5ae594[/url]



    Maybe, unless they're crap.

  2. [quote name='Salt on your Bass?' timestamp='1392635653' post='2370800']
    So what's wrong with something like these?? I'm genuinely asking about the cons


    There's nothing wrong with them. Some people like every part of the signal path to be of the highest quality, whereas others don't care or don't feel it matters, and are happy to use the cheapest options available (within reason; quality things tend to be made to last and so tend to, er, last longer, which can make pricier cables better value for money, if your gear gets a lot of battering). Other people want very short leads between connections; some people just like to fiddle around with stuff. And so on. That's all.

  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1392398137' post='2368267']
    No, that can't be right and that's also probably why nobody said it was right.

    That's true; nobody said it. What I'm trying to get at is perhaps best expressed by what I suppose to be the answer to "What's the point of frets?", which would be something like "To make it easier to get each note right", rather than "To give that unique fretted sound".

    Or something. I don't know.

  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1392232421' post='2366302']
    I prefer no lines myself but I'd say you should be putting your finger right up to and on the fret even when there are frets. Are you putting your fingers somewhere else?

    Taking things to extremes, if you put your finger right up to where the fret is, then why play fretted at all? Surely the frets are there, as the other person says, to do the "precision" bit, allowing you the player (well, certainly me) to worry less about the intonation and just hit the gap between frets as I play up and down the neck, at varying speeds and varying levels of difficulty. Close to the fret is clearly good practice and good sense, but the whole point of frets is that they do the micro-accuracy work for you, surely?

  5. Email Orchid Electronics and ask for a price. John there says he makes such big savings on buying wholesale that it tends to work out cheaper to buy cables made by him to your spec than to buy the materials individually and solder them yourself.


  6. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1390929541' post='2351438']
    sometimes you sell to some one a bit dodgy on ebay and they have damaged the goods and ask for a refund or say it was never posted luckily this has not happened to me and I hope it does not but I know of a few people on here who have been shafted like that :( not good

    Yep, on eBay it's caveat venditor every time.

  7. That sounds the wrong way round to what I meant.

    I have this thing for sale. I really don't want to post it, so collection only please. What? You'd like to buy it but you live far away? Well, I'd really rather not post it. I don't want the responsibility; it's too much hassle, things can go wrong. What? You'd still like me to post it? Well I don't want to, but if you're willing to accept it if something goes wrong or it gets broken, then fair enough I suppose. Caveat emptor and all that.

    A more conscientious seller wouldn't even entertain that conversation, they'd just flat-out not post it. That was my point. Sort of.

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