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Posts posted by Zenitram

  1. Have any of you synthy people come across this before:

    Tiny little thing, powered by midi, how crazy is that?

    I'm thinking about buying the kit version:

    (I still need to learn to solder.)

  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1390427759' post='2345452']
    Yes, I've seen those too. The Horniman Museum has a truly fantastic collection of instruments.

    It is a bonkers old place. The cathedral of death on the main floor with Blobby the Massive Crap Walrus in the middle, the incredible music room, the unusual ethnographic bit, it's all a bit mad.

  3. It turns out I was using the wrong power supply, that was all. Yes it certainly does do that squidgy and yummy compression; really nice.

    Speaking of really nice, on a drunken whim I bought an FMR RNC on eBay last night, for some reason. Which means I now have four compressors (Behringer Composer, Focusrite Penta, Joemeek VC3Q, FMR RNC), none of which I particularly need, but seem to enjoy owning.

    I should probably sell one or two of them.

    Or! Find a use for them. I've been buying microphones as well.

  4. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1385151202' post='2285159']
    XLRs are used for many different signal levels.

    Right, yes, as I suspected. Thanks.

    [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1385151202' post='2285159']
    What you need is balanced cable, not a stereo.

    Need for what? I don't follow.

    [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1385151202' post='2285159']
    TRS jacks are used for balanced mono and unbalanced stereo, however the cable type is different for each.

    Blimey. How can they be told apart?

  5. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1385148335' post='2285108']
    Not necessarily matey, it may be a balanced signal but still might have more or less than the input will like. I prefer to have a level knob on any di send so I can make sure the desk gets the right line level signal :)

    I don't quite know if that answered my question or not.

  6. Ted just got back to me saying that "it behaves normally. The compressor on these units is extremely smooth, it was designed to be that way."

    He's going to test everything again, but it's working as it should, he seems to think. And he designed the blummin' thing, so he should know, really.

    So, er, there you go.

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