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Posts posted by TomWIC

  1. A while ago, a friend of mine gave me her Encore E4 Blaster due to her not playing it anymore. I took it off her hands with the intention of having it as a project bass, and as I've been hankering for a good precision for a while now, and after seeing some of the wonderful custom P-bass builds you fine folk have done, I think it's time I looked into starting on it.

    As a complete newbie to this, I'm thinking of the following mods: replacing the neck (a good, preferably unbranded one with the intention of spraying my band's logo on the headstock), putting some nice looking tuners on it as I'm not keen on the butterfly style ones, new pickups (going to stick with passive electronics for the time being) so hopefully I can keep the wiring inside the same (or possibly changing the pots too), and maybe a custom scratchplate, or no scratchplate at all, while keeping the body the same, save for a possible spray.

    Hopefully, it isn't a completely stupid idea, and I will actually be able to turn a cheap starter bass into something brilliant, so any tips, recommendations, must-buys, stuff to avoid, etc, advice for me?

  2. It's only just hitting home but my band Walk In Coma are supporting Welsh post-hardcore giants Funeral For A Friend tonight in our home county of Essex.

    The venue is The Mill Arts Centre in Rayleigh, so if any Essex folk are about and like a bit of hard rock and metal, come down! Tickets will be available on the door for £15 and doors open around 7pm.

    As some of you can imagine, opening for a huge band like this is a massive opportunity and is a huge, huge deal for us. Our biggest gig yet, I'm terribly excited and petrified at the same time!

    Any nerve-killing advice for me? :)

  3. I've got an Encore P-bass copy laying about at home, so I'll swap over the jack sockets tonight - I can't remember if my mate already tried that but I'll give it a shot.

    @Al_Heeley, the pickups are passive, no battery required.

    Cheers for the replies gents, I'll grab a few photos this evening before hitting the studio.

  4. Morning all,

    To summarise, I've been having no end of problems with my ESP LTD B-15 recently. The problem is a 90% loss of volume from the bass, it's been to a local guitar shop for repair twice now, the first time it was "re-wired", the second time I didn't get an explanation as to how it had been fixed. It's fine for a few days, then it'll crap out on me again.

    Getting a bit fed up, I took it to a friend who's knowledgeable on these kind of things and unfortunately he couldn't find an explanation either. He got it working again, played it for a few hours, then when I came to pick it up, it had gone again.

    He's tried everything, short of replacing the pots and pickups. As pots are the cheaper option, I'm prepared to buy a replacement set in the hope that that solves the problem for good.

    So, in short...can anyone tell me what I need to buy and where from?

    Many thanks

  5. Hi all,

    A while ago I got a Behringer Powerlight for my rack - mainly because I wanted a decent racklight. But I've just started it using it to power my amp as well and I'm wondering how much I can actually power off the distributor.

    According to the manual, it can handle a maximum load of 8A across ALL of the eight outlets before the circuit breaker kicks in and powers everything down, so my question is, how much power is my Peavey Tour 700 drawing from it? The Peavey is fitted with a 6.3A fuse, but I should think it's not actually using that amount of ampere?

    On the other end of the scale, I read a review for it before buying from a guy who was using a few of them to power an entire studio worth of rack equipment, which makes me think it's plenty capable.

    Any ideas? As I'd like to know I can still use the PL2000 when or if I expand my rack setup to keep everything nice and tidy.


  6. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1343320259' post='1748944']
    Tell you what, the roadster is actually pretty close to his lovely burpy tone!

    For me, Twiggy's always been the encapsulation of 'less is more'.


    Couldn't agree more. There's always been a great balance in his writing, he knows exactly when the guitar and bass needs to be playing and when they don't need to be, and when they do, he's proved how effective simple but well written parts work, i.e. The Dope Show or The Beautiful People.

    Plus, any guy who can spend the vast majority of his career on stage wearing a dress gets my vote :P

  7. The last Walk In Coma setlist was (all originals):

    Set Intro
    Run And Hide
    94/44 (named after the two time signatures the song uses)
    Get Outta My Way
    Dirty South
    Prey Hunter (current single)
    I Hope You've Got Home Insurance, 'Cause I'm Gonna Smash Your Back Doors In

  8. Paul Gray; when I was a kid I had no interest no music at all, let alone playing an instrument. It wasn't until a school mate lent me the self-titled Slipknot album that I fell in love with the low end. I credit me playing bass to Paul Gray entirely and was devastated when he died.

    Jeordie White/Twiggy; Around the same time as I heard Slipknot for the first time, I also heard Marilyn Manson. Still to this day, my style of playing and my early use of root/octave and sliding techniques are plucked from Twiggy, as well as my love for Thunderbirds.

  9. [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1342655725' post='1738966']
    Just got a reply from Dunlop tech support. Turning the pot counter clockwise decreases the delay and clockwise increases it.

    That's weird, turning mine all the way clockwise turned off the delay on mine :/

  10. I've spent the last half hour playing with that pot on mine, sure enough, that's where the delay is set. I found with it turned all the to the right (clockwise with the way I've photographed it), there was no delay at all. When I took my foot off the pedal, I had my clean signal back instantly. Well chuffed I found out about this, it really has been doing my head in.

  11. Ohhhh. I have a big issue with the delay going back to a clean signal with mine, I was considering looking for an alternative and didn't think to check to see if it was adjustable inside.

    I'll be pulling mine apart tonight to see if it's got a trimpot. Will let you know if I have any luck.

  12. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1342463378' post='1735636']
    I wanted a Behringer PL2000 but the light sticks out too far and I wouldn't be able to get the front on my rack case. Which is a shame.

    I was worried about that too, I couldn't find a definitive measurement to how far it stuck out before I ordered it but I took a chance and the rack bag cover fits over it without much hassle, so I got lucky. I suspect it'd be a no-go if I had a hard case though.

  13. In the rack is a Peavey Tour 700 and a Behringer PL2000, very surprised at the quality of it for how much it cost, although shamefully I'm not yet using it's power distribution features...it's just a pretty light at the moment. 1U spare, not sure what I want in there, but most likely either a rack wireless system if I can find a good one for the right price, or just a standard wireless system mounted on a shelf.

    Until I can decide on what cab to upgrade to, my Ashdown MAG410 Deep is doing an alright job. The new head has helped a lot, so I'm not in a huge rush to upgrade it. Want to save the pennies for the right one.


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