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Posts posted by josh3184

  1. Little Mark has a minimum impedance of 4ohm if I recall correctly which will mean that it can run 4ohm and about (6ohm, 8ohm, 16ohm, etc), or at least that's my understanding if anyone wants to correct me?

    As for the ebay links, I'd (personally) choose the Hartke over the Line6 but that's just me. No substitute for trying these amps out of course! If there's any way you can take your bass to a music shop and have a twiddle through their amps it might be a good idea, if only to find out which manufacturer suits your tone the most

  2. if you make sure you've got enough speaker area pumping air around you should really need to worry about cutting through. I'd say that around 400/500W will cut through in nearly all situations with a 4x10. 2x12s should work too. Probably the only thing to avoid would be (for instance) a 1x15 by itself or a 2x10 by itself. However a 2x10 AND a 1x15 would be fine in all likelihood :)

    As has already been suggested, going by what it for sale at the moment I'd say a [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=79593"]Little Mark II[/url] and either a [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78800"]Schroeder 1212L[/url] or the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74900"]Big One[/url]

    LMII+Schroeder= £765
    LMII+Big One= £960

    So probably the Schroeder combination as it gives you some dosh to play with if you want anything else.

    EDIT: Plus since the Schroeder is 8ohm you could spend the £235 on another 8ohm cab if you want to deafen people

  3. [quote name='redstriper' post='764338' date='Mar 4 2010, 07:21 PM']I've been there already, with an Epiphone EB-0 which I bought new and sold on almost immediately.
    It did have a very deep tone, but not quite right for fussy old me - too rich and growly and not clear enough, I find the same thing with precisions.
    I love the front pup sound of my old jazz bass, just wish it wasn't so heavy.[/quote]

    I find that with Dub/Reggae, whilst it does matter to an extent what sort of bass you're playing (and the EBs are a good suggestion), for the most part the thing you need to get the proper Dub tone is a decent preamp.
    To be honest I personally think that you could play most types of bass and as long as its got a decent bass boost and upper/mid cut then it'll be fine. I played a Zoot which had what I deemed to be a dub switch which seemed to cut out all the top end and some high mids and cranked the bottom end and it was bass to the face :)

  4. [quote name='tombboy' post='764004' date='Mar 4 2010, 02:41 PM']Treat it as trying to masturbate to porn with the laptop held between your knees. As long as you concentrate, keep good balance and don't go mental, you'll reach a satisfying conclusion. No need for tissues and moisturising cream though....... :)[/quote]

    What an odd yet accurate analogy.


  5. I had a think about this a week ago and came to the conclusion that whilst it [i]might[/i] run with an amp that'll handle down to 2ohms, the cabs being of different resistance is gonna affect how much power each cab gets in a weird way and that worries me :)

  6. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74900"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74900[/url]

    Never have a problem with volume ever again :)

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