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Posts posted by spike

  1. If it's a pentatonic scale it needs to have five notes in it (excluding the octave). A major pentatonic scale in D has the notes D E F# A B(the 6th) and D in it, the same as you posted above but also with A string fret 7. If you have heard the guitar part at the beginning of 'My Girl' that's a major pentatonic scale.

    I use the shape in your first post alot, it must have been one of the first things I learned on the bass.

  2. For function gigs we always ask that we get fed and watered, it's not a problem for most clients. I've played a couple of military bases where we've ended up having a full Christmas dinner before we played. We used to have a regular gig at an Indian restaurant/nightclub where we'd get a free curry as part of the deal. Almost never get free drinks at pub gigs.

  3. Excellent gig last night. First gig since July and one of our singers couldn't make it so I was expecting us to be pretty ropey but as it turned out it was one of the best we've played. The place was full, the audience was enthusiastic, the landlord wants us back there before Christmas. We had two sets of potential clients for functions next year come along and they both loved us so all in all a good night.

  4. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='603099' date='Sep 19 2009, 07:56 PM']For a while I kept forgetting that the second and third verses weren't separated by a chorus in 'Valerie'. The embarrassment was enough motivation to get it sorted though.[/quote]

    I still do this one time out of three.

    I normally mess up because I get distracted by a good looking dancer in the audience. Last night I messed up Get Ready by the Temptations, not the world's most challenging bassline by any means.

  5. Many years ago the band I was in played support to Dr Feelgood. Being fans of theirs me and the guitarist went to say hello to them in their dressing room after the gig. When we went in we didn't notice there was a second door next to the one we came in through. After a brief tongue-tied chat we went to leave, my guitarist opened the wrong door and I followed him, closing the door behind me, into the bathroom.

    Coming out of the bathroom back into the dressing room where our heroes were trying hard not to burst out laughing was mortifying.

    PS. Lee Brilleaux was a really nice bloke and gave us a beer each

  6. I use Mixolydian and Dorian alot, followed by Major, Major Pentatonic and Minor Pentatonic. I mainly play soul, funk and blues and these scales work well for me. I often think in terms of arpeggios and passing notes rather than scales though.

  7. [quote name='OldGit' post='523858' date='Jun 25 2009, 04:52 PM']I suspect it would be your fault for making them dance :) and if they trip over and crash into your PA stands and drag a top cab down on top of themselves that's probably your fault too, even if they've drunk 20 pints of special brew ...[/quote]

    I wonder if they could sue the caterers if they fell over on the way to the bar for their 21st pint :rolleyes: ?

  8. [quote name='OldGit' post='523826' date='Jun 25 2009, 04:19 PM']Oh and make ure your Public Liability Insurance covers you for the type of flooring they have. Someone falls on an uneven bit of ground and breaks a leg you could be sued... Sad but true these days..[/quote]

    Surely that would be the responsibility of whoever provided the flooring, not the band?

  9. [quote name='Rich' post='501142' date='May 29 2009, 05:50 PM']I think he tried to fire himself via text once, but then he agreed to meet himself at a neutral pub to try to iron out both his difficulties. It's all sorted now.[/quote]

    I'm glad to hear he's talking to himself again

  10. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='489633' date='May 16 2009, 10:57 AM']One of the Jazzes I've noodled on and had problems with is the Aerodyne. Anyone know if the Aerodyne's unusually narrow or strangely profiled? I can't find any helpful info on the Fender site -- it just says it's a "C" shape, as opposed to the "Modern C" shape of the American Standard or the "Thin C" shape of the Geddy.[/quote]

    I've got an Aerodyne and a newish MIA Jazz and the necks feel the same to me. Having said that, I can adjust the action on the Jazz more to my liking than I can on the Aerodyne. Maybe it's something to do with the graphite reinforcement in the MIA neck.

  11. First two gig weekend for me for some time. Friday night was a May ball at a rugby club, marquee with 250 guests who were all up for having a good time so the dancefloor was crowded throughout. Mustang Sally and Valerie were our most popular songs :wacko: Free food and bar tab for the band and we got paid well, all in all a good night.

    Saturday was a local pub gig and was just as enjoyable even though we only ended up with £20 each, when there are 9 of you in the band pub money doesn't go very far. This was the first gig I can remember for about 10 years where I didn't play Mustang Sally :rolleyes: Still played Valerie though :)

  12. My 9 piece band normally sets up in about 90 minutes.

    That's 45 minutes to set up the PA, lights, backline and do a line check.

    20 minutes waiting for the singers to arrive.

    10 minutes to go and find the horn section who have got bored waiting for the singers to arrive and have wandered off.

    12 minutes for singers to check their makeup and do any last minute important text messaging.

    3 minutes for soundcheck.

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