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Posts posted by yepmop

  1. Sounds to me they are ganging up on you to make you feel the weakest link and replaceable which to counteract, you need to do all the funding and other crap in fear that they will replace you?

    It's an awful situation that I initially experienced in an originals band I was with (I was funding studio time and stuff like that) so one day we booked a studio and I basically said "Well I've done my bit, who's turn is it now?" and was surprised that they agreed to pay for future expenses.

    The band should be run like a business with all profits and expenses going through the books and expenses paid out of pooled profits before being split between members?

    I wish you luck, not a very nice situation to be in.

  2. Try this [url="http://www.instituteofbass.com/courses/music_theory_for_bass/"]http://www.instituteofbass.com/courses/music_theory_for_bass/[/url] I did it (and still doing it) a module is release every week for 12 weeks, there are not exams etc and there is a tutour available by email for questions, they also have a course forum. There is so much in the course it's unreal, they also do sight reading courses as well as technique etc.

    The best bit is, it costs £19!!!!!!!

  3. Yep my first marriage eventually broke down due to music.I was "persuaded" that not to pursue it any further after the loss of a recording contract and the split up of the band I was in. The resentment slowly built of over the following 5 years and that was it. Unfortunately, I never played bass for a further 26 years due to heartbreak of seeing my dream disappear before my eyes.

    The current Mrs Yepmop is quite tolerant to time off practising and the odd gig, as she knows I enjoy it and it's a lot better than going down the pub each night (not that I ever did). Also the kids are into learning to play music which is scientifically proven to enhance their intelligence and ability to learn new things.

    But you must be prepared to give and take, So if the wife wants a day out shopping or site seeing I have no problem driving her there etc, it's about a happy medium and does help getting them involved as well so they don't feel left out. The wife goes to any gigs we do and takes photos etc and I let her judge if what I'm playing sounds okay when practising at home.

  4. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1369168810' post='2085843']
    I'm sure you will get your asking price with a bit of patience. It might be worth putting it up on Gumtree also. I've had a fair bit of luck selling on there recently. The market is just so depressed at the moment. It's a good price for what is a very nice mid-range Jazz. Ten times better than a Squier, but for the same money !

    Yeah I think you're right, Might take a mossie over to Gumtree and check it out, if it gets too desperate, there's always flea bay.

  5. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1368556643' post='2078561']
    I'm in that minority as well.

    I'll wear 'branded' clothing if it relates to a workplace thing, but that's about it.

    Having said that, I wouldn't wear it, but I do find this funny:
    I want one!!! just needs to be 4 blue stripes (I know it the Tesco has 7 on the products but hey :) )

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