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Posts posted by kevin_lindsay

  1. I remember my mate picking up his gorgeous new Sei bass and us driving home to Glasgow. He was so chuffed with it, and when he gotbit home he showed it to his parents who looked at it rather, in a rather bemused manner. His Dad was obviously struggling to find something to say, and then said. "erm, it's got a lovely stem on it!??" hahaha

  2. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1318321700' post='1400366']It's complete nonsense. It's just an electronic component - so if it works leave it alone. Changing it will only make a difference in your imagination. I'm sure I'm going to get shouted at but it's on the same level as gold-plated speakers cables and suchlike.

    I assume you have the knowledge and equipment to set up the bias when you change the valve?

    Never criticise a man's religion, wife, politics or valve-amp :)[/quote]

    You're talking nonsense mate. And I suppose different string types make no difference either ? Flatwounds and roundwounds sound the same too as they produce the same notes, huh?

    Different valves from differing manufacturers sound different as they can found bassier or treblier, or can sound cleaner or more distorted depending upon the way they are constructed.

  3. 1976 - I was fourteen and the punk thing was just exploding. Eddie and The Hot Rods werenever considered "punk, more like pub rock as someone mentioned earlier.

    I bought the Damned, Damne, Damned album, which is generally considered the first punk album released. The Sex Pistols were pretty much the thing the papers vented their rage onto.

    Just remember something, one of my friend's at school asked me "have you heard the Sex Pisols new single? It's calledCrispy Pancakes!". Turned out he was referring to "Pretty Vacant"!! Hahaha. And still to this day, whenever I hear Pretty Vacant, I think "Crispy Pancakes"!! Hahaha

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