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Posts posted by kevin_lindsay

  1. Pink coats almost done. I'll flatten the finish tomorrow morning and if needs be, I'll spray some more coats. If all's good after Flatting, I'll apply the clear coats and leave the body to dry for a week or two, then final flat & buff the finish.

    Here's a quick pic to give an idea about how it'll look with the plate in situ:


  2. That's the neck done. I'm awaiting delivery of the appropriate Fender Jazz Bass waterslide decal (that's just applied on top of the clearcoat - like Fender does).


    The back of the neck is really nice feeling. I've used a very thin lacquer layer, but it still feels nice and smooth. As I mentioned earlier, the maple on the neck has tinted nicely due to UV from sunlight. Here's a pic of the back of the headstock to show the comparison between the exposed wood, and the wood masked by the tuners.


    I'll be applying the pink to the body later today (the body has been prepped with White primer - pics to follow.

  3. The pink on the headstock jas been wet & dried to a smooth finish, the masking tape has been removed also.

    I then finely sanded the headstock edge to ensure there were no sharp paint edges . I also used a fine cloth with cellulose thinners and carefully wiped the headstock sides to ensure no overspray was on the wood.

    Then, it was time to begin applying the clear lacquer onto the neck. Due to the sun ageing the maple previously, I can simply apply clear, untinted lacquer. I'm going to keep the neck finish very thin to get a better, woody tone (I'm so glad the thick, heavily tinted lacquer which was originally on there has been removed!!)

  4. Spraying in the house wouldn't be s good move. When I did the Surf Green Strat I did spray at first in a storage room at home, but the dust created from the overspray gets everywhere!! What a mess!!
    Best do it outside, or in a garage or shed. Make sure the area gets well ventilated. Also, if you're gonna spray outside avoid windy conditions on case dust gets blown onto the lacquer.

  5. My cousin and his wife (originally from here in the UK) lived in the states. When his wife got pregnant, and the birth was approaching, they couldn't afford the medical fees it would entail, so they had to come back to the uk instead.

  6. I'm a bass player and I'd rather hear someone playing BASS rather than widdling about like a second rate lead guitarist. I love playing thumping bass that shifts some air and gets the groove going, and I get a real buzz out of hearing other bassists doing the sane, be it anyone from Bernard Edwards to Cliff Williams!!!

  7. Pink now being applied to the headstock. I'll wet & dry the headstock to get the pink totally smooth before applying the clear lacquer.

    I'm about to apply the White primer to the body, then that'll get the Shell pink applied to it. Everything is moving along nicely!


  8. Back of the headstock. The maple has been nicely lightly aged even through the heavily coloured lacquer that was originally on the neck.

    Okay, White primer being applied to the headstock in preparation for the Shell Pink application

  9. Here's the original headstock lacquer - ultra orangey yellow!!


    Okay, it's coming off!! The matching headstock is gonna happen. I wiped off the lacquer from the whole neck


    The neck heel stamps have remained intact even after wiping off the lacquer!!

  10. I could wet & dry sand the headstock to remove the existing decals and then spray over the existing nitro lacquer. However, the yello/orange tint lacquer Fender use is awful (in my opinion).

    I'll take some pics later to show the contrast between the original neck lacquer and the natural wood to show just how tinted it is!!

  11. Okay, the body is now wiped clean of it's White lacquer:


    And I know there will be some guys thinking "just keep it natural". So, just for you guys, here's how it'd look (very 1970's stripped back vibe, huh?).

    But............... I'm still going for the pink!!! Hahaha


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