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Everything posted by kevin_lindsay

  1. I was knocked sideways by the news this morning. I've spent most of today feeling tearful. He was a huge part of my musical life, it seems surreal that he's gone. The new album is great too. Someone said today that they'd felt like "the Elvis of our generation has passed away". To me he was far more influential than Elvis. I actually said hello to David in Manhattan a few years back. It seemed so odd to see someone, who always appeared to be such an icon, in an everyday setting. I said, "my goodness! David Bowie! Don't you look great?". To which he smiled and replied, "why thank you my good man", and we parted. I feel shellshocked.
  2. I love the new album. I've been listening to it on headphones today - so many great textures. As for the packaging - black print on black paper - makes reading the lyrics a real chore!
  3. Just practice. Things eventually fall into place. The more you play and practice, the easier it becomes to remember, or pick up, the tune you're working on. If you're getting frustrated , just remind yourself that you're not as bad as this guy: http://youtu.be/Vms_6_TSQuc
  4. Just received this! A mini Lego-style electric bass! [URL=http://s7.photobucket.com/user/kevin_lindsay/media/20151227_150259-1.jpg.html][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/20151227_150259-1.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  5. No problems with the Android version on my Samsung S5
  6. The guys at The Gallery are great. I've always loved visiting there.
  7. Adele (she plays bass and 6 string guitar)
  8. Surely this has to be included? "The Police - Walking On The Moon" http://youtu.be/zPwMdZOlPo8
  9. I got one for £20 from Amazon in the UK (hang on, wasn't that a Sex Pistols song?). The price jumps up and down on Amazon so put it in your basket and grab one when the price goes down. [URL=http://s7.photobucket.com/user/kevin_lindsay/media/Screenshot_2015-12-03-10-48-18_1.png.html][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/Screenshot_2015-12-03-10-48-18_1.png[/IMG][/URL]
  10. Exit Stage Left would be my suggestion also. Great selection of tracks (even though the sound mix is rather muddy).
  11. Albums: Rush - Exit Stage Left (fantastic tracks - apart from YYZ which I can't stand). Tom Waits - Orphans: Bawlers, Brawlers & Bastards (brilliant collection of songs). Steely Dan - Citizen 1972-80 (sheer class which has kept me entertained for decades). U2 - Achtung Baby (my favourite U2 album). David Bowie - Five Years set (classic early Bowie which still sounds inspirational). Beatles - stereo remastered set (the standard to which everything else is compared). Peter Gabriel - Secret World Live (one of the best live albums ever made). The Who - Hits 50 (just so I can get most of my favourite Who tracks on one set). For a book - Tom Wolfe - Bonfire Of The Vanities (I've read this book over and over. In fact, I think I'll do so again). Luxury item - my Martin HD28VS acoustic guitar.
  12. I've got the first 3 seasons of Boardwalk Empire looking for a new home. Genuine article, not a copy or a cheapo knock - off. I bought the set from a guy on here a while back. So, if anyone wants them as a freebie, just let me know and I'll get them posted off to you ASAP. Kevin
  13. Pino again - fantastic bass on this track: Oleta Adams - "Get Here" Watch "Oleta Adams - Get Here" on YouTube http://youtu.be/K2-yUQS70Kc
  14. Yup, "I shoulda Loved Ya" was T.M. Stevens on bass. Another cracker - this time with Randy Jackson (of American Idol panel fame) on bass. Narada Michael Walden "Divine Emotions" http://youtu.be/1XCTNi_2AS4
  15. If it's Major Tom, why was he wearing face jewellery in the space suit?
  16. Chaka Khan - Edinburgh Playhouse around 1981/2. The support band were a bunch of smooth jazz widdlers who played for around half an hour. 15 min break then Chaka came onto the stage, with the support band as her backing band. 40 minutes of her wailing, then off stage. Returned to play "I Feel For You", then the house lights cane up. Absolutely dire gig. Only gig I've ever walked out of was Rush in Glasgow SECC on the Clockwork Angels tour. Appallingly bad sound. If I'd just have waited for the DVD I could have saved myself the £85 ticket cost!
  17. Love it -he's back doing something that interests him, without pandering to the run of the mill "music scene". Good on him!
  18. Mantronix - "Got To Have Your Love". Great bassline http://youtu.be/7z_dNHwlBzM
  19. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1448102802' post='2913022'] Fretless was in fashion. The Pino stuff for Paul Young, pretty much anything by Mick Karn. Who did the fretless stuff foe Nick Heywood/Haircut 100? [/quote] The fretless bass on Nick Haywards early stuff was Pino.
  20. The final knob is the active EQ. It's flat at the centre notch position. Moving one way boosts towards a trebly sound, the other direction boosts the bass frequencies.
  21. The R40 Live stuff is released today (November 20th) in the USA. However the UK release has been delayed until December 4th - was only announced a couple of days ago. Looks like I've got to wait another fortnight until my pre-ordered 3CD/DVD boxset arrives from Amazon.
  22. Rush in Glasgow on the Clockwork Angels tour. Horrendously bad sound mix where I was sitting. This was surprising as I was a few rows directly behind the sound desk! All I could hear was drums and keyboards. I know Alex Lifeson was playing guitar as I could see it on the video screens, but I couldn't hear him or Geddy! I left after about 5 songs. On leaving the hall, the guys checking the tickets said, "don't blame you mate". Hahaha. Real shame, as I love the band. The Seahorses supporting U2 on the Popmart tour. A busker with a backing band (albeit containing John Squire from The Stone Roses). John's guitar sounded great, but the songs and the band's overall playing were garbage! Saying that, U2 were rubbish too until around halfway through the set (once they'd got the crap Pop album tracks out of the way). I also got roped in to seeing..... Bros at Wembley Stadium! The idea was sold to me by my ex-wife saying, "there's going to be loads of other acts on too". Turns out the other acts were SAW act like Sinitta, Sonia, and the like. Utter garbage - waste of a whole weekend
  23. I got the new "1" CD/DVD package. It sounds brilliant. Plus, the videos are super sharp quality.
  24. I saw Will Young in Glasgow last Friday. I was surprised in that the show was better than I had expected. I went along as my friend Paul Turner ( Jamiroquai ) was on bass. Really great band, and Michelle John ( Eric Clapton backing singer ) was amazing as always. Paul's bass sounded great through the PA. I spoke to the sound guy afterwards. Turns out he did the sound on Kate Bush's recent Hammersmith gigs.
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