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Posts posted by sellisnba

  1. Hi all.
    I'm looking to reduce the hum on my P bass, so shielding is next on my list. I thought about using conductive paint but though that maybe copper tape may be a better idea. I've noticed that a lot of people solder the copper tape at the joints. I'm awful at soldering so wanted to avoid going down that route.
    What are the benefits of copper tape over conductive paint?
    Could some one point me in the right direction for some decent tape that I wouldn't need to solder. I've seen some tape on ebay but I've no idea if it will need soldering.

  2. Hi all
    I've been trying to find out what the minor diatonic chords are, Whilst I know that the Major chords are

    Maj Min Min Maj Dominant Maj Dmin

    Could anybody tell me what the minor chords are as I'm trying to learn some minor arpeggios and not having any luck with finding the correct answer.


  3. Thanks for the replys, the existing holes are 10mm. The shafts on the full size tuners are I believe 12mm, however the bushings need a hole of 17.5mm.
    I'm starting to think a new neck will be an easier option.
    york5stringer Thanks for the offer but I'm not going to be able to make the sw meet up.

  4. Hi all
    Not sure if this in the right place. My dilemma is, I have a bass neck with silly small tuning pegs in it.I want to fit proper size one[size=4]s but the best way to do it is with a drill press. I was wondering if anyone with a drill press could help (preferbly in the southwest).[/size]
    I have asked in the local music shops [size=4]but the cost hardly makes it worth while.[/size]

  5. it's nice to see a lot of different opinions on this thread. I have always suspected that on BC there is a love for "cheap" basses and why not. There are some really nice basses out there for not a lot of money, once they have had a proper set up their ready to go. There are some nice high end basses out there to. I'd like to put out there, I'd be happy with any bass that i'm comfortable with whether it be an Fender american deluxe or a Harley benton jb (wish i could afford a deluxe).
    Thanks for all the great response's to the thread.

  6. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1411405125' post='2559208']
    Who told you that? My guess is it was a music shop assistant knowing that you were in the market for an amp, and trying to get you to part with more of your "hard earned" than you wanted.

    It was my guitar tutor at the time.

  7. Hi all.
    A question that's been floating around in my head for a while "who gigs a cheap bass". I just thought i would try and get some feedback on this. I've been looking through a few forums (probably not the best thing to do) and the attitude of some people has surprised me a bit. The fender forum was interesting, a majority of people seem to think anything that hasn't got the F logo on the headstock might as well be used as fire wood.
    There seems to be (on other forums) a particular hatred for anything Chinese or Indonesian and for that matter short scale is a swear word to some people!? :unsure:
    So whats the feedback from the Basschat mind? Are cheap basses good enough for the average pub band player or do you feel the need/want for more? When i first started to learn [size=1]guitar [/size]a bit of advice i was given is that a good amp can make a bad instrument sound great, plug a good instrument into a bad amp and the it will sound crap. So i guess a decent amp helps as well. I understand that some people are in a position to buy expensive gear but what about the budget conscious player.
    Feedback would be appreciated.

  8. Hi all
    I was looking to upgrade my amp soon and was hoping to go for a head and cab rather than a combo. My existing amp is a perfect ten 30w combo. Would it be possible to convert this into a cab? Reason being, it may be a while before before i can afford to buy a bigger cab but i would like to upgrade my amp as soon as possible.
    With the combo being a 30w does this mean i can not overload the 10" speaker with say a 100w head?
    Sorry for the daft questions. In my mind it seems like it would be straightforward (ie just adding a jack (via wires) to the speaker and removing the amp wires) The cab won't be used for gigging only practise.
    I would like to keep the amp part of the combo installed in case i wish to sell it in the future. Any help is appreciated.

  9. Ok probably not the best way to put, We all play for fun. What I was trying to say was does anybody just enjoy playing along to songs on there music player? I know there is a hell of a lot of people on here who are in bands.
    I'm a bedroom player and will probably remain that way for the foreseeable future. I could never picture myself in a band or jamming situation. I just wondered if there are other people out there doing the same. How do you know your good or confident enough with your own ability to play in front of strangers? The thought of it scares the crap out of me.

  10. [size=4][quote name='spaners' timestamp='1408559939' post='2531395'][/size]
    I have one two, fitted flats on mine.

    What flats have you fitted, I'm thinking of fitting a set myself. One observation I have made is the bass sounds odd in drop d tuning

  11. Can i play, newest addition to the family


    Fender modern player jazz, I tried it yesterday not expecting much and was impressed with how comfortable it was. Returned today to trade in my sub 4 and surprisingly got a good deal. My only gripe is the jazz pick up is a bit weak. Fit and finish is excellent.
    I highly recommend anyone who is thinking of trying one to go ahead.

  12. Thought i would add my 10p worth,
    I suffer from a rare condition which has knackered my joints and have always found playing high up the neck a real struggle. I was curious to try a short scale bass. I had the chance to play a fender modern player jazz ss scale over the weekend. I was very impressed, it was a hell of a lot more comfortable and i found it much easier to play up and down the neck quickly. I'm now in the market for one.
    I'd say give it a try i'm glad i did.

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