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Posts posted by redbandit599

  1. Hi, yeah,that's what I'm wondering.

    I kind of understand that maybe 'better quality' cables etc may give a 'cleaner' signal. But this isn't based on anything other than reading the marketing material (so not that reliable!)

    I'm sure there must be a guru or two on hear who will have an opinion/experience.

  2. Hi all

    Having fun tinkering with effects, I'm using cheap Stagg patch leads (chosen mostly for their rainbow colours!) but have since seen various other 'solderless' options. E.G. George L's, Planet Waves, Lava etc.

    My question is mostly, it it worth it? Do they make any audible improvement in the 'live' world (not worried about recording.)

    Also any recomendations which to use/avoid? (If worth doing.)

    Cheers all


  3. I think a name for your bass is ok, it just doesn't necessarily have to take on a 'sex' with it.

    My Sandberg has a name 'The Bandit Bass' it (and my username) derives from my old Suzuki Bandit motorbike, I sold the bike (after much heart wringing) but swore to spend the money on something fun and hence the bass has to be 'The Bandit Bass' and it also had to be red..

    Having just typed the above, I've probably just realised that I'm in no position to question giving a bass a sex..... :blink:

  4. For boats 'she' is pretty much the accepted terminology, anything else a bit weird.

    Mind you, I think that football fans who continually go on about '[u]we[/u] should have done this' , or ' [u]we [/u]played better in the second half etc' are even more deluded. You're just watching, probably not even at the game, there is no WE! You are just a punter!

  5. If it's cheap you want then you could do worse than buy my Behringer Bass Overdrive! Handy little thing and it has a blend control, can't go wrong really.


  6. I used to have a Hohner B Bass, this was very light in weight and to play, with a slim neck. Can't imagine they go for much now but it was a really nice giggable bass. Through neck, Jazz configuration pups and active/passive. Might be worth a look if one comes up for the right price.

    Lighter than my Warwick Corvette 4 (which is also very nice) and a similar size body.

  7. Hi all

    Having succesfully sold by DHA VT1 and TE Compressor, and subsequently used the funds and bought the only thing that I currently have the GAS for (Zoom H2N) I've decided that the Akai will probably be off to Ebay now in the hope of tempting some funds to go towards the next bought of GAS (which I'm sure will strike soon enough...)

    Thanks to all that have mad offers for trades, all have been of interest, just not really felt that I wanted them enough.

    I'll leave the post up in case anyone wants one of the cheapies, but I suspect these will go via the bay soon too.

    Cheers all


  8. Hi all

    Having a bit of a clear out and have discovered I've got quite a few bits and pieces knocking around that I won't be using, so might as well sell them on so they get a bit of action.

    [u]None of these have velcro on the bottom, all prices are posted to a UK address. Payment by Paypal gift or bank transfer.[/u]
    First up the cheap ones [b](NOW OPEN TO OFFERS FOR THESE CHEAPIES)[/b] :-

    [b]Behringer Bass Overdrive BOD100 £20 (or make me an offer!)[/b]

    Quite a gnarly little thing in very good condition, I think these are supposed to be a clone of the Boss ODB, but I've never owned one of those so couldn't tell you if they sound the same! Importantly it's got a balance control so you can blend in the overdriven signal with your clean tone. Made of a very robust plastic. For £20, you can't go wrong really.


    [b]SOLD (Cheers Sam!) [s]Behringer V-tone GDI21 £20 (or make me an offer!)[/s][/b]

    [s]This is the guitar version of the BDI that is popular with many on here, I bought it to try out a particular idea which I've now decided against. It's a DI and Amp Simulator, or can just be used as a distortion pedal too. This is absolutely mint having only been used a couple of times, still has original packaging, documents and battery![/s]


    [b]Ibanez Sound Tank - Classic Metal £17 (or make me an offer!)[/b]

    This is pretty old, and pretty nasty sounding. It's another guitar pedal that I've never used with bass properly, though I've tried it a couple of times and you certainly notice it... Had it kicking around for ages, a few paint chips but nothing too bad. You'll know if you want it or not.


    Cheers all


  9. Hi all

    Not sure if the contravenes any rules, don't think so as this [u]isn't[/u] a For Sale add.

    I've got an A1 condition Akai Unibass (boxed, PSU etc), I bought it a little while back via Basschat and paid what I thought was a fair price and what the seller asked for.

    Since then I've decided to sell it and having a look about have found them listed for more than three times what I paid on Ebay and Talkbass (those Amercans seems to like them very much!)

    Now, I'm not overly mercenary but I wondered what you all thought one of these is 'really' worth before I list it. I wouldn't mind making a few quid on it, and I can justify it by almost certainly guaranteeing that the proceeds will get 're-invested' in other goodies via the forums. Might even chuck the original seller a beer or two if it does well.

    I'd be no good running a shop :rolleyes:


  10. Here's a curve ball for you, I've just got an Auralex Gramma (plenty of threads about these already) to go under my rig, this has really worked on the wooden floor of the village hall where we practice. My sound instantly is tighter and more focused without changing it at all. I'm very impressed, as are the rest of the band.

    If you want a Trace Elliot SMX dual compressor, then let me know and I'll finally get around to deciding how much I want for it. (Mint condition, had it since new, has proper 18v PSU - very light usage.)

  11. Hi Ozmike, yep the Fishman looks like the thing, but this is what I've been trying with my Unibass.

    Prime_BASS, now that's an idea! I like the sound of that. I do like Octave, but for that Hammondy sound that you can get from them, but what you describe is more what I'm after.

    I suppose that's just something like a Boss LS - 2 to split and blend the signal and then with the 'guitar bit' through a seperate (or not I suppose)overdrive before reconnecting.


    Cheers all


  12. Cheers Lefrash, that looks like a possibility.

    Rob, I've got an Akai Unibass (which is basically the same as the Fishman) it does work and every now and then I think I've nailed it. This is what I've been trying through the PA at practice combined with a Behringer GDI21 guitar amp sim.

    I just had a bit of a change of heart and thought that maybe there's another way to add something to the bass tone, rather than try and emulate a guitar too closely. Plus, I run a looper into into the PA for sound samples, so with that and the Akai I've got cables everywhere! So would be good to do it all through the backline.

    Cheers though, we obviously thought the same and that's why initially tracked down a Unibass.

    Should just be practicing rather than making wierd noises I suppose!

  13. Cheers guys, off to do research! Some good suggestions in here.

    Sibob, is that the Bass BB Pre or the Guitar version?

    Lefrash, is that the Joyo JF12? Green thing with a goat on the front!

    Paul, good tip, already started tying up my fingers and knackered brain with that!

    Ray, I've always fancied an eight string. But I'm very much a fingerstyle guy, do you need to use a pick to get that 8 string sound?

    Thanks again.

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