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Posts posted by redbandit599

  1. Never liked it, I like to see the form and shape of the guitar. Sunburst just seems to muddy that up to my eye.

    I do like some of the other colour bursts that you can get, but they seem to have a less pronounced change of colour more just a gradual darkening. But the whole nicotine yellow to red to black doesn't do it for me.

  2. Can't comment on the others but I love my Sandberg California. The bridge humbucker can be split so there's endless tonal variation to play with. It's also quite handy that when you switch to passive the tone changes but the output stays the same. Quite a bit less than £2k too.

  3. +1 for the bike chain, although this might not work attaching to a metal pedal board.

    My board is just an off cut of ply, with another bit screwed underneath to make it into a little ramp, after a suitably lairy 3 year olds paint job and a coat or two of varnish it's pretty good. If you want to change positions it's just a case of screwing the pedals in where you want them. Not as quick as velcro but very solid. I only use two chain links per pedal and it's fine.

  4. I had a used one with 210 and 212 too, plenty loud and the 212 had a lot of bottom to it. The cabs are actually pretty light too. I did try it through a BC410 as well and that was very nice.

    In the end I didn't hang on to it for long as I didn't really 'fall for it' (it was my first new amp in 20 years, my old Ampeg combo is a tough act to follow) and I made the 'mistake' of trying some EBS gear, which I really liked and then sourced second hand (for about twice the cost of the TC unfortunately.)

    Overall, it was a good solid rig that pumped out plenty of volume and was a lot of stack for the money (and if you're a luddite like me) it also looks like a bass amp, rather than a clock radio :rolleyes:.

  5. Sibob's approach would definitely trump the BSW, although cost more of course. It depends if you just want a cheap dabble for starters with a second hand pedal that you can move on if it doesn't do what you need, or are sure that you want to invest a broader set of quality pedals. Playing about with them is fun and dangerously addictive (watch out!)

  6. I think that the thing with the Digitech BSW is that there are a lot of pretty useless sounds in there, but also a few good settings that are a lot of fun when you find them (even my drummer likes it!). I agree that a fuzz is more generally useful though, but if the OP considered going down the seperate fuzz and octave route then the BSW has the added benefit of then being able to do Fuzz into Wah (which sounds great) as well as covering the octave duties.

  7. Hi all

    I've stuck this up on the Bassists wanted forum too, but thought it wise to come straight to the DB forum as well!


    Hope someone wants to connect to my mate Lee!


  8. Hi all

    I'm putting this ad up for a drumming mate of mine who is looking for a double bass player in the Essex/Herts area.

    I've known Lee for years, and used to gig with him for a good few and he's a real solid player and a top bloke too. He's trying to get a three piece combo together with a guitarist and vocalist already in place. Sounds like they are pretty ready to go.

    They do lots of Stray Cats and Eddie Cochrane type stuff and are looking to do some of the rockabilly/hot rod /tattoo convention type gigs (Lee is well known in this circle so has loads of contacts.)

    Lee can be contacted on 07828 686926 (he lives out on the North Essex coast) I don't know where the guitarist lives or where they practice. Probably best to go direct but let me know if you get the gig anyone!



    P.S. they've politely declined my offer of adding 5 string metal bass, so I think it is a DB player that they really want...

  9. There were good bands all over, I saw Krokodil (great band, vocals let them down, all that shouting is so last decade.. :rolleyes: ), Little Ceasar and Turisas in the Pepsi, also caught I am I in the Red Bull.

    Only bands I saw that didn't have something going for them (imho of course) were Slipknot and 30 Seconds to Mars. To be fair to the 'knot I only saw the tail end of their set as I'd watched Black Stone Cherry (awesome.)

  10. Did the whole weekend, and I was also there for 88 and 92. Actually quite pleased that I still could fit into my 'Clairvoyant' T-shirt that I bought there in 88 and was able to take it back 25 years later! (It must have stretched a bit.)

    A good Maiden set, the sound a bit muffled and suffered from the wind (particularly Nicko.)

    If anyone just went for the Saturday though or left before the end, then you missed Rammstein, who put on another God-like performance. Absolutely, hands down, the live show to see (even if you don't know their stuff.)

  11. Another +1 for Essex Amp Repairs in Witham.

    They recently replaced a faulty power transformer (think that's what it was called anyway) in my EBS HD350. They had to get the part from EBS in Sweden as there wasn't an exact match available from usual sources. Safety tested and certified as standard.

    Two very professional and friendly guys, well set up and obviously busy full time operation.

  12. Welcome!

    If you have space, cash and a strong back and Jack Bruce is your man, then you could always buy one of his stacks! Two secondhand full Hartke stacks up for sale at Music Warehouse in Colchester from his 2009 tour evidently.(They are always up for a bit of a haggle too, ask for Lou ;-) )


    However, back in the real world just try a few bits out and trust your ears.

    Have fun.

  13. I used to get this when I gigged a lot back in the day, and it was due to digging in too much under the influence of adrenalin. Technique and playing softer with a louder amp has pretty much solved it for me now.

    But, a quick tip that helps to toughen up your finger tips is to dip them in surgical spirit a couple of times a day, after a week or so they should start to toughen up a but. Not like getting callouses, the skin just seems to get a bit tougher.

  14. Surely this is more a comment on Radio 2's play list than on peoples choices? If they had to choose from Radio 2's Top 100 albums by number of plays, and there is still 100 albums on this 'favourites' list then, this is the original play list shuffled into some kind of popularity order. None of my favourites are on here, but I still listen to and enjoy Radio 2 in the car sometimes.
    Have to say a word in defence of Keane as they are getting a bit of a slagging (not really my 'thing', I'm off to Download this year for the weekend :crazy: ) but I've been along with the missus to see them a couple of times and they are a class live act. That lad has an amazing set of pipes on him and it's a very 'positive' vibe compared to normal gigs. There are even family groups, with young kids and grannies along. IMHO if a band gets kids out to see live music, played by a band (rather than the 'go-go karaoke' that passes for a lot of the tosh they get fed these days) then they can't be that bad.

    Coldplay, on the other hand..... ;)

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