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Posts posted by attackbass

  1. The new 802 looks like an amazing amp.


    I've recently discovered that I love the EBS tone that I get from the amps. I was blown away by a 350/360 that I plugged into about 16/17 years ago at a shop and then went on a whimsical trip of a load of other amps until this year when I got a 502 and Neo 2x12. 

    Literally the loudest amp I've played ever. From wedding venues to 1000 cap music venues I haven't really gotten it past 1/4 on the master volume.... And in some cases that was with just one 4ohm cab. 

    I find them amazingly versatile amps. Yes they do that 90s rnb sound but I get some really nice warm sounds and find the bright control really effective. With rounds a dial it down with flats I dial it up to around half way as it helps give the bass some more clarity. 


    They also have a very tough, authoritive punchy tone when cranked yet clear, you can really hear the bass and the sub roll off thing is really great for me. Haven't had a muddy undefined tone since getting the rig.


    If I had the need or money I would pounce on the new amp! Instead I may just buy a drive pedal as I'm very happy with the 502...

  2. I spoke with Carol and ordered some books last year just as additional learning materials. Would be interested to hear how the lesson went. 

    I saw comments on talkbass from disgruntled ex students who Carol refused to keep teaching as they weren't at a standard required for her level of tuition... But that is talkbass where I also read that ant Wellington was a ball buster and gives you a hard time... Nothing could be further from the truth, he just expects students to be serious about thier learning and bass and is an incredibly nice guy! 

  3. I think it depends on the teacher and also building a rapport between the student and the teacher so that it becomes less awkward after a few lessons and the technology doesn't get in the way..

    I have regular Skype lessons with Ant Wellington. He is the greatest bass teacher I have ever had, his knowledge and teaching style really works for me and my playing has developed massively in the last year. I don't even consider Skype to be an issue at all. His communication and engaging teaching style really makes the lessons work. 

    I believe that he was the first person to ever start teaching via Skype in the early 2000s. You have to be committed tho and serious about learning with Ant, but he is a great teacher and mentor who really cares about his students.  

  4. I like elixirs on bass. The stainless steels that is.

    I find they are quite warm, full sounding strings but have a nice high end/treble  response to slapping and articulation when digging in with fingers. I think they feel quite nice to play and they keep that tone and it lasts. I've had a 5 string set on since October and they still sound great. They do start looking weird when the coating starts to wear away but I can live with it. I play about 3-4 hours a day usually. 


    I think I'm going to move to using TI Flats on most of my basses but for rounds, they are great strings that last and will probably leave a set on at least one bass if I need a stainless steel round wound tone! 


    I used to change my strings every three shows on tour years ago, which was fine financially as an endorsement deal meant they cost peanuts but when I look back I consider it such a waste. If I was in that playing situation again I would just stick elixirs on and be happy that I didn't need to change strings or worry about dud sets. 

  5. Just put in a Nordstrand Powerblade pickup today in my limelight p bass! 

    Incredible sounding pickup. Tight, clear, articulate and punchy! It's Hi-fi whilst still remaining warm, and not overpronounced in the highs.  It's made the bass just that little bit better sounding than it did with whatever pickups are supplied in those basses.

    I did A quick AB in pro tools to see what the difference was. The nordstrand is definitely a more refined tone. The original limelight pickup was looser in the lows, maybe had a bit more low mids and the high end was a lot clankier or vintage sounding. Probably a good pickup for limelight. I love the looks of vintage basses but definitely more a fan of the more modern bass sound. 

     I now have blades in two basses and love them! I've recently discovered TI Flats and blades are a great match. Very fat without sounding typically Flatwound like! 

    • Like 2
  6. Own Reidmar 502 played through the TD660 once at a festival in Sweden and a good few times in rehearsals.. good few years ago so to make a comparison would be hard 


    There are features that I like about the TD660 but I love my 502. Goes down to two ohms.


    If you love the 750 and don't use the drive it makes perfect logic to go for the 502. Plus it has a load of slam!

  7. 6 minutes ago, GuyR said:

    I have had that done to a jazz bass neck. It was great for a while, then bowed again, less than before but still not able to get my preferred action. It was a 1 piece neck. Understand that a separate fingerboard neck can give a better long term result.

    having said that if it has worked for others it’s worth a punt as you have nothing to lose.

    if that doesn’t work, you do see 70s neck for sale occasionally. I would keep the finish as is. A neck solution can be found, even if it takes time. Best of luck.

    Yeah, this neck is a one piece maple neck and my tech did mention heat treatment but wasn't convinced about it. 

    I'm trying to remember but I think he did put in spacers. He is a well respected tech/luthier but I am going to see who else is local who may be able to have a look and offer another opinion. 

    I would be concerned about the fingerboard being leveled without somebody making a mess of it, I would have to be 100% happy that they were going to restore it. It would require the binding being repainted, blocks reseated in the neck and the lawyer re-applied. 

    Right now, im edging towards just getting an all parts neck. If anyone can recommend any South Wales guitar Luthiers/techs please let me know 


    Thanks for all your feedback


  8. The truss rod was maxed out with a big curve still present. The curve is not so severe now, but the truss rod is still maxed out, holding it in place. 


    From what my tech said, the curve/warp was too large for the trussrod to deal with. He explained the truss rod was only really intended for small adjustments and a thin metal pole would not be able to correct the curvature present in the neck.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Manton Customs said:

    Not really an issue, refinishing a fretboard isn't a huge job.

    Two worries I would have, would be that it would wreck the binding, which I think is just painted tbh, and if it was restored would looks a bit odd?


    The other think is the warp tend to look it's most severe towards the nut end of the neck. I'm no tech, so correct me if I'm wrong but usually isn't planing the fretboard only usually done at the higher register part of the fingerboard where it has lifted? 

  10. 1 hour ago, NJE said:

    If it was me, I would keep as much of the bass the same as possible so no re-spray etc. All of the dings and marks sound like they have been well earned and add to the ‘mojo’ so keep it all as part of the bass’ story.

    I would source a new high quality blocker neck, Warmoth or Allparts and have all of the decals duplicated which is pretty simple to to. You won’t get the bullet truss rod but it will be really close.

    i don’t know if you have Instagram but there is a guy on there called Jagged_offset_electric and he gets some beautiful necks and does nitro tints and all that kind of thing and I am sure someone like him would be able to help with decals.

    So new neck and the rest original for me, then frame the old neck with a load of pictures of you using it or use it as a back scratcher.

    Thanks,  that was one idea actually id forgotten about , I think I struggled to find the right decals online before tho but will maybe do some more digging. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Skybone said:

    Maybe try and get in touch with the producer, and see if he has a contact at Fender so you can get another neck just like the one on your bass.

    It's a long shot, and it could turn out to be expensive, but it might be worth a try, especially if it enables you to continue playing your favourite bass.

    I don't think fender make the necks at all anymore. The guy no longer has a fender deal either and I don't think fender, judging by my experience of being a fender artist in the past care about helping with these issues. They just want to sell guys in bands discounted guitars so they can be seen playing with them.

  12. 30 minutes ago, Manton Customs said:

    This is what I’d do if I couldn’t solve it by another method (which I’d try first).

    Planing and refretting the neck would be guaranteed to work though as it’s letting the wood do what it naturally wants to do and not trying to correct it by forcing it straight.

    If it’s just the truss rod that has run out of adjustment that can be fixed without going this far though. Thats a very common problem on Fender necks.

    The neck is maple with block inlays, I don't think planing will be an option as the neck is coated in a thick poly coating, without stripping the neck of the finish and refinishing

  13. I've got a USA 75 Reissue Jazz Bass, the one in natural with black blocks and binding and I toured and recorded with the bass for ten years, in all sorts of conditions from sub zero trailer temperatures in Eastern Europe to boiling hot trucks transporting gear across Australia. 

    The bass has huge sentimental value to me. I got it in LA when I was recording an album with one of my previous bands back in 2007 and the producer, who was also at the time also a bass player in a hugely successful UK rock band,got me the bass through his fender endorsement. So I'm in LA recording an album, with a producer who was in my favourite band growing up who also turns out to be one of the nicest people I've ever worked with. You can probably see why I have some attachment to the bass! 

    Fast forward to 2-3 years ago and due to getting issues with RSI I decide to give my basses all lower actions (I probably put James Jameson to shame) which was no problem apart for this fender. It played like total crap, so this spring I gave in and took it to a well respected guitar tech. 

    His diagnosis was a warped neck or that the neck had settled in that position. He attempted to repair the neck, basically clamping and forcing it into shape whilst tightening the truss rod in the hope it would hold the neck pretty straight. 

    He did a good job and the neck was definitely better for a while, and still is better than it was but it still has a bit of a bow and I would really like to have the bass playable and so have been stuck with the dilemma of what to do...


    The tech thinks I should just replace the neck and have it converted to a 4 screw bolt on (it's 3 screw bolt on micro tilt)  with an all parts neck similar to the original as the frets on the current neck are almost done. My problem with this (and it's stupid) is that it'll lose some of its vibe and looks with a nameless neck without the cool logos, and bullet trussrod etc and I think those necks have a Vintage tint which mine doesn't.


    My other option is to retire the bass and keep it for sentimental value and just a piece of my history. 

    My third option is to do a bit of a Jaco and get the body completely refinished (this bass is battered), get a new neck and effectively make a completely new bass from the parts. Bit extreme but would be a bit like a bass resurrection. Lol. 

    I don't know what other options I should consider so would love to hear some thoughts from fellow bass players on what they might do. I've tried and failed to find an actual 75 RI neck or one that's similar, fender don't have any answers for providing an alternative.


    If it was a bass I had just played a number of weddings gigs on and kept in the house I would simply  just replace the neck with an all parts neck... But this bass has literally been around the world with me and I have spent so much of my life playing it!


    Maybe I should just get a life haha but still would love to hear suggestions, thoughts or recommendations of Luthiers with God like powers!



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