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Jono Bolton

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  1. FAO: Fender flatwound users - does the 'fat' part of the E string still wrap around the tuner post? I had some on my P Bass before and remember that the taper started after the string had already met the tuner. Is this still an issue? I was thinking of buying some.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. discreet


      Actually it could have something to do with how the strings are cut, because you need enough windings to get the string leaving the post as near to the headstock as possible for a good break angle over the nut. Same with the A string. It's not ideal to have the 'fat' part of the E round the post, especially flat wounds, but you should be OK with Fender flats, they're fairly robust. I love La Bella flats personally, but they are surprisingly fragile and don't like being messed about.

      You could try rewinding the E string and concentrate on having the string leave the post right at the bottom if possible, but if you're not getting any buzzing or other problems with it I'd advise leaving well alone. HTH. :)

      I'm coming to the conclusion that flats don't like being cut and I try not to cut them whenever possible. You can get a La Bella onto the E post without cutting it because the 'non-fat' part of the string is quite narrow. But it still takes a bit of planning.

    3. yorks5stringer


      Interesting re flats not liking to be cut because I've had them on and off my telebass number of times when swapping out pickups etc and the end on the D has literally snapped off the length that goes into the post hole, leaving me with less to wrap around the tuner post causing some issues with slipping.

    4. discreet


      When I have unavoidably needed to cut a flat, I put a blob of superglue on the end, and wait for in to completely dry (obviously) to stop the thing from unravelling. If you cut a flat through the 'fat' part of the string it will definitely unravel. They just don't seem to be as robust as rounds.

      Once I held some La Bellas to the fretboard with a capo so I could do some work to the headstock. I should have been less lazy. I was very careful, but somehow the strings got a bit folded and at the fold the steel outer casings came away and the strings were useless. I'd only had them on there for a week, they weren't even anywhere near broken in. I had to bin them and buy some more. What a waste!

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