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Posts posted by Japhet

  1. Playing in pubs there will always be constraints. In my experience, an un-miked drumkit is plenty loud enough and levels get set accordingly. A bit of kick drum through the PA can help. Good sound separation only happens when band members listen to each other and are sympathetic. As stated before, if you don't have a sound man out front I can't see the point in all going through the PA and it seems like a bit of a modern fad. We normally get a couple of our trusted punters to give us a bit of input as to what the sound is like out front.

  2. I'm using a Lakland Skyline 55-01 and during gigs if I turn towards my amp it starts to buzz. Turning bass to Passive reduces it somewhat. Have read that these basses have a noisy preamp and I'm considering putting a John East one in it. Anyone got any thoughts? Should I put some shielding in the cavity and if so what should I use? All the leads are good by the way.

  3. I've got the 1820 too. Used to gig with it. It had casters on the bottom so wheeled around nicely. I could tip it up and slide it in the back of my Subaru Legacy so no issues there. Sounded huge as well - felt like somebody kicking you n the calves when you stood in front of it. It now lives permanently in the rehearsal room.

  4. I use a Tecamp (Black Jag) head with an older TechSoundsystems 2x12 cab and it sounds fantastic (to my ears). In the past I've used some Markbass stuff and always found it a bit bland I suppose. Not knocking their stuff at all because it obviously works for some. I think there's a head to head between a MB and a Tecamp combo on Youtube somewhere which would be worth a look.

  5. I'd put the envelope filter before the compressor since it works off the dynamics of the note played. I'd have the tuner first in the chain. Presumably you want the DI to have all of the effects fed into it so have it last. Fuzz and octave after the compressor. (Sits back and waits to be corrected :unsure:)

  6. Decent turn out on Friday with a lively crowd who went for it (quite spectacularly in some cases). Polar opposite on Saturday in a deserted pub, presumably since England were taking on the might of Honduras prior to the Football onslaught in the coming weeks.

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