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Posts posted by CBbass

  1. I've been using DR Hi Beams, going to try DR Lo-Rider next because the Hi's are too bright for my taste. Great quality so I'm sticking with DR strings though :).

  2. I would suggest selling what you have, getting a cheap squier Jazz then going to look for "the one". I only ever have 1 bass at a time, all I know is I want a modern style P bass. I just sold my 57' and now I'm on the look for my one and only. Read up specific specs on Jazz bass' to find which model you want the most then go look for that one. Of course this is only what I would do in your shoes! :)

  3. As the title says; where can I read a detailed history of the P bass? I want to find a good 70's P bass but I want to read about my options first. I'm pretty much looking for the sort where it explains e.g. when they started using different pots, neck profiles, moved the thumb rest etc.

    I know websites like this exist, there has to be one for the P bass... because it's the P bass dammit! :)

    Many thanks

  4. [quote name='Thornybank' timestamp='1333017546' post='1596162']
    No guidance on wants (not even number of strings) and no clues on valuation.

    Looks like this is a fish for 'best deal offered', rather than specific want or valuation on the P-Bass.
    Another game of 'What have you got?' meets 'Guess what I'm thinking.'...?
    Usually ends with 'I'll just keep it' or 'off to the Bay'.

    But.. maybe not...

    These are lovely basses.
    I had one from new.
    Back in the '80s it took me three years to get £300 for it.
    It was all Jazzes then...
    Gotta be worth [i]at least[/i] £800 now.

    There ya go - while I was typing - posted a £1k.
    Honest value, I reckon.

    Alright, well I'm after 4 strings only. I really don't have anything specific I'm after. If you want a valuation perhaps you should google what these have gone for, do you expect every seller to provide countless links to previous sales? Because I don't think I've seen a for sale thread with that. Thanks for your valuation, have a nice day.

  5. [i][u][b]***SOLD***[/b][/u][/i]

    Putting this back up but for trade only. [b]I can offer up to £500ish with this bass[/b], so don't think yourself cheeky to ask for money on my behalf for your bass! Not after anything in particular.

    It's a first year 57 year 1982 Fullerton made Precision bass.

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm sure some of you might know these are the first year vintage reissues and can go for as much as some custom shop models. They may be CBS, but they are held in high regard with quality - they are said to have been made with the tools used on the original basses, also some of the original team were still around when they made these. There are a lot of threads on talkbass about this specific year and model so if you are unsure then I'd suggest checking over there.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Every part on this bass is unmodified and original. It has been gigged by what I am told the second owners grandfather, I am the third owner. All wear is natural wear and tear.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The neck pocket is amongst the tightest I've seen on a fender bass in person. The neck is fine though it needs a proper setup which I'm not capable of. All the electronics work perfectly. It is very light at [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]7.5lbs. neck date is [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]11/12/82 (pics included). There are a few slight bumps are paint chips as to be expected. The nitro finish has sunk in nicely to the wood, there is some buckle rash on the back. the knobs have some chrome come off from what I assume is sweat.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I have seen/read the plasic wiring is correct for some first years, the neck written in pencil is also. With some googling I'm sure you can find this. I can get more pics on request. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]strings are dr hi beams I think 45s.[/font][/color]

    [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]I have bought 2 items, sold 1 bass from this website, proof can be given.[/color][/font]

    [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828][/color][/font]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]MORE PICS INCLUDING GUTS AND NECK STAMP IN LINKS.[/font][/color]

  6. Thanks for the replies.

    [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1332758874' post='1592528']
    Its your call. You can send them on trust. When I traded here, I met the guy, we both tried hte basses out and exchanged but there are other ways if the distances are prohibitive. Use the feedback section to see if someone has traded before and it may put your mind at rest. Most people here are cool and its only gone horribly wrong a few times and we have been able to intervene to resolve the situation. But, in a nutshell, it is up to you to make sure you only take risks you are prepared for.

    Are you able to tell me what happened and how they were resolved? Thanks

  7. So I've had a few offers for a bass I have and am probably going to end up trading it, possibly with their or my cash to make up for a price difference; depending on which deal I take. However, I'm not really sure how trades work exactly, do you both agree to send your bass to each other in good faith and hope they don't scam you? I looked for a guide on this but couldn't find one which was surprising based on the amount of trades which go on. I would really appreciate it if anyone could explain how to safely trade. Some people may have good feedback, but I'm a little worried about sending a valuable instrument to them, regardless of what their feedback may be.

    Apologies if I used the wrong forum!


  8. [quote name='lozbass' timestamp='1332144814' post='1583740']
    Recent, expensive folly has taught me that anything other than short-scale is useless for me. If this were not the case, I'd grab this bass immediately - I really can't believe it's still here. One of Fender's finest.

    Thanks :)

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