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Posts posted by dangerboy

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='677254' date='Dec 7 2009, 09:45 PM']BTW. That Travis Bean is going to look absolutely fantastic when it's finished. Have you found a source for the missing parts?[/quote]

    I'm hoping that Electrical will make them for me - they've certainly done them in the past for people. Just a nut and a pickguard required!

  2. I just took delivery of a guitar that a previous owner had taken a paintbrush to in the most horrific way imaginable. Just look:


    The acrylic has come off with a bit of my favourite paint stripper, but now I need the body re-finished in a lovely glossy black or white (I haven't decided which yet). I don't have the patience to do it myself! The body will be stripped right back to the wood and sanded before it goes off for spraying.

    So I'm looking for recommendations for someone to respray it. Websites seem to massively vary in cost.

    Does anyone know someone who does good work for an OK price?

  3. Get second-hand GK gear. It holds its resale value, sounds amazing and is bomb-proof. I've never done a gig with a GK head without being congratulated on my tone by other musicians.

    But then I've never found a Hartke I liked. It's a very subjective thing.

  4. [quote name='craigjf1969' post='660507' date='Nov 20 2009, 08:00 PM']Hey dangerboy...how much did you pay for the trc,if you dont mind me asking..cheers Craig[/quote]
    Sorry mate - it was ages ago and I don't remember exactly.

  5. I currently have a nice Ibanez Musician for sale, and it's not shifting on here:


    I thought that rather than dealing with the eBay hassle, it might be an interesting experiment to ask a shop to sell it on consignment. I'm in London, so I have quite a big choice.

    I was wondering which shops people recommend? Are some shops better for some kinds of bass? What kind of commission should I expect? I'm totally new to this, but thought that I might give it a go.

  6. [quote name='karlfer' post='659847' date='Nov 20 2009, 07:55 AM']Hello Dangerboy. I am very close to having a punt, so some answers if you would be so kind.
    Is the truss rod working?
    Are all the electrics good, pick ups working individual and together.
    What is the action like at 1, 12 or 17 frets.
    Whats it like to play (subjective I know)
    Would you accept a cheque(I would happily wait for it to clear) as it's a long way from Wigan to London.[/quote]

    Hi. I haven't ever used the truss rod. The neck is straight, so I guess that it's working.

    Electrics are good. I had a go with all the switches and knobs earlier.

    I'll take some measurements of the action - I would say that it's a medium at the moment, but I've never really worked to bring it down (I just rock out, and my gf likes this bass the way it is).

    To play? It's not too heavy. It sounds very Rick-like. I love it - but then I only play with a pick. Your mileage may vary!

    Cheques are fine by me.

  7. Hi Jon,

    I reckon the finish is a transparent blue over clear. Where it has flaked off it's revealed a glossy clear layer. No idea who did it or when.

    The height adjuster screws fit fine - but they didn't when I played with this saddle-section on another faker bridge. I guess this one has more accurate dimensions?

    Off to take pics of the bridge pup!


    I bought this bass 3 years ago, sold it one year ago to my girlfriend, and now it's back, because she has double bass repair bills to pay, and no basschat account!

    Some history - the previous owner sent me a picture of this with 'CMI' on the headstock. Unfortunately this had been scratched off by the time it got to me, so I've replaced the TRC with an 'interesting' one from a man in Italy. I'm told it's not real, and I believe this, but it looks really nice and somehow balances the bass well visually. I tried plain white and it never looked right.

    Similarly, I've replaced the pickups and the saddles-section of the bridge (what do you call that?) with parts that sellers on here (pickups, a long time ago) and eBay (saddles) tell me are genuine Rick. But I can never be sure - I don't have an original to compare. The tuners are also replacements - when I got it there were mini schallers fitted, two of them upside-down! These are far-eastern generic things.

    Good points:

    The thru-neck
    The colour (!)
    The thick gloss on the fretboard
    The inlays
    The sound

    Bad points (all by a previous owner!):

    The bridge has been lowered by routing underneath, in order to make the action lower. The rout is fine, but it has left the finish messy around the bridge
    The bridge pickup surround has been cut back to allow a lower action
    I don't like the knobs
    There's a thin crack in the scratchplate
    Only one truss rod

    Given the additions and the unique colour I'm looking for SOLD. I'm in london, and am happy to meet pretty much anywhere in this fair (?) city for handover.

  9. I used a Devi Ever Dark Boost for a while. Reviewed by my drummer as 'I feel like I just shoved my head into a bassbin'. That should do the business.

    But as others have noted - if your cab can't do meaty low-down bass you're just wasting your time with pedals.

  10. I bought this guitar second-hand a couple of months ago as a fun way to try out a 12-string. It turns out that I'll never get the chance to play it (because I love my new 6-string so much that I have foresworn all other guitars).

    This is a Gordon Smith, 24.75 inch scale, single humbucker, recently re-strung with rotosounds. It looks like a mahogany body and one-piece set maple neck. Apologies for the pics - the full-length ones seem to have come out pretty dark. The body shots look good, though, and really reflect the real colour.

    A few BCers own Gordon Smiths (I think) and I've never read a bad word about them. I think the new price of a guitar like this would be over £500, and this guitar is in really good condition - there are some barely-noticeable scuffs on the bottom of the guitar and a couple of marks on the pickguard.

    I'm looking for [b]£200[/b] for this. I'm based in London and can meet centrally most days. I'll happily post it, which will add a bit to the price.

  11. The impression I get from chats with people who know these kind of bands is that you a/. keep costs to a minimum b/. keep another job for when you're not touring and c/. know that one day you'll run out of money, and the music will stop.

    There's a stable income stream to be had in continental Europe (as has been pointed out above, the faddish "music" press seem to hold less sway there) too, but that's really only enough to make tours self-funding, rather than to make money.

    In the UK the system seems to be rigged in favour of bands who have someone with very big pockets paying for everything until the day they're doing arena tours.

  12. [u]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320459227688

    I love basses with meaty single coil pickups, through-necks and passive circuitry.

    I also have too many of them - quite a few never get to come out to play.

    I also spend too much money on gear, so have a few debts to pay!

    So please buy this Ibanez Musician bass. It looks amazing (from the front) and has quite a few bangs and scrapes (on the top, bottom and back). It also sounds like the business. Admittedly I've only ever played it on the back pickup, with a pick, but those Talkbass fellas reckon you can get loads of sounds out of it (even without the active circuitry of an MC924). The serial number has it down as a 1980. One of the knobs looks like it's non-original.

    Here's the original Ibanez catalogue to tell you all about it. [url="http://www.ibanez.co.jp/anniversary/expansion.php?cat_id=65&now=6"]http://www.ibanez.co.jp/anniversary/expans...id=65&now=6[/url]

    I'm looking for and I'm based in Central London, but can get all over London for handover if required. As ever, feel free to hit me with trades, especially for 1x12 cabs, firewire interfaces, lightweight power amps, or anything with an aluminium neck.

    Can you let all this delicious Ash, Mahogany, Maple, Walnut and Rosewood escape?

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