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Posts posted by bertbass

  1. I always prefered the sound of Fanes over Celestions, they distorted less and had a less middly sound. That was a long time ago mind you but I still have a soft spot for Fanes. The Fane studio series were fantastic, the first British speaker manufacturer to challenge the USA for quality speakers.

  2. Bought my precision in 1972 and it cost £220. It was £200 right handed but being lefthanded I had to pay an extra 10%. It was sunburst as I couldn't afford another 10% for a solid colour. I never could understand that as sunburst uses at least 3 colours so why did it cost more for just one?

    Ah, The Target in Reading. I've done a few gigs in there. Did the manager, Ted if I remember correctly, fire golf balls at you as you were trying to pack the gear away?

  3. In the 70s I played a gig where mine and one of the guitarists machine heads touched which was rapidly followed by a blinding blue flash. I kept well away from him for the rest of the set. Checked the mains plug on his amp and the earth had come loose and was touching the live wire. Apparently the audience thought the effect was great.

  4. If you like the cab why not just put a handle on the side and carry it with one hand. something like this, http://www.maplin.co.uk/large-strap-handle-43826?c=maplin&utm_source=gcs&utm_medium=gcs_search&utm_campaign=L93AZ&utm_content=Handles

  5. This is the world of the left handed player. The chances to try before you buy are virtually nil. Go into any music shop and you'll find a whole host of interesting right handed basses, but in the left handed section we find a Squire Jazz, normally black, and possibly a cheap Yamaha and or Peavey and that's it. At least amps are

  6. In theory there is no difference in sound between front ports and rear ports and if you're standing in front of your cab playing this is true. However, when I used a couple of rear ported 4x10s recently our drummer complained that the bass became so overpowering that he couldn't hear his foldback or the guitar in places. No difference in the amp setting though. I suspect that he was hearing the output of the ports where he'd never heard it before, but then again, he is a drummer!

  7. Don't forget that in the 60s / 70s that was all we had, 100w valve head and 2, 4x12s and that did any venue with no PA support. 2000 seater, well stander actually, no problem. I've owned a few super bass 100s and they are great but they do only have the one sound but what a sound and if it's the sound that you're after then you're on a winner.

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