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Posts posted by Tee

  1. Ok, i dragged up an old thread to save starting a new one. (do i get points for that, mods? :) )

    So i recently bought a Rocktron DC On Tap Universal stomp box power supply, for daisy chaining my fx. It's sweet, as it comes with different connection leads, including a 9V battery lead.

    Anyway, when experimenting, i found some fx made my amp hum, when included: in particular, a Boss DD5 and my Sovtek Big Muff (with the 9V connector lead). The other fx seem to be happy (tremolo, micro amp, tuner etc....). I generally, go Bass [i]- muff - (other fx/tuner) - micro amp -[/i] amp.

    Is the hum effect specific do you think, or is the power supply itself? (i imagine some might be more efficient than others).

    Any ideas appreciated. Ta.

  2. Well, it would be cheaper via a private seller perhaps. But have a look [url="http://www.fareastguitars.co.uk/usedpb1.htm"]here[/url]. A very similar bass for £50 more (Jap 93/94 pbass)

    If you've never played a P before, i would suggest trying one out first though. Mind you, if you do buy it and don't like it, there will be plenty of people here who would then buy it, i imagine.

  3. Anyone have an Epiphone Ripper? the [u]new one[/u] with the PJ config pickups. Any decent reviews anywhere? Harmony central seems to have older spec ones only. I'm guessing being all maple it's quite bright and snappy sounding.

  4. Paul Martin, are you talking about the "New Fender standard" range by any chance, as they have the olympic white with tort guard that you speak of.

    I have to say, the colour choices aren't great. They've dumped the butterscotch one, which i quite liked on a P. But then i guess that's what defines it as part of the previous model/batch.

    If a shop guitar isn't set up right, it won't feel right to me and therefore i won't buy it. It's that simple.

    Out of interest, have you seen the vid on the Fender site as part of the new fender standard range? It's a bit cheesy ^_^ [url="http://www.fender.com/makehistory/"]see here[/url]

  5. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200195816672&ssPageName=MERC_VI_RCRX_Pr4_PcY_BID_Stores_IT&refitem=200196193770&itemcount=4&refwidgetloc=active_view_item&usedrule1=CrossSell_LogicX&refwidgettype=cross_promot_widget"]I'm stunned![/url] You could buy a house with that sort of money.

  6. I have an Epi Tbird and it's superb. It honestly sounds like a Gibson to me, particularly through my super sweet, lovely tube amp and cab. My no.1 bass is a US Precision, but the other day i plugged in my Epi and it was just so 'Rock!' Deeper, thicker!

    For the record, i did date a lap dancer for a bit when the Tbird was my No.1 bass, so the BigBeefChief is right. No heroin addiction though.

  7. I have a Trace Elliot Boxer 65 for sale in the amps section, only £100. And i'm in London. Perfect for home practice. PLus it has a headphone jack too.

    [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11361"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11361[/url] (scroll past the Ampeg)

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