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Posts posted by bassintheface

  1. I had these on a bass that I sold on a while back - the had a little use, not a massive amount.

    I took them off with a view to putting them on a P I was looking for - when I eventually found one, it came with a set of nice Thomastiks, so I've no reason to change.

    They've been sat in my box for almost a year, so does anyone want them?

    They're free to the basschat community If you can cover the postage.


  2. I've always tried to buy from a British based retailer first and initially I try to support 'local' shops too; especially independants, though they're a duying breed - maybe because of companies like Thomann and the like!

    If they're 'there or thereabouts' with a price comparison with Thomann then I'll go for the british based company - I bought my X32 from DV247 in the end, but there are some UK based retailers I won't touch now - GAK are one.

    I always get the impression that my enquiries are hassle for them and I'm fortunate to be able to consider shopping with them....
    so I won't use them anymore.

    Generally, Thomann are cheaper and have better customer service etc and right now, every £ (or euro) counts, So I regularly use them.

  3. This is true and I thought about just taking one cab to gigs, but then thought I'd have a spare cab doing nothing, so thought I might be better off selling the Aggy rig as a whole and getting a small combo, but then like you say, I like the sound!!

    Think I might just stick for now and keep a spare cab!


  4. Hi guys,

    I'm hoping for a bit of advice here -

    I currently 'run' an Aguilar TH500 and 2x DB112 cabs.
    It's a set up a love, sound amazing all of the time, blah blah blah.

    Anyways, we (as band) have recently gone down the IEM route (ACS Custom T2's) as we have an X32.

    I've started to realise that I can quite comfortably gig without the Aguilar rig as what I'm hearing is me through the IEMs, and not the amp and cabs.
    The other guys also have me in their ears, along with everything else as we fully mic the kit, guitar cabs etc
    I'm DI'd so am in the PA (JBL PRX active system of 2 x 615's and 2 x 618 XLF's), so there's more than enough bass in the room!!
    We take an engineer with us so no worries there.

    I'm just thinking whether I should seriously consider getting rid of the Aguilar rig and buying a small quality combo (mesa walkabout 12 etc) to use as back up and for smaller gigs.

    I could quite happily take my bass, leads and sans amp and be fine.

    Less stuff to hump around, less stuff to load in and out of the venue and less to store.

    Thoughts / considerations from a practical perspective are welcome!

  5. Having relatively recently switched to digital, I just wish we'd done it sooner.
    So much easier, leave presets set up, back up onto USB.
    Work on mixes at home on the laptop via the audio software.
    Remote mixing via iPad.

    I use an x32 and they are brilliant, especially at the money.
    I've used LS9's and the presonus (go for the 16.4)

    Depending on what you need etc I would look at the rest of the x32 range, including the rack.

  6. Yes.

    We're all early to mid 30's now, but have been playing together in bands in one guise or another since we were 16 / 17.

    We have and do play in other bands with other people too, but we are most certainly mates.

    We socialise with each other outside of the band (infrequently as we're quite busy with the band) and with a wider circle of 'muso' type mates.

    It might appear a bit incestuous really, but there's a large group of mates from 'way back when', we all get on, help each others bands out etc and regularly dep with our different bands.

    It's quite nice actually, although there are inevitable fall outs too!!

  7. cheers Marc.

    I have a stingray anyway, but thanks all the same.

    I would basically like an 'everyday giggable' (ie, one I'm not going to worry about being carted in and out of venues every week) Jazz bass, but not as heavy as this beastie.

    I could offer this for a cash sale but do need to find something to replace it with quickly, plus I do love it, except for the aching shoulder / neck the morning after a gig!!

    I do have a '62RI JV Squier Precision that I could look to sell on and use the £ from that to buy a lighter Jazz, but then I'd be back after a P and this Jazz wouldn't get too much use!

    I've already got a '74 that only really gets used at home because the condition is too good to risk in most venues!

    What to do?!!!


  8. Hello all,

    this is something I've been weighing up for a while.

    I have an awesome early 2000's 1975 Reissue Fender Jazz bass - with MIJ on the face of the headstock and CIJ on the base at the rear of the neck. An 'R' serial nr.

    It's probably my favorite bass to play except that it's heavy. It leaves me with a seriously sore shoulder after a usual gig of 2.5 hrs or so - week in, week out, so I'm thinking of trading it for something similar but lighter weight.

    It's natural with a beautiful grain, maple neck and board, bound. Pearl block markers, tort plate.
    I've replaced the Japanese pickups with a pair of Fender USA Jazz bass pickups (now I'll have to check the box when I get home as I'm convinced that they are 1962 vintage / reissue US pickups, but I can't find a link online to say that Fender even made such a set, so I will confirm the model of the actual pickups), although they are deffo USA Fender Jazz pickups!!

    I've also replaced the controls with CTS pots and a switch craft jack, plus the bridge has changed to a Gotoh vintage style jazz bridge.....oh, and I had a copper bridge pickup earthing strip added when it had the old pickups in and kept it even when the pickups were changed.

    It's a great playing and sounding bass and I actually prefer it to my 74!

    I just don't like the weight of it and as I tend to use it as my main bass and can't afford to buy another lighter version, I'm considering offering this up for TRADE.

    The only things I will consider trading it for are:

    Japanese or US Jazz basses in comparable condition (ie, mint condish), plus they need to be lighter weight.

    I'm currently struggling to find many pics, so this one with have to suffice until I can add more later.


  9. After years of being pestered my numerous charities and having similar experiences, we decided 4 years ago to stop doing charity events and do our own night, with a decent raffle going to a charity of our choice.
    WE choose the charity, WE put the night on, WE sell the tickets, WE supply the PA, lights, pay the venue hire and WE promote it.

    The venue is a 550 capacity and it's always over full!!
    We charge £10 tickets and £12 on the door, put on a good support band (who we know and trust) and a decent compere for the night, plus DJ.

    We pay everyone a fair rate.
    Put a full line array PA in, full stage and room lights, amp and drum risers, the works - about £1500 with engineers.
    Pay 2 proper door staff - £200
    Support band get £200 plus beers and food for a 40 min set and can use all of our gear except breakables, and get to put out as many promo packs as they like.
    Compere gets £200, as does DJ.
    Smart venue decoration inc lighting, table decs, snacks etc.
    Print proper posters and tickets with security numbers and strips etc.
    It's not a cheap thing to put on, but it brings in about £5k.
    the venue actually haven't charged us after year 1 for venue hire as they took about £7k on the bar!

    We host a raffle which includes prizes such as Spa Days at 5 * hotels, restaurant vouchers, super league tickets, a guitar, clay pigeon shooting, ipad,cases of nice wines, the works.
    We also donate ourselves (The band) as a prize to play at the winner's party / wedding etc - with some t&c's so we don't end up having to drive to Inverness at our expense!!
    Apart from putting the night on and taking the risk, our donation is our time playing at a party in the future as a prize.

    Each year, the charity has benefited from us giving them a cheque for over £1200 - for the last 4 years.
    They haven't had to do anything for it and I reckon that's far more than they'd have had from a night in a pub.

    I think our method works much better!
    No more charity nights for me thanks.

  10. I used to get annoyed at London venues - you know it - we've all had it at
    say the Dublin Castle or a similar venue, 4 or 5 bands on......

    We're coming down from N Wales and bring all our stuff.
    No contact from any other bands etc prior to the show -

    Arrive, 1 of the bands comes over:

    "Hi maaan, look, what it is, our bass player has to get like 4 tubes, a night bus, 2 taxis and a horse drawn ship back to East Shad"

    "is it coooool to just use all of your gear?"

    They're the supposed 'headlining band' and we have to drive 5 hours home once we've finished......

    sorry gents, not happening.

    There are literally 3 people in the world I allow to use my stuff.

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