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Posts posted by gafbass02

  1. thanks thats exactly what im up to, thought it was about time i started carrying the little blighters, my luck will run out eventually!, i just get greeted by pages of undecipherable numbers when looking for the damn things though!, i think ive found some on ebay.com

  2. I decided to buy some spare fuses for my littlemark 2 according to the back its a t4 250v fuse. But when i looked on maplins there was just tons of stuff and i couldent find one which was clearly the ones i wanted, so i thought id ask you lot instead cause you lot are ace, and im a massive spanner at this side of things!
    Can anyone point me at the right ones to get so i can buy em online?

  3. Only im thinking of replacing my status graphite neck on my jazz with an allparts maple one, but cant afford the neck without selling my graphite one which would suck if the wooden wasnt as good. Did anyone else ever go back? (bearing in mind this is being thought of for purely shallow cosmetic reasons, the graphite neck is great, just kinda looks wrong on my jazz)

  4. The restoration (now Varsity) on weds, the strand on Thurs (my fave) the frog 'n fiddle on Fri, the fiery angel on Sun, apparently the St Pauls tavern every other Sun or something like that and i think theres a Tues one too, but cant remember where.

  5. Go for it mate, id never been to one before moving to cheltenham and now there are about five a week! I love just going along and jamming and ive made a bunch of great mates doing it too, and met a fellow basschatter too!

  6. [quote name='David Nimrod' post='161635' date='Mar 21 2008, 11:03 PM']I drove straight to my tech. in Leicester... couldn't resist.

    He's gonna sort out the action & mend the black s/plate...

    I'm not surprised you're missing it... bloody gorgeous bass!

    I just can't wait to play it, I know we're going to have fun.

    & it's just about the most awesome bass I've ever had :)[/quote]

    would that be Bob?

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