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Posts posted by tauzero

  1. What I finished up looking like on my 50th birthday:


    And playing on a microstage at Pickles in Brum - note use of Kirlian photography so my aura playing the double bass is visible. Also note that a headless bass would be preferable to the Tsai as the singer is less likely to get an earful of machine head (no, not Machine Head, that's a different thing altogether).


    Must work out how to get decent flash photos with that camera...

  2. I don't have stuff packed and ready to go - it's mainly large items and I don't have original packaging, so I prefer buyers collecting, and if not, I'd rather not have a box made up to send them in until I know that I'll need it, otherwise it'll be a waste of a box. I do try to keep buyers aware of when items will be sent out though.

  3. [quote name='ARGH' post='108439' date='Dec 23 2007, 10:00 AM']Ok,this has been going on for years now,and I understand the 'What the eyes dont see ,the engineer dont judge" answer,but why spend 3k+ on a Fenderesque or straight bodystyle copy,when you could just get the real thing,and spend 2-300 quid on new guts for it,or parts replacement the lot for the same price?[/quote]
    I don't understand the point of buying a bass that looks like a Fender for multiples of the price - either buy a Fender for Fender prices or buy a bass that doesn't look like a Fender (so people will realise it's a bit special) for a lot more. Surely the main point of buying a copy is that you pay less than what you'd pay for an original?

  4. I've got perpetual mild GAS for basses - I haven't got any 6-strings, I'm not entirely settled with a 5-string fretless, I'm happy with the 4-strings and the 5-string fretted.

    My big problem at the moment is amps. The Gallien-Krueger has served me well for 15 years but hasn't quite got the low-end oomph that I want, and the bigger stuff I've had or have got is heavier than I want. I've recently picked up an Ashdown Superfly which I'd like to keep going with, but the speaker I made to go with it isn't sensitive enough and is a little bulky (though it is excellent for range and lack of colouration) so I'm planning to make a pair of Omni 10.5s (which I could also use for PA for the acoustic duo) - but the Markbass CMD 121P and 151P both really tempt me too. Aaargh!

  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='108767' date='Dec 24 2007, 01:26 AM']Yup, I take a 4 way with me as standard too (in fact my lead guitarist relies on that fact) but I also lose them. You'd have to pretty bad to lose your amp. :)[/quote]
    I use a Gallien-Krueger 200MB, the predecessor to the MB150 - it's almost exactly the same size as my mains extension.

  6. [quote name='Buzz' post='108758' date='Dec 24 2007, 12:28 AM']It's something I've dealt with on other forums regarding the fact sarcasm doesn't come across in text at all.[/quote]
    It can - it does need careful wording though, and an audience that doesn't include Americans (if it does, they need the word NOT! added at appropriate places).

    But back on the original topic, I'm new here, and wasn't a Bassworlder. I've only recently started using web forums - I've been on email lists and newsgroups for about 15 years though, and some of them can get quite heated at times. Compared to recent stuff on alt.guitar.bass (there's a couple of pretty flaming threads about smoking bans), BC is never more than lukewarm. Self-censorship works if enough people are willing to criticise behaviour they see as unacceptable, but OTOH if only one person criticises someone's behaviour, then the implication is that that person is probably unusually thin-skinned.

  7. I carry a reel-type extension cable with four sockets. The only drawback with it is that the sockets are 2+2 rather than four side-by-side and plugging a wall-wart in means I generally can't plug anything in to the opposite socket, but as I normally plug in two plugs and a wall-wart, that's not actually a problem.

  8. I don't generally drink alcohol before going on. I don't totally exclude it, I may have a pint or two through the evening, but it does affect my playing to a certain extent. I've never had anything herbal before a gig and, even if I still smoked it, wouldn't want to.

    Our singer does drink a fair bit and although it doesn't affect his voice, he's liable to screw up the arrangement of songs, so we all have to be ready to follow him. Which is all very well if you're James Brown, but not if you're doing the club circuit.

  9. [quote name='Jebo1' post='106980' date='Dec 20 2007, 11:31 AM']Oh, and each relist on an unsold item is free, so I think the guy will keep doing it forever. Until someone complains to ebay, or decides that £2500 is a good price for a CAR refin JAzz (by the powers of inflation in the vintage market, about 10 years time I'd say!)[/quote]
    The first relist on an unsold item is free if the item then sells on that relist.

  10. [quote name='cris the man' post='105718' date='Dec 18 2007, 08:16 AM']i know , the king of cheese...

    its a 12 string bass , just a 6 string with 2 strings together for each note[/quote]
    Um, I think you'll find it's a 4-string with 3 courses of strings, one fundamental and two octave. Like an 8-string but with more top end. At least that's what most 12-strings are.


    Aha, here we are. [url="http://www.12stringbass.com/dean.htm"]Dean Rhapsody on the 12-string-bass website.[/url]

    Must admit to being a bit tempted by an 8-string - I've played a few but I'm not sure I'd really make much use of one. Most octave pedals won't emulate them properly as they generally go an octave (or two) down, not up.

  11. [quote name='jazzbob' post='104741' date='Dec 15 2007, 07:37 PM']So before I get hypnotised by the Urge's looks (if not the slightly dodgy name) what else would you recommend for a good all rounder for under £1500? Do you have to spend a lot more for 'real quality' or can you get a rock solid, electronically quiet, good looking, narrow neck, no hassle bass for that price.[/quote]
    I haven't actually lived with a Schecter at all but from playing a few, the Schecter Studio-4 could well fit your neck needs - shallow rather than narrow, I think. Worth trying one out anyway. You could buy at least four of them for your budget...

  12. [quote name='radansey' post='104524' date='Dec 14 2007, 09:47 PM']Looks and sounds great. I need to sort out the castors - not sure whether to screw directly into the bottom of the cab or make a 'skateboard' to wheel it around from A to B. Any suggestions/advice??[/quote]
    Yes, get a folding sack truck instead. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160189342261"]Like this.[/url] It has the advantage of forward compatibility with whatever heavyweight you get in the future, and your amp won't run away when you play on a sloping stage...

  13. [quote name='ARGH' post='104745' date='Dec 15 2007, 07:51 PM']So where do all the Washburn Status's go Dave?[/quote]
    There was one in PMT a few weeks ago. I picked it up and played a couple of notes and put it straight back down. I've never encountered a bass with no sustain whatsoever before, not even with ten-year-old strings on. Were they all that bad?

  14. Grrrr. It's a Trace 1115, which is the 150W 1x15" combo decombofied. Have emailed him to tell him it's not a 500W - wouldn't have bid for it had I known it was the 150. I await his response...

    The Aria Rhino seems like a nice budget bass, though I haven't yet plugged it in. Does need strings and a little setting up. Bolt-on, maple neck which feels like the sort of profile I like, lacquer over what could well be a maple body.

  15. [quote name='Davetbass' post='104091' date='Dec 13 2007, 09:25 PM']Was gassing for a natural finish maple spector and tracked down the only supplier in Edinburgh (sound control). Phoned the shop and was greeted by an enthusiastic young dude who told me to ask for him personally and he`d take me through all the basses they had. Good so far! When I got to the shop the next day he was really friendly and showed me all the stuff in my price range £800. Problem for me was...EVERY single bass was horrifically set up and sounded crap as a result! This didn`t inspire me to buy anything so I left empty handed and a bit deflated. Another shock was an £800 Spector doesn`t come with a hardcase![/quote]
    Sound Control in Brum was similar - the Spectors were dreadfully set up. I know that Joe the tech who has the shop next door (I think it's all part of the Sound Control empire) is pretty busy but even if he was too busy to do the setup, anyone with the ability to use some pretty basic tools could have set up the basses a lot better than they were. Maybe I should offer to do their setups for them for a fiver a bass...

    OTOH, it does say something to me about Spectors - that they can't even get a good approximation of a setup at the factory. One or two of them felt as if they were pretty good basses under the setup, but none of them gave me any sort of buzz.

  16. [quote name='nick' post='104267' date='Dec 14 2007, 12:37 PM']After watching this now a few times, I have to concede (IMO) it as being genius.
    Infinitely more entertaining than watching a seven string bass rendition of some Bach, or some jazz wig-out etc....
    For extra entertainment, reading the comments by 173 berks who didn't realise that it was theatre is a must. Wonder what they'd say about Alice Cooper's guillotining? That he deserved it, or what a miracle it was that he'd come back to life afterwards? :)

  17. [quote name='metaltime' post='99857' date='Dec 5 2007, 09:24 PM']For this band i have needed to adopt a three finger plucking technique and i think that might be a factor.[/quote]
    Right, first question - which arm (knowing you're left-handed)?

    Second question - why do you need the three-finger plucking?

  18. [quote name='jammie17' post='104039' date='Dec 13 2007, 08:01 PM']Ahh..thank you Bill...I did mis-state. Let me re-state. 300 watt amp with multipal taps on it. 2, 4, 8. Amplifier is claimed to deliver 300 watts into evey load, however, if you hook up the same load, say, 4 ohms, to the different taps, you get three different volume levels. Why? Three different Voltages delivered at those different outputs.

    Voltage = volume...so in the ohms law it would be best to have more voltage with less current....but then speaker control would suffer.[/quote]
    Um, no. Valve output stages use transformers, unlike SS ones which are direct. When you're powering something via a transformer, you get maximum power transfer when the impedance of the transformer is equal to that of the load (if the load impedance was higher, the amount of current flowing in the circuit would decrease, and if the load impedance was lower, it would have a reduced proportion of the voltage). So if you hook up a 2 ohm load to the 2 ohm tap, you'll get the same volume as if you hook up an 8 ohm load to the 8 ohm tap (assuming speakers of identical efficiency).

    An SS output stage is different - it is delivering a voltage swing which can be up to 0.6V away from the power supply rail voltage. The internal resistance of the amp is as low as possible, the voltage is a constant, so the lower the load impedance, the more volume you'll get. Due to the fact the amp does have some internal impedance, the available output voltage is split between the internal resistance and the load, so the lower the impedance of the load, the smaller the proportion of output voltage it will get, which is why an SS amp will deliver, say, 250W into 8 ohms and 350W into 4 ohms, rather than the 500W you might expect.

  19. [quote name='largo' post='104110' date='Dec 13 2007, 10:06 PM']I can see the point of a backup bass but other than that it's all just GAS ! Don't be too proud to admit it.[/quote]
    We lose enough momentum with the audience as it is when the singer asks if anyone's got a birthday and so on. Defretting a bass between numbers is really going to slow things down. Especially with the refret three songs later.

  20. [quote name='Musky' post='104139' date='Dec 13 2007, 11:33 PM']Cracking buy! What was the bass by the way, or do you not know (or even care!) yet?[/quote]
    It's an Aria Rhino:

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260185842563"]Original Aria Rhino auction[/url]

    Couldn't find out much about it except that the switches are (IIRC) active/passive and alternative combinations of the two humbucker coils. I'm quite surprised that Arias in general don't seem to be exactly setting the world on fire on ebay. Or maybe instrument sales generally are slowing down a lot, even in the mid-range area of Arias and Westones.

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