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Posts posted by Panamonte

  1. I swapped out the 3 point bridge on my T-Bird for a Hipshot Supertone simply because I wanted to have greater control over adjusting individual string height, but evidently there are plenty of people who get on fine with the stock Gibson bridge - I suggest you take the plunge and then you can see which camp you fall into. I really like the Supertone bridge - I find it a lot easier to adjust - but I personally haven't noticed that it's made any difference to how the bass sounds which is fine because I liked the way it sounded anyway :)

  2. Just been alerted by a friend that Stephen Harrison is over from Paris - playing at the Bugle pub in Brighton this Thursday 13th Sept. Looks like it's a session with some Brighton musicians, but here's a clip of him playing with Sarah Olivier. Worth a look if you're local I reckon.


  3. Good on you! The Major's Bass Boot Camp over in the Theory & Technique section here is a fantastic resource - well worth checking out.


  4. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1346437277' post='1789309']

    That's the one - I went to the 4th Aug show , the first one of the two.


    Me too! Todd Rundgren was great.

    [quote name='Dr.Dave']
    More than anything ever , in my life , hearing that solo acts as a time machine for me. I'm a hope filled 18 year old on a balmy summers night again

    And that is one of the many reasons why music is so wonderful and why we love it so much :-)

  5. Would just like to say that Green Alsatian's detailed response is a great example of why BC is a uniquely brilliant website.

    Other than that I don't have much useful to add. In the studio I use my Yamaha Motif XS and Korg Electribe for any bass synth parts I need.

    Mainly wanted to give a big thumbs up to GA.

  6. [quote name='Norm' timestamp='1343990508' post='1758236'] fiddlin, a twiddling, squatting down listening & grimacing

    Who's been spying on my renowned bedroom technique?????

  7. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1344020350' post='1758905']
    I think the comment referred to the "phwoaar-worthy" photo of her with the bass, not specifically to her music.

    Fair enough - it is a very attractive bass ;-)

  8. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1344014573' post='1758816']
    I still don't see the attraction. Something for blokes of a certain age...?

    [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1344018837' post='1758878']
    I think many of us were young when Kate Bush was young as well, so we've sort of grown old together, hence the attraction for our male contingent...? I find that much more dignified than perving after women young enough to be their daughters.

    Surely the point is that she's one of the most original musical talents that the UK has produced, who also took control of her music at an early stage in her career and refused to be dictated to by the music industry and did a lot to break down the walls for idiosyncratic female artists who followed her. Yes, she's very attractive, but I don't think that's a consideration that would have come up if, say, this was a thread about Peter Gabriel, Bowie, or any other male British artist who has pushed the envelope to that extent.

  9. Obviously it's a matter of horses for courses and ultimately it depends on your personal preferences . For what it's worth I put TI flats on my bitsa jazz fretless and they do the trick for me. Initially I'd suggest you try any strings you have to hand, see if they give you the kind of sound you're after. If they do - great. If not, then at least you'll have better idea of what you want more or less of. EQ is very important too - boost the mids and roll off the bottom end if you want to accentuate the 'mwah'.

  10. They really are great basses for the money. Mine played and sounded fine the way it came, but I found myself wanting a bit more bottom end punch and definition so I swapped out the stock pickups for Wizard 84s and put a set of LaBella 760FS flats on. It sounds great - in fact on two occasions after gigs I've had other bassists on the same bill expressing disbelief that it's 'only' a Squier. Like the others say - play it and see what you think - you may be perfectly happy with it as it is.

  11. Just bought a Pod XT Live off Kevin. Very easy deal - great comms throughout. Pod turned up in pristine condition with all original packaging, manual etc. Kevin wanted to hold on to the gig bag so he ordered a brand new one and got it sent to me. Great bloke - it's been a pleasure.

  12. According to the press release:

    [size=3]Rhys Chatham is best-known for his large-scale guitar orchestras. He was Music Director of the celebrated Kitchen art centre in New York in the 70s. His work is heavily influenced by punk rock and he has worked with artists including Philip Glass, Sonic Youth and Robert Fripp of King Crimson.[/size]

    [size=3][size=4][quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1342454652' post='1735364']
    it sounds awful, like when I made that porno with 8 fluffers and 100 guys. f***ing ruined my mam's carpet and I was grounded for a week.
    [size=3] [/size]
    [size=3][size=4]Great DVD though - it was well worth it :D [/size][/size]
    [size=3] [/size]
    [size=3] [/size]

    [size=3] [/size]

  13. Just spotted this. They're looking for 8 bass players to join 100 guitarists for the UK premiere of The Crimson Grail by Rhys Chatham in September. If you're interested, all the details are here:


    I'll just sit back and wait for the inevitable jokes :P

  14. [quote name='norvegicusbass' timestamp='1341771043' post='1723870']
    Never heard of him :)

    Here he is in action (looking at the neck of his bass, to remain vaguely on topic)


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