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Posts posted by skelf

  1. Many thanks to Hipshot for this very generous donation to the prize draw of rthe Moffat Bass Bash.


    Anyone that wins one of these excellent prizes will have something worth more than the weekend ticket.

  2. [quote name='Bassjon' timestamp='1424780251' post='2700310']
    I assumed no such thing. I just said I don't like show off bass players.

    Again, same thing. Where did I say he can't groove? I just don't like show off....... oh forget it! You're right I'm wrong. There, happy? Sorry all for having an opinion that isn't the same as yours.

    Was not directed at you more a general comment on the subject which I have heard many times.
    But I guess bass shows are not for you then.

  3. I always assumed they where more than capable of both wither I had seen it or not. When you have that kind of facility on a bass I am sure the ability to play what is regarded as normal bass I am sure they can all manage. However getting a profile does require a degree of showing of which is fine with me. If I could play like Billy I am sure I would.

  4. If you have not seen Jah Wobble you are in for a treat.

    I have never understood bass players that assume because someone has great technique and can play at a million miles an hour that they also can't groove or play in the context of a song and support the song just makes no sense to me.

  5. Another excellent company on board for the bash. Happy to announce that Aguilar will be send me the following kit to demo at the show. TH500 head with two SL112 cabs and a pedal board. This is curtesy of Barnes and Mullins UK distributor. Might be some goodies to give away as well.

  6. Very much of the opinion that you use it of lose it. It is the only bass specific show in the UK it deserves to be supported even if there are a couple of perceived problems. The noise is what it is. Every music event of this type I have ever been to has been noisy it is the nature of the beast. The last guitar show I went to was wall to wall shred which I assume to be the guitar equivalent of slap. Not been to a drum show so I can only imagine they are not exactly quiet. Lots of interesting gear going to be there. Personally I have seen enough Fender basses to last this and the next life time. I have no idea why some big names are not there maybe negative posting about the event has something to do with it maybe,maybe not.

  7. Rain Tree Crow one of my all time favourite albums so that comparison I would be more than happy with.
    The songs where recorded around 1987/88 so a few years before the RTC album.

    No I am afraid not but if you want them I can burn a CD of the various bits and pieces for the Bass Bash.

  8. The instrumentals are all written recorded and played by me. Which accounts for the quality of the playing.
    The songs with lyrics where written by myself and James Wheatcroft. I played bass, keyboards, clarinet,guitar and programmed the drums. James played guitar sang and wrote the lyrics.
    Recorded and engineered and mixed by me all a long time ago.

    I used them to avoid any copy write issues on You Tube.
    I would be very surprised if anyone had heard any of them.

  9. They are indeed top quality the best construction I have seen on any cab and the custom crossover really makes a huge difference to the range of sounds capable from the attenuators. And as you say hard to see the handles coming of. I will not be parting with mine.

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