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Evil Undead

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Posts posted by Evil Undead

  1. Great bass, stunning colour.

    Has been modded with a hi-mass bridge, and a custom pickguard (vinyl on top of the original is fully removeable!)

    Needs new strings. No case. Neck is very nice, and has a great action and perfect amount of relief. Truss rod is functional - is almost maxed so I have been sure not to over-tighten it.

    Guideline sale price is [s]£100[/s] £80 (which is much less than I've spent on it) or a near offer.

    I'll post, but will probably need to remove the neck as I don't have a box that's big enough! I'll post it in the same box but just "disconnected"

    Would prefer to meet up though.

  2. Ok - I've decided that I'm gonna have a pop at doing this myself. How hard can it be, right?

    But being a girl with very little previous use of a drill, I thought I'd better ask for some advice from the experts.

    I've got a few concerns.

    Firstly - I'm worried about chipping the paint when I drill. If I put some masking tape on the body and drill through that, would that make it not chip? I know the covers will be over the top, but if I want to take them off at any point, I want it to be tidy holes.

    Secondly - Would it be a good idea to remove the bridge, pickups and wires etc before I start drilling? I don't wanna be drilling through the ground wire or anything dumb like that.

    There may be some people who don't think it's a good idea for me to attempt this myself (my other half included) but I know that I will take every care and not rush it etc - I've heard some horror stories about techs who pass instruments on to the Saturday kid to deal with, or are busy so rush through stuff and make horrible mistakes.

    If, however, anyone really does think I shouldn't risk doing it and should take it to a tech, please say so and I'll reconsider :)

  3. [quote name='Mylkinut' post='1259850' date='Jun 7 2011, 04:04 PM']Here's my '77:


    Also, I want all of the basses here :)[/quote]

    My face just melted off. That's so awesome.

    I've been wanting to get some covers for mine, and now I'm convinced!

  4. [quote name='gafbass02' post='1267476' date='Jun 13 2011, 04:17 PM']It's taken a huge amount of soul searching and a few dewy eyes for me to list my stingray for sale. But it was the last in, and essentially an expensive luxury. I'm trying to be philosophical about it. :)
    My jazz bass goes in the ground with me tho.[/quote]

    Hey Gaf! How's it going dude?

    It's horrible isn't it?

    My dilemma is this. I have my much treasured Warwick Corvette $$ (in avatar) - it's the best playing, sounding and most comfortable bass I've ever owned or played. When I first played it, it was almost like meeting my wife for the first time all over again! But it is, like you say, an expensive luxury. I don't gig it because I can't stand the thought of anything happening to it (lost, broken, stolen, whatever). So it seems like a waste to just play it in the house. I have my Squier Precision (also in avatar!) which I really like a lot, and is good enough for a talentless amateur like me :)

    But I can't bring myself to sell the Warwick. Even though I really need the cash. I know I'd never find another EXACTLY like it in a million years. I know all its quirks and curves.

    Argh! I wish I didn't get so attached to things that are essentially just pieces of wood!

  5. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1266768' date='Jun 12 2011, 10:55 PM']Then I'd be asking myself why the one I enjoyed playing most wasn't being gigged.[/quote]

    Value of the instrument, Erm... "quality" of the places we gig, and lack of faith in insurance companies!

  6. ...and it comes down to needing to sell gear, what I want to know is, how do people decide which instruments to sell?

    For example, you have two different basses, similar resale value, and you're seriously attached to them both. But if you need to sell one to keep a roof over your head, how do you choose?

  7. [quote name='Machines' post='1265462' date='Jun 11 2011, 10:23 PM']No, image links take up no space on the server :).

    Just deleted 2 JPEGs someone just uploaded @ 8MB each... guess they missed the news ![/quote]

    I bet they're really confused as to where they've gone! :)

    Ok, will leave my links in place, thanks

  8. I have three basses, but part of me wishes I only had one. I've been having financial problems and could really use the money if I sold my cheap Squier backup, and one of my two main basses.

    I wouldn't find it hard to sell the backup, but I just couldn't bring myself to sell either of the basses in my avatar! I love them both too much :)

  9. Ah man

    If I hadn't bought my HA2500 six months ago (and for twice the price of this one) I would be all over this.

    I could do with an extra 60W from my 2x10 cab.

    If it's still available when I get my bonus from work next month, I will be seriously considering this!

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