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Evil Undead

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Posts posted by Evil Undead

  1. [quote name='mojobass' post='1285350' date='Jun 28 2011, 03:26 PM']not after trades as need funds, sorry[/quote]

    Fair enough dude. Got my eye on a couple but really liking this one.

    If I can sell my Squier, I may be back!

  2. [quote name='Pow_22' post='1285239' date='Jun 28 2011, 01:22 PM']Consider any P-bassy (squier etc) though ideally want sunbust with r/wood fretboard.[/quote]

    I have a Squier P for sale/trade, with rosewood board. Not sunburst though - it's a really lovely metallic blue.

  3. Hello

    My only advice would be - don't ship it to the USA. I've had plenty of people from the states interested in my sales, but postage quotes have always been on the plus side of £100 whichever company I've looked at.

    Unless he's prepared to pay extra for the shipping and the hard case, it would be a no-brainer for me. Probably not what you wanted to hear though!

  4. I'm not meaning to question people who know much more than me on this topic of course, but I'm curious about something - how do you know that the one that was pictured is your bass? Couldn't it be one that's almost identical?

    From the current listing, I personally can't see anything that's likely to be fake or whatever, but again, I'm no expert.

  5. [quote name='RhysP' post='1274425' date='Jun 19 2011, 09:16 AM']I can't see why you're even bothering to use a drill for the bridge cover. Just use a bradawl (or something similar) to make the indentations where you want the screws to go then screw them in. Wood screws are self tapping so there's no need to drill a hole out first. A bit of soap on the screw threads will make them go in much easier.

    The only place where you might need a drill would be on the scratchplate, though I'd probably just use a bradawl again, heated up so it melts a little hole through the plastic.[/quote]

    Hmm... I would prefer to do this and not use a drill at all, but I thought that by just screwing them in I would risk cracking or splitting the wood. Is this not the case?

    [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1274461' date='Jun 19 2011, 10:06 AM']Same as removign stickers. Meths, white spirit or WD40 are my favoured weapons there.[/quote]

    Would none of these bother the finish on my bass? I've used white spirit on pick guards before, but not straight on to the body finish.

  6. Thanks for the replies :)

    I am very nervous about this because I've only ever picked up a drill once before. But I'm very careful and I know I'll do my best, just don't know how easily the paint chips etc. Would be crap to do a great job bit to have paint chipped off all round the holes!

    Did you guys remove the electrics first? I can't really figure out how deep the grounding wire runs, so wondered if anyone has any thoughts on this?

    Also, measuring up the hole for the pickup cover, it seems that there's not much wood to work with and the hole would be a matter of millimetres from the cavity - has this caused a problem for anyone here?

  7. However, I guess it's along similar lines. Please don't bite me!

    Anyway, I'm curious. If you went to see a metal band, and the bassist was playing a white Squier P bass, would you think (s)he was any less metal?

    Also, if you were auditioning a bassist, would you turn them down for playing the above bass?

    I'm talking more death metal, black metal or thrash, rather than nwobhm or hair metal.

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