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LukeFRC last won the day on December 17 2020

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  1. Is it just me or are secondhand basses getting more expensive recently? 

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    2. LukeFRC


      Probably - find a tort guard for the P and stick the price up £400!

    3. Kiwi


      Only because some new basses are several thousands of pounds more expensive.  I can't afford a used Ken Smith now and I could 10 years ago.  There seem to have been a few hyper priced boutique bass brands popping up in the last few years also.

    4. BaggyMan


      Secondhand market on here seems to be pretty much stagnant atm imho.  I also think a lot of collectors selling off some bigger ticket guitars as times are tough.  I have been a member of here for quite a while a fedora's just didn't appear, seen quite a few recently.  The 300 to 600 band still seems pretty buoyant the big hitters hang around for quite a while which may explain why it the prices seem to be rising.  Also stuff like the USA SUB musicman basses, great vfm for a us built musicman compared to the eye waveringly high prices stingrays are new these days.  Prices are hiking on those as well, demand being the driver.  


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