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Posts posted by Stuee

  1. Indiddly, welcome! That's one hell of a nick you've got there :)

    And yes, consolidate all your debts into one impossibly gigantic payment - buy an Alembic! hehe

    Cheers, Stuee

  2. Funny, I was just looking into this today (I've got an '81 Tokai Hard Puncher with exactly this problem) & came across this: [url="http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Tools/Special_tools_for_Truss_rods/Truss_Rod_Rescue_Kit.html"]Stew Mac Truss Rod Saver Kit[/url]

    Similar technique (watch the video) except the tool allows you to cut into the neck itself so as to extend the thread further down the truss rod - great if the rod is broken or the thread stripped - & comes with a die to cut the thread & spacers to finish the job.

    Looks brilliant, but at £145 it ain't cheap! OK for a luthier though I guess.

  3. Sounds to me, from the way you worded your OP, that you already know what to do but can't bring yourself to part with it. It's a bit like staying in a bad relationship that you know is doomed, purely because the girl's [i]really[/i] pretty & great in bed :)

    If I'm right, man up and do something about it. You'll be happier afterwards because it's the right thing to do on several levels, and your back will thank you too.
    But if you keep it, use it! The way I see things, it's pointless owning a great instrument like that if you're going to deny yourself the enjoyment of playing it - and I mean [i]playing[/i] it. Take care of it, sure, but take it out and gig with it.

    Just my 2p.

  4. I emailed David Konig at [url="http://probass.co.uk/Home.html"]ProBass [/url]to enquire as to whether he had any plans to do a fretless Retrovibe AERO1/2.

    He got back to me today saying, "No plans for any fretless models at the moment but if there was enough interest... I might consider it."

    So, would you guys be into that? I know I would! Please comment here and email [url="http://mailto:%[email protected]"][email protected][/url] to express your interest, and please mention that you are a BassChat member.

    If there are enough of us and we are enthusiastic, I'm sure we can convince him. I think it'd be nice to have an alternative to the Vintage or Squire fretless models.

    Cheers, Stuee.

  5. I bought a couple of Epifani cabs from Jim last night. Blimey what an arsehole! He was rude, unhelpful and smelly...

    Nah, only kidding! hehe :) The transaction was a breeze from start to finish. Lovely guy, very friendly and keen to have me try the gear before taking it away.

    Jim is a great ambassador for the BassChat Marketplace.

    Nice one Jim :)

  6. Just bought several jack-to-jack leads from Max. Nice 'n' simple - black Van damme cable terminated with Neutrik jacks, complete with velcro ties.
    Max was a pleasure to deal with: Great comms; speedy, well packaged delivery, all at a killer price :)

    If you're in need a no-bleed lead at high speed, Max Dread is your man oh yes indeed!

  7. Hi Owen,

    Which model is this please? There are two fretted models and a substantial difference in list price:

    KA-UBASS2-FS (Fretted) £365.00
    KA-UBASS1-FS (Fretted) £445.00

    Does it have a case? (EDIT: Oops, sub-title says it comes with HSC). Where are you situated?

    Patiently awaiting pics :)

    Cheers, Stuee.

  8. OK I'll take this point by point for clarity...
    [quote name='Machines' post='1105841' date='Jan 28 2011, 07:52 AM']Is the app free to download for phone users ? It seems to be $3 according to their website, I think not many people would really want to use it, might be worth a poll at some point. It's not worth the effort if only a few people want it.[/quote]
    You are correct, it's £1.79 for UK users ($3) which I think a lot of people would pay happily. I already own and love it. The thing is you're not just buying it for BassChat, you can use it with over 12,000 other forums. DoubleBassChat have it going on - if you know any of the guys over there why not ask them about their experiences? Same for the folks at TalkBass.

    [quote name='~tl' post='1105850' date='Jan 28 2011, 08:04 AM']How about installing a mobile theme, rather than relying on a dedicated app? That way, links opening in Safari aren't a problem. IP.Board seems to have a built in mobile theme (as of 3.0) and I'd imagine there are ones available for earlier versions.[/quote]
    Absolutely! A mobile theme would be great, too. That might do the trick for most people, although I'm still very much behind Tapatalk's extra smartphone-centric functions, such as easily uploading and posting images. So easy to take photos with your phone and upload them straight into a new marketplace post.

    Regarding links opening in Safari: Firstly, you can have Tapatalk opening links 'in app' but this is for links located on the forum. For links in emails, yes it is irritating, but it's not an issue that's confined to Tapatalk (and one that would be greatly eased with the mobile theme!). The brilliant eBay app, for e.g., also doesn't launch from regular hyperlinks (although there are special links you can use) - it's an Apple issue. Having said that, if you set up push notifications in place of instant emails there is the potential for reducing this problem further.

    [quote name='charic' post='1105884' date='Jan 28 2011, 09:06 AM']The whole site works great on my HTC desire. My advice... ditch the iphone :lol:

    Also that talkbass app is an absolute pain to use in my experience.[/quote]
    I know you were just being glib, but £1.79 is a lot cheaper than a new phone :)
    Sorry I don't have any experience of the Android version, although plenty of people at TalkBass are loving it btw, but personally I have found the TalkBass app a dream to use compared to Safari, and I'm very handy with Safari. Horses for courses I suppose, but as a case in point I don't know many people who prefer to use the full Facebook site over the app, or at least the mobile version.


    P.S. Sorry (again!) for the long post. But I'd really like to give this a fair trial :)

  9. I think I'm going to give the D'Addario nickels a go too, especially as they are the least expensive short scales I've found at £18.95 per 1 set from [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/2407-d_addario_exl_nickel_wound_short_scale_bass_exl160s_exl170s_exl220s_"]Strings Direct[/url]. Elites are 2nd cheapest at £19.95 from the Bass Centre.

    I found some Optima Golds but at 50 quid a pop I won't be trying them any time soon. That's why I was interested in buying some from you :)

    Cheers, Stuee.

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