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Posts posted by gapiro

  1. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1490773990' post='3267762']even if most of them probably only know Cult of Personality because it was on Guitar Hero.
    <ashamed hands up>

  2. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1487630604' post='3241424']
    No backups for me apart from cables + batteries.

    Where would it stop ? Anything could go - cabs, amps, pedals, ...i'd need a bigger boat

    Just one fretted and one fretless. Thats it
    For functions:
    Given that my rig is 2 of 2x10 - I have a spare cab (depending on venue I rarely use both so one becomes a £600 amp stand)
    I carry my cables in two Laptop bags - each one also has an amp - so I have two working amps with me at all times
    I then carry two basses
    So yes.

  3. I play in a function band of professional musicians that doesn't rehearse, and we do a different set every gig with different musicians - sometimes two in a weekend with a different lineup each night.
    It works, we're all very good - you have to put the work in before and are expected to be right on the night - some guys can't hack it, some guys can - I have a repertoire of about 400 songs from ipad for chord progressions but generally know all the basslines.
    The biggest issues come from singers who write stuff like " Song X in C#"
    Some singers mean it is in C#, some mean the first chord is C# etc - commnunication is key!

  4. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1487372714' post='3239453']
    Oo, Priscilla, I've got that show in October, is it any good? Just had the roasting of legally blonde and want every show to be as much of a challenge!

    Slightly detached means there needs to be a fraction of silence inveteeen the notes. A slight lift of the fretting hand usually creates the desired effect.
    Not massively challenging, but full on. I've not done legally blonde so can't compare, but definitely easier than hairspray. There's 36 pieces in it and is just constant. Sounds great with a good horn section though, a good portion n of it is standard function tunes. (endless amounts of I will survive!)

  5. [quote name='TKenrick' timestamp='1487156998' post='3237553']
    Any more detail about the actual part - what note values are you playing at that point?
    I've attached from the score - its "Go West" in Priscilla (Queen of the desert)
    [quote name='TKenrick' timestamp='1487156998' post='3237553']
    In terms of articulation, you could interpret it as being the mid-point between playing staccato and playing the full note value; this is easiest to play when you're dealing with crotchets (although it depends on tempo, obviously!).
    This seems sensible as the mark is basically a tenuto combined with a staccato.

  6. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1487012530' post='3236268']
    Any 'pro' session or pit gig, the Conductor or MD does the telling off, or dares tell a snarling Rottweiler Section,
    that they have played what sounds like wrong notes.
    The Rottweiler section, other than the odd split note, vary rarely drop a clam.
    Well, that's what they tell you anyway. :D

    If you are on a reading session, pit show or backing a turn.
    Take along a sharp pencil and a rubber (not a durex), a proper rubber.
    (and not that sort of pencil)
    or several sharp pencils

  7. Hi Roo
    Is it your band that are advertising under the name Saluki on JMB?
    Your posts on join my band personally instantly turn me off because it sounds very restrictive. I'm also a little bit further away (huntingdon) but thats moot.
    Otherwise, the only thing I would say, is put the link to the demos on JMB - they're pretty good.
    In terms of finding decent musicians, you need to just get out there, get playing and meet people. Get to the jam sessions, learn different styles - itt will enhance your ability in your main style. At the Jams you will work out who the best musicians are etc and you'll also get to have some idea of their personality too.

  8. There is no right solution, just the solution that works for your band.
    The paying the person who brings the gear I've done in the past but they got fed up of having to load so much stuff into their car twice a week and unload it at 2am. And having to arrive and set up early.
    Kitties / pooled gear works if you set it all out in writing and are mature about it.

  9. I have a similar quandary - I'm in a band with some great musicians who are great friends, we have great fun rehearsing but never gig. This is because we are all in very busy working bands separately and mo one has the time to take the lead on bookings. We enjoy it and I don't mind the 5 quid and two hours every couple of weeks.

  10. I think also , a lot of people know some theory but don't know they know it.
    Eg if you're playing a song in F Major , you probably instinctively know that a Bb sounds right, as does a C

  11. The ska band - ive played our repertoire of 60 ish songs probably 200+ times and can do it in my sleep. Some weekends of triple gigs are the worst as get so sick of it.
    I'm in another function band where there are no rehearsals and I'm expected to turn up and play them tight. For that structure and rhythm approximations win.

  12. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1477659792' post='3163666']
    I'm sure with the google calendar you can make certain events private and it just shows as busy to everyone else. Useful if you just fancy a night off.


    As I understand, that only works if I share the calendar with them, (which I suggested and was shot down)- if you send someone an invite to an event they have full visibility of the event.

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