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Posts posted by gapiro

  1. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1460793672' post='3028726']
    I wonder if he has a brewery budget towards entertainment?
    Brewery give him say £250, he does a pot and takes say £80 and literally pockets the change!! We've played a pub for the first time on a loss leader, ie take £50 less than our usual fee on the understanding that if we fill the pub we'll be on a better rate on further bookings. We duly filled the pub and in a the second half noticed a jug going round. Of course it was just to go towards our fee and not a bonus, the landlady said that she didn't get enough budget or takings to cover the bands. We were not happy and said that she might as well have charged at the door and of course she didn't reveal how much was collected but we could see notes in the glass! We didn't go back, we felt we couldn't justify our friends and fans dropping a few quid extra when they are being deceived that it is going to us.
    Dodgy practice IMHO!!
    Actually what we find round these parts is that, certainly in the past, most pubs had a budget of £400 from brewery, claimed that from brewery and paid band £250-£300

  2. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1460621538' post='3027253']
    Party stuff it is ,but ive played with very good muscians who played original material so its not for me ,i agree with blue last thread I was sort of depping for them and ended up staying just for the money,which went against my whole upbringing on music I'd rather play for free than do it for money again its a artistic freedom thing

    Different strokes different folks - I just enjoy entertaining and it is a second income for my poorly paid day job . Also I can't be dealing with the gigging on a monday->thursday night really!

  3. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1460400550' post='3025449']
    All night long by Lionel Richie pushed me over the edge Lionel Richie for f***s sake , 😱
    Tune. To be honest.
    We used to do Hello, which went down a storm, and Dancing on the Ceiling, again, absolute party tune.

    [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1460403193' post='3025476']
    We are going to have to agree to disagree.
    Unless violence or illegality are involved, everybody deserves an acknowledgement of communications. To me it's only courtesy.

    In my case it was because the other three booked 2 x 40 minute gigs in Europe (4 days away in total) without me agreeing to it. Final straw.

    I'm the same, maybe because i'm a software engineer, but every communication requires a confirmation of receipt....

    [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1460478820' post='3026081']
    I could go on but its hurting my teeth now

    I dont know that one....

    To be honest, your setlist you posted sounds very good and likely to be a good 80's/90s party band type set list, with the exception of Dance the Night away, and Cliff I would say they would all go down very well in a party situation.

  4. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1457828148' post='3002214']
    The ONLY situation I could see myself joining a covers band would be one where we'd be covering pop and dance tracks from the 90's :)
    I want to do a 90s dance type band, cheese type stuff. Think ATB , Faithless, Fragma, Jamelia, Basement Jaxx, Maybe some spice girls.....

    Problem is I think the lineup would have to be bass/drums/ key+gtr / key+gtr / vox
    Finding Keys players is hard, finding keys/guitar players is basically impossible.

  5. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1459360392' post='3015835']
    I'll just leave this here :rolleyes:

    The reply of


    [url="http://nwb.co/blog/post/89080/wimblesofwombledon/wombles-tribute-looking-for-members#290185"]#[/url] Posted by HARD TO HANDLE - 30/03/2016, 20:07 (GMT)[/size][/font][/color]
    Sounds fantastic. Let us know when you're up and running - we'll happily play support slot on your first gig as we've got a couple of muppets in the band.[/color][color=#000000]
    Made me PMSL too hard.[/color][/size][/font][/color]

  6. [quote name='Stu-khag' timestamp='1459243921' post='3014640']
    my band were asked to play an oxjam all dayer last year.
    alarm bells should have rung when I heard it was in multiple rooms on a sunday. first band over ran (we were second on) so had a stressed out soundman telling us to hurry up before we started!no crowd so we played for 20 mins and went home.
    Such a shame.
    I'll never do another charity event unless myself or band member is involved with it.
    I do the odd charity event where Its for a good friend, and doesn't clash with somethign else. So this thursday I'm doing a "Bandeoke" for charity, with a few guys who are all involved in said charity. It doesn't bother me as I knoe about 40 of the 60 songs on the "menu" and just means I've extended my repetoire for the function band :)

  7. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1459158244' post='3013854']
    good band will rise to the surface, there's 2 or 3 really good bands in my area(all mod/ska type bands), never short of gigs because they get people into the pub to watch them, if your band is playing to emptyish rooms too often it should tell you something.
    Crap venues will close down pretty quickly, tbh most bad venues are bad pubs anyway who are desperately trying anything to stay open.
    Gone a bit off topic here, sorry
    +1 - as a ska bassist, all 3 of the big ska bands here are out between 4 and 8 times a month and getting good money. We draw a crowd wherever we go though.

  8. [quote name='E sharp' timestamp='1459112544' post='3013665']
    Similar to InvaPay then .

    Doesn't work both ways though ..... Try ordering a round , then tell then you'll pay in 7 working days .
    Sounds like it. Fine for me as I do self assessment but rest of the band have cancelled gigs because of hmrc fears

  9. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1459013704' post='3012895']
    See my other thread about frontman.

    The vocalist doesn't do it but the guitarist will gradually introduce the band throughout the night.

    There are songs that feature instruments and he'll just acknowledge us at the end of the relevant song.

    I think it works well.
    [/quote] Best way imho! Eg after a sax solo "that was a lovely solo from so and so "

  10. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1458820601' post='3011183']
    In my experience, micing up a drumkit takes a fair few inputs (minimum 4). Add in backing vocals and you're looking at 8+ channels which isn't really a small PA.
    Maybe, but something like these are fantastic and small.... and tons of inputs

  11. [quote name='grandad' timestamp='1458805269' post='3010956']
    How many inputs do you need, in other words, what are you going to put through the FOH.

    Also, what foldback do you need?

    And of course, what's your budget?

  12. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1458463375' post='3007689']
    Ha Ha Haaa! Digging yourself in deeper and deeper! I introduced them.

    He also wrote "shine a light" which was one of our ill-fated Eurovision songs (and YES he is embarrassed by it) and had a couple of cuts on the last Celine Dion album.
    The man can really turn out a catchy pop song and happily makes a very decent living from it.
    He also happens to be a very nice bloke.

    And SHE incidentally is a rather good bass player.
    I was going to say something but when the good Mr Ivan here beats me to it, and knows far more than me, I can't really say owt ;)

  13. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1458551802' post='3008405']
    There's such a thing as too much communication.

    Bi-weekly? Although I assume you mean once every two weeks rather than two a week. :D

    I'm happy with a summary email when dates are announced. I don't need one every two weeks to remind me. What then happens is they start to ignore them all and miss the important ones.

    Another thing that happens is people 'hide' details in waffle. Separate date and time from the body of the letter/mail and highlight it.

    Our running club has a private Facebook group, absolutely useless for keeping people up to date, it's just full of people posting random stuff.

    I'm rebuilding the website and kick starting our forum again as it was quite broken and the webmaster didn't have time to fix it and keep it up to date so it fell out of use.

    Regarding bands, I send out an updated list of gigs each time we get a new one. They can then delete the last mail.
    I did mean Bi-Monthly, although between September and April it is more like every 6-8 weeks because not much happening. In summer/cricket season, the calendar of events can change almost daily, so every two weeks is generally good for keeping it about up to date.
    I agree on the facebook front, its just full of people posting random crap that means anything useful gets lost. We have a whatsapp group too that is just full of people talking about anything, generally only used by the younger people

    I send the emails out in the format below, so that you can see from the first paragraph if anything of interest to you. I always keep the stuff that goes in every email at the bottom (eg our easy fundraising link etc)

    Cricket Club News
    In this email:

    something is happening on this day, etc



  14. Its not just musicians. Its people in general. They expect that if you want something you'll chase up , and therefore they dont need to go to the effort.

    I see this particularly with the Cricket Club - I'm the club secretary. I send bi weekly emails with dates etc coming up, but will still get asked by 20 people out of maybe 50 when something is - even though I've provided the information for them a ton of times. Sure, may not remember, but you can friggen look at your email which is on your phone.

  15. Thanks guys. First band call is this weekend so will suggest to MD that we have a look at it there.
    The show is "Big Fish" - but this is the "12 Chairs" version (12 actors, and a reduced orchestra of 6 rather than 12 from the original)
    It looks like this is first time the 12 chairs version has been played in the UK as well.

  16. Hi Guys
    I'm doing a musical in a couple of weeks time in what will be my first foray into double bass gigging - baptism of fire. (Its about 70/30 BG/DB)
    As part of this i've stumbled accross this set of 6 bars - I'm not sure how to play it!
    Is it a C harmonic (at 2 octaves?) or is it a C with Harmonic F? And how do you do them with a bow as presumerably its a pinch/tapped harmonic?

    Any tips appreciated

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