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Posts posted by Blademan_98

  1. [quote name='Biarnel' post='1120680' date='Feb 8 2011, 09:41 PM']The misses will be happier if you let THEM choose between a Biarnel Prassi (the bass in the pic above) or, let's say, a Biarnel Iter :)

    now youve gone and done it!

    I think they are both fantastic........

  2. My local pays the two of us £100 for 2 hours playing.

    The landlord says if we draw in 20 people, it pays for us and makes him a profit.

    The first gig we drew in 43 punters and he ran to pay us and re-booked.

    The last gig there were only 15 people in.......

    It's taken three months for him to contact us and ask us to play again!

    Punters = profit

  3. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1113192' date='Feb 2 2011, 11:01 PM']Amazing buddy. Practice practice practice. I for one mainly went over scales tonight rather than dick about on this forum which I seem to be on more than my bass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    However,,,,,,,,,,,,,,here I am again hahahaha[/quote]
    I do seem to find myself drawn to this forum far too much!

  4. I just had my first bass lesson.

    It was absolutely brilliant!

    At 45 and after playing guitar on and off for years, taking lessons seemed a bit strange.

    Within ten minutes, I found my hand positions, both left and right, were incorrect :)

    My tutor (Fingerz from this forum) made me feel at ease.

    I have lots of exercises to practice until the next lesson.

    I left his house with a fair old buzz and couldn't wait to get home and review what I had learned.

    You are never to old for lessons and it's always worth checking your technique.

    Here's to the future :)

  5. We do either 2 x 50 or 3 x 40 sets, all according to the place.

    My playing partner is an ex pro player and always settles with the landlord before he sets up his rig what he expects for the money.

    It has worked out ok for us.


  6. [quote name='budget bassist' post='1107813' date='Jan 30 2011, 02:00 AM']What's the story behind this then?[/quote]

    Check this thread out:
    It should explain......

  7. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1107827' date='Jan 30 2011, 06:51 AM']It's not actually a virus until you panic and press "Ok" (or Cancel or anything....). It's a nasty bit of social engineering. If you get something like that, just close the page or tab. Don't give it permission to download something - which will be a virus.

    As has been said - but in all seriousness - I couldn't put up with all that crap. Most people only use their computers to browse the web anyway. Get a free copy of Ubuntu and install it, then sit back and laugh at these things :)[/quote]


    We are dumping the traditional OS at work for Ubuntu.

    Bit of a change for the R&D department as they are all .net programmers!

    Still, Eclipse under Ubuntu and we can all write apps for the Android market :)

  8. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='1106579' date='Jan 28 2011, 06:58 PM']Many others thought the same before you...

    ...now they're all bass players! Once you've start you just can't let go![/quote]


    Ive now sold most of my guitars and replaced with basses.......

    I tried an SX at Aylesbury Music (he had imported a few). Good solid bass but a little too chunky for me.

    There's nothing wrong with cheap basses if they feel and play to your liking.

    My Rouge fretless and the Epiphone Viola were both under £200 from PMT.

  9. [quote name='Stuee' post='1099297' date='Jan 23 2011, 07:14 AM']My thoughts precisely, and it can have one! Well, in a way...

    I've suggested it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119746"]HERE[/url]. If you like the idea I'd appreciate a post of support. After all, I honestly don't think there's a reason not to.

    Cheers, Stuee :)

    Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Tapatalk and these are all my own words; I just really think it's a great idea![/quote]

    I agree. I view the site on my phone while on the move.

    The plugin looks like a good way to go!


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