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Posts posted by Blademan_98

  1. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1348399189' post='1813088']
    Whilst not meaning to sound like a disrespectful old git, exactly how much experience can you have at the age of 19?

    Well, if he started playing at 12 and had his first gig at 15 (like in the other thread on here about a 15 year old guitarist) and now he's 19 thats around 7 years experience.....
    I don't know about you but I have not played the Royal Albert Hall :) and I've been playing for 35 years!

  2. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1348408984' post='1813230']
    Really? Having no experience of such things, I don't know how you would be able to tell that. Isn't it a bit of an unfair assumption? [b]Would someone in that state be able to play like that?[/b]
    I don't know about drugs but you can play whilst extremely drunk.
    Before I dried out, I played many gigs in that state (aparently).
    Muscle memory etc all plays a part.
    Thankfully I don't drink any more :)

  3. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1348273154' post='1811889']
    I think the rule is that the bass should cover the belly-button area. Anything lower or higher is uncool.

    I know stuff like this because I am a fat bald middle-aged man and fat bald middle-aged men are the arbiters of cool.

    I am in total agreement :)

  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1347650470' post='1803710']
    Seems somewhat pretentious to be pretending that you're part of the audience and not part of the band.

    I always try to be part of the audience (just to tell everyone how great we are)............

  5. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1347633067' post='1803363']

    Did you get to the end of that book? I found it very hard going.

    In a simple twist of fate, the point of "escaping the delta" is that blues as slave work songs was a pure invention of folkies like Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger, who of course tried to pull the plug on Dylan at Newport, and may well be the ones that called him Judas.

    I did not finish it as it rather killed my idea of the blues.

  6. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1346179803' post='1786226']
    Jazz bass, back pickup, fingers.

    Fretless Jazz Bass.... check
    Back Pickup...............check

    Sounding like Jaco............... fail :)

    Hmmm but I had everything in the list lol :)

  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1347541315' post='1802154']
    About time this sort of thing was stopped.

    If I had my way, the only music we'd all be allowed to listen to would be original recordings by Robert Johnson plus anything by Anon or Trad.

    Is there any other sort?

    As an aside, I read the book 'Escaping the Delta' and according to the auther, Mr Johnson plagiarised his contempories :)

    Just saying like.......................

  8. I spent a rather pleasant day wandering around the professional light and sound show at Earls Court.
    Really good show with lots of lovely sound rigs etc to play with :)
    An auto-cue bit of software caught my eye as a training aid. You can run dots, tab or chords with lyrics too. Really impressed me (I don’t have any affiliation!).
    My trip was paid for by my company so that made the day even better!

    If you have time and are interested in sound and light software/hardware etc, it is worth a trip.

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