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Posts posted by paul_5

  1. +1,
    I've just got an MXR80, and it's sooooo clean. I tried it through the big Genelecs at work today, and it's studio quiet, no background at all :) - very impressive. The 'distortion' is closer to 'fuzz' though; not the 'drive' that I associate with the Sansamp, but it's switchable and that for me means that it's a more versatile piece of kit. Being able to power it with phantom power from a board is a bonus too.

  2. Mine is a shortscale Hohner and I've had it for years. I defretted it a while ago and recently put flatwounds on it. I'm using it for a local radio spot later this year, and there's a chance the engineer will just mike it up - perhaps not the best idea, I'm trying to wangle taking my Ampeg pre so that the listeners actually hear some bottom end.

  3. [quote name='Doddy' post='1126257' date='Feb 13 2011, 06:51 PM']I started a thread in off topic earlier in the week.
    It's Manchester and Brixton Academy.[/quote]
    For which we are eternally grateful, Doddy. Come July we'll no doubt love you even more. :)

  4. I'm tempted by a BDI21, as my Ampeg SVP is just too big to keep pulling out and setting up. For £25 what could possibly go wrong?

    Edit: just picked up a used MXR M80+ this afternoon - lovely.

  5. I've had a metaphors, and found it a bit noisy as a DI, particularly the compressor. Loads of people I know swear by the Sansamp stuff. A fellow BCer also A/B'ed the Sansamp with one of these:


    got some good recordings from it too, if memory serves.

  6. I love my LH1000. Loads of headroom, and a simple, intuitive EQ section. Lovely, quiet fans too, not at all like the HA range. I changed the valve in mine for a Tungsol to tame some of the 'toppiness' that Hartke's seem to have. Worked a treat.

  7. [quote name='icastle' post='1122477' date='Feb 10 2011, 11:58 AM']Excellent :)

    Just out of interest, was it tip to sleeve or tip to ring you ended up using?[/quote]
    Ring to sleeve seems to work - don't know why. I started out with tip to sleeve, but that just gave the same settings as having the pedal rocked all the way back (minimal delay/modulation) I'll have a play with tip to ring tonight t see if that's any better. I'll keep you posted.

  8. I moved onto a Micro Q-tron after being a bit disappointed with my DOD FX25, loved the sound, but wanted to tame the volume boost and have a blend control, so I sold it and bought an old 24v Q-tron+, had the option to blend, but still a noticeable volume boost when engaged. I did the master volume control mod, and now I love it.

  9. OK, here's the deal. I've just bought an EHX Memory boy, but the full amount of delay is only available with the expression plugged in, ut I want to keep that for the Boss SYB5.

    My idea is this, build a device that fakes the extra impedance delivered by the EV5, to 'fool' the MB into thinking I've still got it plugged in.

    I'm guessing a TRS jack and a fixed value resistor, any thoughts on what value works for this sort of application? Also would this actually work?

  10. Foe sale - Taiwanese Boss LM2B. I've not used this for a while, so I'm offering it for sale. Works perfectly and in very good condition. Either Battery powered (not supplied) or 9v mains adaptor (not supplied).

    I don't have the original box or instructions, but these can be downloaded from the Boss website (the instructions, not the box...)

    £40 posted.

    [b]Edit: photo added and price dropped.[/b]

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