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Posts posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='danbanbass' post='14829' date='Jun 9 2007, 10:42 PM']hi guys,

    would it be possible to run two 8 ohm speakers in a cab at 8ohm's?[/quote]

    Definitely not.

    Series = 16-ohms

    Parallel = 4-ohms

    The only way to make the cab 8-ohms is to use only one of the speakers.

  2. [quote name='dr.funk' post='14541' date='Jun 9 2007, 10:43 AM']I have to say from a cheap point of view and close proximity backline in guildford seems a good option. I will try and remember to pop in and ask if I am in guildford today :)[/quote]

    If you do Chris please ask them why they don't reply to emails. I've written to them twice outlining what we want to do and had zero response. That does not fill me with confidence.

  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='14103' date='Jun 8 2007, 11:54 AM']Just a quick update.
    The new driver is on its way to me, it should be here mid next week.
    Only thing thats bothering me is i have been told the speaker looks different to my old one.
    The email said it is for Epifani cabs and i have asked them to check its the same spec.
    Im sure it will be fine. might even be one of the new ones although i doubt it.[/quote]

    From whom is the speaker coming?

  4. [quote name='elliotminor' post='12231' date='Jun 5 2007, 12:20 AM']I was just on the Lakland site! I really like the look of the Duck Dunn. It's something different aswell, ive heard good things about Lakland.

    How hard is it to get the Laklands? is it more or less impossible to find anywhere to try them before buying?[/quote]

    I've never bought any of my Laklands from a store so I don't know where you can try one apart from in London or at my place.

    I am certain that the DD neck is the same size/profile as the Lakland Joe Osborn Jazz so if you can get to try one of those it'll be a godd indicator. I'm just loving this bass. It feels just right and sounds awesome although this one has the Dark Star I'm sure the standard Fralin pick-up version is equally as good, if not even more P-sounding.

    I got mine on ebay from the USA. I don't think anyone stockes the DD in the UK. I found a good store in France that had them in stock also I believe that Thomann now do them, otherwise try the USA.

  5. Lets get the terminology right.

    Stereo is Left/Right

    Bi-Amp is Hi/Lo

    for either you need a 2-channel power amp or 2 single channel power amps.

    If you Bi-Amp in Stereo you 2 x 2-channel power amps.

    I used to run a Trace GP12SMX using the crossover outputs into a 2-Channel 300W+300W power amp into a 1x15 and a 2x10. Total waste of time. It was much better running a full bandwidth output into each channel and each cabinet. Clearer and more focussed.

  6. [quote name='Beedster' post='11867' date='Jun 4 2007, 02:53 PM']I think there's a bit of a cultural angle here also. If you look at the age of the guys buying the Fenders many of them are the class of '75, i.e., in their late 30s-40s and buying instruments that perhaps they could only dream about in their teens when their idols were playing them. Between then and now they might have owned better quality insruments but eventually they've gone back to scratch that Fender itch (it's a bit like finally shagging the girl you were after when you were 17 but who showed zero interest at the time; even though now, at age 34, she ain't quite what you remembered her being at her peak, it's still a strangely satisfying experience :) ).
    I don't think the sudden increase in TV documentaries about the music of the 60s and 70s on BBC - also made by the class of '75 - has done vintage Fender prices any harm either?
    I'd have an early 70's Precision over most modern basses costing the same any day, but it's nothing to do with its quality as an instrument, just its mojo.

    I think there a few anomolies with your maths.

    Assuming that the class of '75 left school at the age of 16, or possible 18, they would now be closer to 50 than 30s - 40s. However by now they could well have a greater disposable income, as children may well have left home and consequently in a position to splash out. Also at that time there really was only Fender, Rick and Gibson of which Fender was the acknowledged brand leader.

    I also disagree about the class of '75 making these documentaries. Far more likely to be the class of '85.

    If I wanted to buy a Fender of my youth I'd need to remortgage the house. :huh:

    Finally regarding the 17-year old, do you speak from personal experience? :huh:

  7. [quote name='NickThomas' post='11417' date='Jun 3 2007, 02:44 PM']No urgency as far as I'm concerned .. and certainly not panicking lol[/quote]

    Didn't mean you specifically Nick, but some seem to be.

  8. [quote name='NickThomas' post='11404' date='Jun 3 2007, 02:17 PM']If I could think of somewhere suitable near me, I'd be more than happy to take the reins and get this this underway. Alas I cant but I really think someone has to take this under there wing much as Arrowhead Paul has done in the past.
    I'd just like to see this thing happen.


    I am still persuing a couple of suitable venues. It will take a little longer. I really don't see the urgency, impatience and panic, just as long as it happens.

  9. [quote name='urb' post='11267' date='Jun 3 2007, 01:48 AM']Hey fellas

    There are quite a few of us BCers in London - getting a good crowd shouldn't be a problem - nor should finding a venu near a good pub in London - I've wanted to go to the bashes but it's been very difficult as I don't drive and just haven't had the time or opportunity to attend one so far- and the thought of getting on a train and heading to some road-side venue is slightly daunting for me - at least public transport is plentiful in London too.

    The Water Rats is fairly central and a venue we could at least make some noise at - let's find somewhere and do this thing!

    Maybe The Gallery would be up for hosting it... I may have to run it past Alex and the boys.


    Conversely anywhere in London, especially Cantral/North London is more difficult for many to get to than Northampton. We ideally need somewhere close to a network railway station and 5-10 minutes from the M25. Perhaps you London types should hold your own Bash.

    On a more practical note, a venue will cost. Assuming we follow the principle layed down at previous national Bashes and charge £10 we should hopefully cover the cost, however in the event that it doesn't, who is going to underwrite the loss?

  10. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='11069' date='Jun 2 2007, 03:43 PM']It is a fault, one that wouldn't get past FCC regulations this side of the pond, I'm sure you've got a bevy of similar bureaucrats on your side who'd be similarly upset.[/quote]

    European EMC Regulations. Like I said my Epifani UL502 does the same.

  11. Ahah found the topic.

    I have a similar problem with the Epi 502. It blots out my ghetto blaster in the garage. I'm sure it's from the PSU or Class D power amp. Considering that the UL502 is CE marked I would have expected it to have been properly tested. No such problems from the Ashdown ABM or the valve heads.

    Problem solved by running a CAT5 into the garage and installing a gash PC. Nw have acces to the music server and radio via the web.

  12. [quote name='chris_b' post='9270' date='May 30 2007, 03:29 PM']That's it.......

    I used to see Jack Bruce with Cream, I have Frances Rocco Prestia DVD's and love Larry Graham and Victor Wooten, they are great to watch but I have never tried to play like them. It's not what I want to do.

    There are ensemble bass players (Duck Dunn, John McVie, Nathan East, Freddie Washington, James Jamerson) and there are lead bass players (Marcus Miller, Adam Nitti etc). These are two completely seperate paths. The former are just as good at bass playing as the latter so don't confuse technique with musical ability.

    My style is the former, I'm a very un-busy player (not too many notes), but if I get compliments about my playing it's because what I do play is RIGHT! That makes me a happy chap.[/quote]

    Thank you for putting so concisely what I should have said in my first post on this subject. It's all the song and what is right for the song.

  13. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='9167' date='May 30 2007, 01:29 PM']I've been playing bass for two years now, and although I'm no Stanley Clarke, I wouldn't be fazed if anyone here turned up at one of our gigs. I'm taking lessons and practice for about an hour every day and I think I've got to a reasonable standard but then I see this (posted elsewhere on here by a fellow BCer)


    ...and I am genuinely astounded by the dexterity and musicianship. Then I think to myself..'if I keep the lessons up and practice hard, maybe one day...'. But then reality sets in - I'll never be that good on bass, cos if I'm honest with myself, I don't really aspire to it. I'm happy just fumbling away on a Saturday night and going home with £60 in my back pocket stinking of smoke.

    How good do you want to be?[/quote]

    Comes down to why you do it?

    To make career out of it or to enjoy yourself and get a buzz. I've given up worrying about how good I am or what others think. I just enjoy watching others enjoying themselves listening, sometimes moving, ocasionally dancing. Unless you've got a pub full of top rate musicians, nobody notices anyway.

  14. [quote name='Toasted' post='9142' date='May 30 2007, 01:06 PM']OBBM doesn't make the cheapest cables - but he does make the highest quality that I've seen.

    I've not seen a speakon connector for sale at any price that is as good as the one he made me for IIRC about £20.[/quote]

    Actually the 1-metre Speakon to Speakon are now about 25% less than that even taking postage into account.

    Anyway what would you pay for a dc cable?

  15. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='9077' date='May 30 2007, 11:55 AM']Thanks but im sitting here with the speaker in my hand and there is nothing either hanging off or loose.
    When i was comparing the two drivers last night, only testing one at a time the good one would jump around where as we faulty one hardly moved.
    But the sound is as you describe.

    Im wondering if i should just buy a new driver. might work out quicker than waiting for the musical box (the distributor) to sort out and if i have to send the cab to them the shipping cost might be dearer than just getting a driver direct from Epifani.[/quote]

    Dave, if you have a faulty driver then Epifani should ship you one immediately at their expense for you to install. As the manufacturer the buck stops with them. They have to support their customers. No way should you consider sending it back anywhere at your expense.

  16. [quote name='Musky' post='9002' date='May 30 2007, 09:21 AM']I've had a lot of trouble finding simple male to male connectors as well. You'd think that you could pick them up all over the place, but I've only ever found daisy chain types. I've considered OBBM before but, though undoubtedly quality, they do work out quite expensive.[/quote]

    Have you asked?

  17. [quote name='ali-stare' post='8751' date='May 29 2007, 07:16 PM']is that a custom pickguard with the pic of the bloke holding a camera or did you buy it with that?
    :) :huh:[/quote]

    It's a mirror guard that I bought and fitted. It matches the control plate rather well.

    The hands and cmaera are mine taking the picture.


  18. Well I guess those of you who have paid nothing have been lucky.

    The package was sent USPS Express Mail.

    It was described "guitar repair part"

    Value $60.00
    Postage $28.06

    I didn't get charged any duty just VAT and the dreaded clearance fee.

    I've recently bought some string from the US for $62.40 and they just whistled through.

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