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Posts posted by mr.noisy

  1. Low B sounds great on this bass, but i wanted to try high C and sounds great as well, good for someone who like to play melodic solos.

    Anyway, if someone is interested then make me an offer, you never know!

  2. That is a very good price for that bass, someone should snap it soon.
    My Kubicki weighed 5kg on luggage scale like that one [url="http://www.luggage-scales.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/luggage-scale.jpg"]http://www.luggage-scales.net/wp-content/u...ggage-scale.jpg[/url]
    Hope that helps and good luck with the sale.

  3. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1313364' date='Jul 22 2011, 10:38 PM']If I'm not much mistaken, that's a very clean Mark 1 too (the one to have).[/quote]

    Hi and thanks, but what 'very clean Mark 1' mean? :)

  4. Hi there,

    This beauty came to me from Italy maybe one week ago. I've put a new set of LaBella strings with high C string and done some strings action/intonation setup and the action now is very low and comfortable. Since i plugged this bass into my amp i'm soooooooo impressed how great this bass sounds, i've heard many good reviews of Yamaha basses but right now i know how precious it is! It's an older, Japanese made model, bolt-on, 3 pieces maple neck, 2 pieces ash (am i right?) body, rosewood board and original Yamaha pickups and electronics. I love finish on this bass, i dont know what is this exactly, propably lacquer because it's not like a satin and natural, but it's not like a fat lacquer coat as well, and the wood grain of the body is well visible through the orange colour. It's a beauty, and sounds like a dream.
    Unfortunately i'm really sad because my hands are sooooooooo small, i know it might sounds like an execuse, but belive me, it's not, and when i'm playing on the higher frets i have to put my wrists and body in a weird positions, i hate it, why me? I'd like to have a big hands, or even a normal and enjoy this bass fully.
    So, sadly i decided to put it here for trade, but i wont let it go easily.

    Things that i'm after - fiver with a narrow strings spacing
    Tokai Hard Puncher, or Jazz Sound
    Fender Japanese Jazz

    Yamaha is in great condition, have a few small dings here and there but nothing serious, no fretwear, gold on the bridge is a bit rusty but nothing serious, bridge still works great and i had no problem with action and intonation setup.

    Here is some pics of whole bass, if someone will be interested then i can post some more detailed pictures.

    [attachment=85373:IMG_0447.JPG] [attachment=85374:IMG_0449.JPG]

    Here you can find more pics - [url="http://imageshack.us/g/27/img0461vh.jpg/"]http://imageshack.us/g/27/img0461vh.jpg/[/url]

    As i already mentioned, i wont let it go easily, maybe it's not a high value bass but first time i'm feeling like i've got a real precious in my hand. I'd be very happy to swap for a four strings version of this one, anyway try me with some offer, i can only say no!

    I'm in North-west London if that helps and hand-to-hand swap is preffered as i have only a gig-bag.


  5. [quote name='cetera' post='1301044' date='Jul 12 2011, 02:04 PM']Isn't this the bass that sold a couple of weeks back on eBay for approx £620?! :)[/quote]

    Propably yes, it was 622, but that was my auction and i didn't sold this bass anyway. Transaction was cancelled because i had no idea that there is such a low interest in this bass at the moment. That price was far too low, am i right? Then i tried again with a fixed price auction and here with a lower price than on ebay because of fees.
    Anyway, bass is now part traded and i'm more than happy with that.

  6. Hi there,
    So i tried to swap this strap for shorter size but i know it's like a mission impossible so now is for sale.
    Great strap, very comfortable and very well built. I've used it a couple of times but its still in great shape, almost like new.
    The size is long but im calling it 'medium' because they have three sizes- short, long and extra long.
    Reason of selling is as i've allready mentioned, i want to get the same strap but short size, i bought it new from The Gallery and i thought it will be good but i'm a little man and i need the shortest one.

    I'm asking £20 and postage is included.

    I'm preffering bank transfer but paypal is ok if you want to pay fees and send me money as a gift.



  7. [quote name='dc2009' post='1288946' date='Jul 1 2011, 01:06 PM']I have no idea on numbers, but my corvette $$ seems like a very standard string spacing for a 5er to me. Now I would recommend the Epiphone non-reverse bodied thunderbird, a lovely PJ pickup combo, very narrow string spacing, rather rare, and deaver has one for sale on here at a reasonable price. I got mine not too long ago and i've rather fallen in love with it. Whatever you do, do not get this confused for a reverse bodied model (the modern shape, which is a lot more common), the string spacing on those 5er's is wickedly huge, I should know, I have one!

    EDIT: here's mine: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=140757"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=140757[/url] - pics are half way down the thread
    deaver's for sale one: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=116644&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=116644&hl=[/url] his is older, which explains the headstock differences

    the other colour they did them in was a seafoam green, if that's your sort of thing[/quote]

    Thanks a lot for that, but unfortunately the shapes of Thunderbirds are faaaaaaar away from my personal taste. :)

  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1288833' date='Jul 1 2011, 11:40 AM']It might be helpful to define what the OP means by "really narrow" ... is that 16.5mm? 14mm?

    As far as I'm concerned, anything less than 19mm is "narrow" and anything less than 17.5mm is "unplayable".


    I've never seen a bass with 14 mm spacing (but i'm wondering what is the string spacing in a fretted 6 string CT that Les Claypool have, it's look like the narrowest spacing ever), i can imagine only that it might be a true unplayable. I think 16.5mm would be perfect for me. My problem is especially the pinky finger, sometimes when i play on the higher positions it's almost impossible for me to play notes on the E string with my pinky so belive me, when i say i've got a small hands it's not an excuse.

  9. Hi there,
    I'm planning to move myself into a 5'ver, but i'm looking for a bass with a really narrow string spacing and neck as i''ve got a really small hands. On the other side i dont have too much money so i cant order a custom bass. I'm thinking about tuning in a high C instead of low B string so 34" scale or lower will be a plus. I was wondering if the Spector Euro 5lx will do the job? It's a 35" scale but strings spacing at bridge is 0.66" so i think it's a quite narrow, am i right?

    I'll send my naked pictures for the best advice :)

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