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Posts posted by Rayman

  1. [quote name='THT' post='312495' date='Oct 22 2008, 08:54 PM']One of the Fender's that did catch my eye was the Highway 1, but again I've heard some bad things about the bridge[/quote]

    My Highway 1 jazz is a great bass, but heavily modded. For me, I'd still be looking for a good MIJ with US pups, or a used US one. Just because it says Made in USA on it, doesn't mean it's going to be good though. I played an awful one off the wall in PMT the other day, it was really uninspiring, but a Squier sat next to it, was a lovely player.

    All I can say is, every Japanese Fender I've ever played has had a soul, a vibe. They all played nice, and were well put together. I can't say that about all the US ones of tried. A good US made Fender is as good as it gets for me, but they're not all good, so beware.

    Pity about the one you just missed, but that just shows how good they are, you snooze, you loose.

  2. [quote name='ped' post='312349' date='Oct 22 2008, 06:05 PM']Would you be able to get the yammie back, or have you lost track of it?[/quote]

    Lost track Ped :) . Nice fella called guy who bought it from me back in the Bassworld days, no idea if he comes here or not. I really should have clung on to that one with both hands. It came from Linzdavbass on Bassworld I think, top quality bass guitar, regardless of its monetary value. I challenge anyone to show me a bass of ANY value that was a better bass than that Yamaha.

  3. There's a MIJ 70's RI Precision with US pups in it on sale on here.

    I think that bass is your answer.

    I, by the way, have no connection with the seller at all, it's just what I'd buy, if I was you.


  4. I'll be there, best £20 you'll spend this year.

    Shame Adam isn't there, but Yolanda's worth the money on her own.

    Pris, is Stevie doing a set this year? I really hope so, even better with the band, he's stolen the show for me on previous occasions.

    Anyone sees a big numpty wandering about looking confused, come and say hello.

  5. Personally, I'd be looking at one of the following:

    ACG custom build
    Bongo HH
    Sterling 5er
    Jaydee MK
    or an investment in a 70's Fender.

    There's a few basses I've always dreamed about, Jaydee MK, 70's Jazz, but top of the list is a WAL. I [i]will[/i] have one before I die.

  6. Well I'll throw in my two penneth, I enjoyed the Friendly fires, I thought they were quite original and I enjoyed the song.

    Tom Jones was brilliant of course, although I'd stop dying the hair Tom.

    Snow Patrol were as dull as dishwater, and by far the worst act on the show, the rest of it I enjoyed, including the mad lady in the fishnets.

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