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Posts posted by Wil

  1. Pics are showing fine for me on both my home and work PC, so a bit confused as to whats wrong there I'm afraid! :)

    Here are some soundclips - all of these are with the preamp switched in with a slight bass boost, slight treble boost:

    [url="http://media.putfile.com/StatusEncore---Bridge"]Bridge pickup solo[/url]

    [url="http://media.putfile.com/StatusEncore-Bridge-and-Neck-1"]Bridge and Neck in Series[/url]

    [url="http://media.putfile.com/StatusEncore-Bridge-and-Neck-2"]Bridge and Neck in Parallel[/url]


    I really love that Kent Armstrong :huh:

    Also, here's the cavity just before I put the active/passive switch in :huh:

  2. [quote name='gypsymoth' post='96185' date='Nov 29 2007, 03:45 PM']"what is proper music"

    "music that is accessible to people who are not musicians"

    as opposed to music that is playable by people who are not musicians?[/quote]

    How hard a piece of music is to execute has no bearing on its merit as music... Music is about the content, the performance of which can enhance or detract from the audiences enjoyment of a piece, granted.

  3. [quote name='16Again' post='96050' date='Nov 29 2007, 11:31 AM']nobody laughed when i played this bass. i'm in a punk band, the bassist with Guns On The Roof played it for a gig in aberdeen and wanted to buy it.
    anyway, why cant you use a headless with a punk band?

    That's very cool!

    I guess a lot of people can't get over quite how uncool Mark King made them look, though!

  4. I whacked a bit of card in to tighten up the neck pocket, and shifted the bridge 1 or 2 mm downwards :) All lines up now!

    The Kent Armstrong humbucker was custom wound by Aaron Armstrong for Skelf of ACG guitars (I bought it with the preamp from him). It sounds great, with it soloed its like a cross between a Thumb and a Stingray, a bit darker than a 'ray. The pot nearest the neck is a 4 way rotary switch, which gives me neck pup solo, both pups in series, both in parrallel, and bridge pup solo. The humbucker itself I wired in parrallel.

  5. Its most definately assured. I had two 5 strings as my main gigging basses, then went back to 4 strings because I just didn't need or want the extra range. When I want to make chordal music I use my guitar or Mandolin - to me having an extended range bass is a compramise on erganomics that I'm not willing to take (if I could get a 13 string bass that was as comfortable to play as a 4 though, I'd jump at it - unfortunately such a thing doesn't exist!). Playing with a pick at 160bpm is far easier on a 4, too :)

  6. I wouldn't take anything recommended by NME or other such toilet paper seriously, but if I have a browse of the Punktastic forum for example, I can read about loads of small time bands people have seen and recommended. 90% of the bands there won't be "big" in terms of record sales, or exposure, but there's still a big scene with word of mouth behind it.

  7. Definitely! Here are a few of my faves who I got into just by happening upon their gigs - mainly ska and dub hop:

    [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=9095499"]The Scrub[/url]

    [url="http://www.myspace.com/sonicboomsix"]Sonic Boom Six[/url]

    [url="http://www.myspace.com/badscience"]Bad Science[/url]

  8. [quote name='Breakfast' post='95350' date='Nov 27 2007, 10:22 PM']Most originals bands are rubbish, including most of the ones I've been in.

    Once you've built up your reputation a bit you can start expecting to be paid for playing, but while you're trying to get a name for yourself there's no point- no bastard is going to pay to see a band they have never heard of who have a 95% chance of being rubbish. The best option is to be playing on nights where the promoter is a bit choosy and the night gets a reputation on it's own merit, and even then you need some better known bands on the bill if there is to be an audience.

    If you're paying covers you already have that familliar product so punters know what they are getting and are more ready to pay for it. Rightly so, in my opinion.[/quote]

    Er, what?

    There are tons of brilliant originals bands! A lot of my favourite bands are unsigned or signed to small labels and tour the UK. If I go to see a band showcase, there are usually a couple of good bands on. You get the occasional ropey one, but not all the time! How would you ever discover new bands if you didn't go to gigs?

  9. Where's this money going to come from, though? Charging enough to pay orignals bands on a showcase night a decent whack is going to dissuade even more punters from going to gigs, and with the state of things at the moment, its hard enough to get people out to watch a band on a weeknight as it is.

    I play for the enjoyment, I couldn't care less if we only get paid petrol, providing there is a decent crowd there.

  10. Its not a bass, but I was thinking of buying this - [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1984-IBANEZ-ROADSTAR-II-made-in-JAPAN_W0QQitemZ180183334382QQihZ008QQcategoryZ33043QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1984-IBANEZ-ROADSTAR...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]

    I have a soft spot for them. Unfortunately, its from the dreaded Music-Outlet-Shop and is a little overpriced. I don't mind paying, as its still a bargain in my eyes for what it is, but has anyone been brave enough to actually buy from this guy before? Any horror stories?

  11. I don't think you can really call youself a luthier unless you have an understanding of how to make or repair any stringed instrument you come across, and that would include things like headstocks breaking off and other fun stuff.

    I feel there is a distinction between someone with the knowledge to deal with anything that crops up on a wooden stringed instrument and someone who builds and sets up basses, hence luthier and builder. Probably not dictionary definitions, and ymmv.

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