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topo morto

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Posts posted by topo morto

  1. Almost bought a pedal from Mr. plunkrock - It did not quite happen (for non-sinister reasons) but my payment was refunded very smartly and comms were top-notch; Seems a thoroughly decent chap and would deal with again without hesitation!

  2. Bought a shiny Yamaha BB - Pete kindly agreed to drop it off to me as it seemed like it would fit in with his plans - in the end I don't think it did fit in so well with his plans but the bass was (even more kindly) dropped off anyway. Very much appreciated. Lovely instrument as well, hopefully it won't be too wasted on me. Oh and comms to set up the meeting were nice and easy too.

    Many thanks!

  3. I get a notification of a new ad, e.g.

    [i]Bassilla has just posted a new topic entitled "79 Kramer DMZ4000 for sale." in forum "Basses For Sale".

    Here is my 79 Kramer DMZ4000,early pickguard model,it's all original...[/i]


    But when I follow the link I I just get the 'community message' page instead:

    [b]"An Error Occurred[/b]

    Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information."

    Apologies if this is being discussed elsewhere... is it anything to do with the new subscription thing?

  4. - computer : doesn't need to be that fancy by today's standards. Do you have this already?

    - an audio interface (which does the analogue > digital and gets the data to where the software can get at it). This will probably connect via USB or firewire. Make sure there are drivers available for the operating system you're running. I use a roland ua-3-fx which cost me £20 S/H, but there are dozens available (if not hundreds..?)

    - a digital audio workstation ('DAW') program of some kind ('Reaper' is a fairly decent cheap one - $60). They all have demo versions available, and most audio interfaces come with a cut-down version anyay if you buy them new

    The bad news is that these bits sometimes don't work well together despite one's best efforts - it can take a couple of goes to find a happy combination, so try not to commit cash to something until you are sure it's working well!

  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1362309579' post='1998098']
    The Square One Bass appears to be a fairly conventional bolt-on neck headless design that just happens to use some aluminium tubing in the body construction.

    The bit about "Sound travels faster in aluminium than hardwoods so the attack of a note is faster in a Square One bass" sounds a bit iffy to me... unless you play the bass by knocking on the body rather than plucking the strings..?

  6. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1362090915' post='1995804']
    But us sad single bastards have to have a few advantages to cling on to, and being able to fill our living spaces with whatever shizz we want is one of them! :D

    TBH I think it's totally wrong that we're told getting shacked up with someone is the thing to do. Being single should be the default... unless you meet someone who really fits...

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