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Posts posted by rmshaw37

  1. hi there, just having my 2 penneth!

    just got a line 6 relay g90, and well, its amazing! go where you want when you want, and the cable sim is genious! my brother has the g50 for his guitar after saying he would NEVER go wireless! now he wont go back

    something the g90 has that i've not seen mentioned is the screen will go different colours, according to how you want it to look/ the leds on your amp!

    i've used the top end sennheiser, the bottom and top range akg, the samson and the guitar bug. all pants next to the relay! this really is the best wireless on the market, i'm convinced! no loss in tone at all - even the sennheiser had that, and i had to walk thr other side of 4 thick brick walls before it cut out for a millisecond! then it was fine again!

    obviously i've used a fair few and dont my research, but really, don't bother and just get the relay

    (nb - i promise i don't work for line 6! oh and i don't get on with their pedals and amps either!)

  2. hi there, just got a relay g90 rack wireless, so set it up in my rack, in exactly the right place to replace my lead. however

    when i plug straight into the front end of my shuttle 6, its quiet as a mouse.
    plug the tuner out (of the wireless) to the rack tuner, all is well and works as it should

    plug the wireless into the sansamp rpm then to the effects return of the shuttle (as i always have) and it makes a bit of noise, bypass the rpm with the active switch, and a whole world of noise escapes.
    to worsen it further, plug the tuner into the wireless tuner out, even muted its distoring the sound (which is audible) but the unaffected out from the sansamp the tuner works fine.

    pain in the arse but i LOVE the sound of the sansamp, and rack mounting it is VERY convenient.

    there was a bit of noise before however, so i don't think the wireless is the issue, just weird that theres no noise then straight into the genz benz.

    i want to swap to a PA power amp anyway, could this solve it, or just make the noise louder?

    any input appreciated!

  3. i played one of these, and its the only mm i've ever liked - i can see why you swapped. our guitarist was with me when i tried it, and its just magical, every tone is useable and sooooooooooooo easy to play! pup in the right place for my playing style too!

    really want to get my hands on a 5!

  4. thanks for all the replies - i've been eyeing up a schecter omen extreme and then swapping out the pickups (plays like a dream, sounds gash!)

    i just know it has the same nut width as a precision 4.

    cheers all!

  5. hey there, i'm looking at turning my 4 string affinity precision, into a 5 stringer

    i want to keep the same neck (around 45mm at nut), just have a narrow string spacing, similar to a schecter!

    is it as simple as swapping the pup, bridge and nut?

    its just a tester really, and will make my own body if it works!

    any thoughts are appreciated!

    (thinking about putting a mm pup at bridge position too - can't remember who's bass it is but looks ace! thanks for the idea!)

  6. to the op - do you with with pre preg or dib dob?

    dib dob is essentially firbeglassing with carbon fibre - cheaper but messier and takes longer! not as good a part either, but the moulds would be significantly cheaper

    i thought about this myself, but the set up costs would be huge and not necessarily any better - the old addage of if it aint broke don't fix it. saying that, i would be very interested to see if it works!

    and yes it would be MASSIVELY lighter than a wooden cab as we work with full floors for f1 cars and they are an easy 1 man lift! shouldn't exceed more than a few kilos!

    currently trying to drum up funds for carbon acoustic guitars - i've seen how others make theirs, and we would get the sack if we produced something so wishy washy! lol

  7. i can pretty much agree with all the above comments, and to beef up your sound, this is the exact thing!

    i use a sansamp rpm through a power section, slightly more versatile than the vt bass but i've hear great things about the pedal - just watch out on the vt cause it has the speaker emulation perminantly on!

    the rpm is the single biggest improvement in my sound i've ever had!

    note - my setting is pretty much the svt setting anyway, so probably sounds just like the vt bass, i just like it being all neat and in a rack!

  8. my first decent amp was a peavey tnt - i can still remember how impressed i was with it! - thats 12 years on!

    plus cheap as chips! it has the old fashioned way of looking at things, not hi fi, just does the job very convincingly! - much like the thunderbird!

  9. hi there!

    i have built myself 2 2*10 sealed cabs, sounds great!

    up untill i was lazy and took my ampeg 115 to practice today - real low end thud from a ringing the e on a p bass and a 15 - its just got a kinda sexual thing going on!!

    i have also sat one 2*10 on top of the 15, both ways round and the sum is just not as good as the individual parts! frequencies become unboostable! sounds nice and round, but just not as good as the 2 2*10s or the 15 by itself.

    now, is it possible to put a crossover built into the speaker, as so when they are daisy chained, the lows go to the 15 and the highs go to the 2*10?? 2 amps and a crossover is just not financially viable.

    or can i port the 2*10's so they sound as low as the 15,

    or port one 2*10 so it sits on top of the 15 and get the almost bi amped sound??

    or get 10" guitar speakers, designed not to do the low end??

    i'm very new to all this refining stuff, so take it easy on me please!

    in summary - i want the 2*10 punch with the 15 real low end

  10. good call on the bump - i'd be very interested! i don't know nottingham very well, but depending on numbers i know a local one about 8 miles from nottingham that would be up for hosting, hold 100 fairly comfortably! big car par right next to it too for loading gear in. i can enquire if its not too far out for folk!

  11. just found this thread researching strings, i usually use ghs boomers but want a brand i can just walk into a shop and pick up. i actually live in the same town as newtone strings, and a couple of years ago was offered an endorsement. figured they didnt feel as good as the ghs so turned them down.

    after going ghs, elites, slinkys (the only set of strings i've taken off within 5 minutes), rotosound and then newtone, i can say the newtone sound ace! problem being - the E string snapped at sound check at the last gig, probably about the 15th time i'd played them! only on for about 6 weeks and the e breaks! WTF! saying that, they were favourite up to that point, so if you can afford to replace often, go for it!

  12. we have had a slow revelation like that - the singer has just learnt how to sing!

    this sound sarcastic, but we've always known he's had it in him, just everyone else didn't - he was having classical singing lessons, so his technique was spot on, but not a rock voice, he was actually better before the lessons.

    years down the line of people knocking his confidence and telling him he was letting the band down, he's found someone to teach rock vocals and he's back to his best! only stronger, more experienced lyricist and melodist(???) tuneful, and just plain refreshing! it's nice to see promoters and management agencies eat their words!

    just goes to show you when a band knows its right, its right!

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