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Posts posted by mrtcat

  1. I've really enjoyed reading this topic as money is something that plays a huge part in my band's daily discussions. It's good to hear the opinions of so many regular players.

    I truly believe it to be a two way street. First and foremost a band needs to have its act together performance wise, musically and with whatever followers they have. If you have a great show that's well executed and a system that lets you connect with the people who have enjoyed seeing you before then you're in a good position. Venues need to also work on building a following based on good service, a good environment and a selection of regular good entertainment. The combination of both parties fulfilling their part can surely expect to at least make the most of the local potential for music lover business.

    Yes venues can be very frustrating and as a band that plays week in week out we don't expect our friends to turn out every week and as mentioned in the op's link this is not really the ideal solution for a venue. We do however work really hard at getting people to subscribe to all our social media. This includes talking to audiences before, during and after each gig. The half time interval is so so important when it comes to forging friendships with punters. We are then able to promote gigs in a bid to get the locals to come see us when we're in town. In return we ask a sensible fee from the venue. It is also up to them to do as much promotion as possible. We will supply them posters but they need to make sure they take care of their own business.

    Basically what I'm saying is that yes venues have the ultimate responsibility but bands also need to make themselves attractive. We all know some bands will play for peanuts but in that case we need to up our game and deliver quality backed up with a sensible marketing tactic.

    Oh BTW if people get up and dance - no matter which way they face take it as a compliment.

  2. I took these in part exchange for a build I did for a band last year. I had all good intentions of renovating them but in reality they'll probably just sit at the back of the workshop gathering dust.

    They need a little love and are missing the 12 inch drivers. The plastic corners have been removed as has the speakon connector on one cab. They do however have all 44 tweeters present. I'm told that the tweeters are the Pulse ones from CPC farnell. I have tested them and all work fine. The high/low pass crossovers are in and are working correctly. They don't have the foam lining in the driver chamber but this is cheap to buy and simple to fit.

    About £20 of parts plus drivers will see these up and running.

    If you want some BFM cabs and don't want to spend months on the woodwork then these will be a very quick and simple way in. As a cab builder I can assure you these are not at all easy to build and they are amazingly loud even with a low powered amp.


    Need the space so £20 is all i ask. Collection from bicester oxfordshire only please

  3. I did the woodwork on this cab for my 16yr old nephew who was going to finish and load it himself. The ungrateful little sod has made an attempt at painting it and then lost all interest. I need the space in the workshop so i'm selling it for the cost of the wood. Cab has no electronics and is purely the completed shell.

    It's a super light cab and when loaded will be a really good gigging cab. My nephews paint work leaves a little to be desired but will sand back easily to leave a blank canvas.

    Collection only please from Bicester in Oxfordshire.


  4. I don't think diversity is an issue [b]if[/b], in the long run, you are looking at 60+ songs in the quiver (which IMO is essential for any pub band as audiences can really surprise you with what they respond to on the night). That way you'll be able to make set lists for specific gigs that not only suit the audience but also make sense. If you're only planning on having a single set list of 20-30 songs then I would first ask the question of "what type of band are we?" and then stick to that.

    I would be happy enough to hear your set list as is but I think I'd rather be playing in a band with a bigger pool to pull from. We have 122 in our bag at the moment and there's very few songs that don't get used over the course of 4-5 gigs.

  5. [quote name='mcgraham' timestamp='1327172866' post='1507477']
    People like this need to be told to grow up and we need to stop tolerating them.

    Pleasingly it seems that collectively the BC forum don't tolerate tools like this. Some very impressive responses chaps. Made for a very uplifting read lol

  6. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1326141861' post='1492938']
    The issue with the loud guitarist need sorting out. IME most loud guitarists are unlikely to turn down for anything. It will always be an issue so if you can't get them to do something immediately then look elsewhere.


    De-tuning a semitone is common and you'd be surprised how much it helps the singer. It's a totally pointless exercise though if nobody can hear the singer cos the guitarist is too loud.

  7. My drummer described himself as "a taller, slightly more muscular Brad Pitt lookalike" on a dating site. He's a proper ugly lanky streak of p**s but by law of averages he eventually snared a hot girlfriend. I guess these cowboys on Gumtree are working on the same principle.

  8. Thanks for the help chaps. Wanted a piano part as I love the feel it gives to the song but I think it'll be a case of a slight re-jig to make it work without one. We don't do backing tracks to this point but was just thinking it may help fill out nicely as we only have 1 guitarist.

  9. Hey all,

    My band are looking at adding American Pie to our set but we don't have a keys player. Our drummer can play to a click without issue. Any ideas where I could get a piano part with click? Preferably a track with music panned one way and click the other.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and you'll undoubtedly be rewarded in whichever afterlife you subscribe to.

  10. I think our ever increasing expectations are causing us to become more disappointed. Essentially the internet stores that are a one stop shop make us expect more from our local shops. Unfortunately in order to compete with the lower online prices (usually aided by the fact the online retail section has minimal overheads) the local shops are having to cut everything to the bone in order to be competetive. This means they can't sit on thousands of pounds worth of stock as they litterally don't have thousands in the bank to outlay on it.

    Further to this you would probably find many online stores don't hold stock either. Instead they have a system that will order any non stock items (maybe flats) as soon as you place your order. As deliveries can be quick you don't ever know this has happened.

    There are some local shops that do a fantastic job of helping and many offer excellent service which is purely a result of well managed and trained staff with a passion for giving good service. Places like the Bass Merchant, Bass Direct and many other shops survive as they go the extra mile and are true experts - icastle clearly worked in a shop that had it's act together.

    Personally I'd rather my local shop had to order something in for me than either go bust and close because it spent out to get every conceivable item on the shelf or charge the earth for everything to fund a massive display of gear. As long as they endeavor to give a friendly and professional service I'll shop with them.

  11. Yeah only take top spot if you know you'll be the best and most supported act. If you're not ready then be patient. If you think you can pull it off tho then do it as it'll be a great springboard.

    I absolutely hate with a passion any band that doesn't show up for the whole night. If bands leave when we're on, after we've cheered them on during their set / lent them gear / got the crowd to give them a big cheer, then I rip them to shreds as they leave. I've even stopped mid song to draw everyone's attention to it before. I hate bands with attitudes and don't ever tolerate rudeness. Of course if they have another gig to go to then that's ok lol.

  12. Our band does everything from loud electric 5 pce to acoustic duo. For acoustic stuff I use a P bass with flats. It sounds great and the flats / p combo gives a warm low sound that sits below the mix. In acoustic stuff you are there to add depth and rhythm but you're not competing with drums so you don't have to punch thru.

    Acoustic basses don't float my boat one little bit.

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