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Posts posted by mrtcat

  1. I may be way off the mark but this sounds almost like these gigs aren't the real issue and it's more about some ill feelings within the band.

    Our drummer is a c##k and is totally obsessed with money and it has nearly split our band on numerous occasions. We eventually offered him a way out and said we all want to play regularly more than earn big bucks and he has backed right down.

  2. Very basically a crossover essentially splits signal sending everything below a pre set frequency to the low end speakers and everything above to the high end speakers. Many can split three ways low / mid / high. Lots of the better units have some other really useful features built in.

  3. If you go to the pub straight away they've got plenty of notice so the landlord should be ok. It sounds like they do plenty of music so he / she will have plenty of contacts. If you're honest with the landlord about how much you get for weddings he'll probably be keen to keep you sweet as you're band is clearly more than worth what he'll be paying you. This is a million miles away from a band that cancels the day before and leaves the pub in the sh*t.

  4. +1 for the bill fitzmaurice forum.

    Speakers are the window to your sound. Get good ones from the off and you'll be doing yourself a huge favour.

    I agree that powered cabs are more convenient but I find there's more selection in the non powered market and powered cabs can be pretty costly. For me there's NOTHING more important than good quality speakers and a good quality EQ. The Behringer DEQ2496 is brilliant as you can use it with an RTA (real time analysis) mic and it will really help you get the very best sound from your system. Couple it with a Behringer DCX2496 crossover (assuming you'll want subs) and you can even protect all your drivers with the limiter function.

    My band plays the same stuff you guys do and we have the following:

    4x Bill Fitzmaurice DR200 Tops
    4x Bill Fitzmaurice T39 Subs
    A Mackie Onyx 1640i mixer
    A bunch of outboards (EQ's, compressors, crossovers, reverb etc)
    2x Behringer monitors (an extra eq for monitors is a must)
    Three power amps
    Enough cables to wrap around the globe twice.

    We don't take it all to every gig but we can play small pubs up to 300+ person venues with various combinations.

    I know I'm not on your doorstep but I'd happily run you through what we have and how we use it before and during a gig if you ever ventured this way. If you get a gig this way (Wycombe / Milton Keynes / Alyesbury)in the near future I'd run it for your band if i'm not playing elsewhere myself.

  5. If you want to learn lots about speakers and cab building you could do a lot worse than spend some time here [url="http://billfitzmaurice.info/forum/"]http://billfitzmaurice.info/forum/[/url]

    I will warn you though - it will change your perception of most big brand kit.

  6. I personally would rate them as pretty poor I'm afraid. They're popular with DJ's on a very tight budget but the sound quality is poor and their subs rely on enormous power input as they're really inefficient. If price is everything then Peavey stuff can be surprisingly good for low cost.

    I build PA cabs for a living so am a bit obsessive about sound and build quality.

  7. I have a [u][b]non genuine[/b][/u] Fender Precision for sale or trade. I bought this a couple of years ago from another BC'er who had had some extensive luthier work done to this P bass copy. The result is a really playable copy of a fender precision. The neck is great, the action is very nice and it feels like it should. I have had a Seymour Duncan SPB1 pickup installed and it sounds....well......like a fender precision. The backplate is a genuine fender corona one.

    Appearance wise it looks like someone has tried to make it look roadworn. This basically means they've been at it with a sander and it looks like they've hit it with a hammer lol. There's dints galore on the body and some laquer has chipped on the neck.

    That said, I've gigged this plenty and have loved the fact that it plays like the real deal and is solid as a rock. If it gets knocked about in its future life it won't really matter so would be a great bass for someone looking for something for rough venues, cramped stages, bedroom practice etc.

    Trade wise I want something more modern sounding but cheap (although I can put cash towards the right bass) possibly even with 5 strings. I'd consider:

    Kramer disciple
    Cort C4
    Cort C5
    Ibanez BTB 675 (obviously substantial cash your way)
    Rockbass (any)
    Cort Curbow 5
    Will consider anything else


  8. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1331481497' post='1573428']
    Blimey, no wonder so many of you are still using Fender basses :D

    What is it with this inability to accept new technology and approaches?

    Not necessarily an inability to accept new tech more a wariness of another very expensive product that claims to be a miracle turd polisher. I'd like to see how it rates after being on the market a year or two first. I hope it turns out to be a revolutionary bit of kit but the problem with most live sound is with the ears of the technician not the mixing desk.

  9. Flight cases rarely work out cheaper if self made. The aluminium extrusions and catches etc soon add up to a small fortune. However many expensive flight cases are poorly made so if build quality is king then make your own. I usually use 9mm ply and then buy a tired old case off the bay and use the parts. Just be sure to buy something big enough so you have enough parts.

  10. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1331304839' post='1571121']
    I'm awaiting one of these presently....... Never thought I'd buy a bit of Behringer kit in my life..... but I've played with this and it's gonna make it's mark in the industry I can tell ya now



    Have spent a few hours with one of these and it's a very very good piece of equipment. There are only two other Behringer products I'd swear by (DEQ2496 & DCX2496) but this is going to change people's perception of them.

    As someone who has spent years involved with PA kit I often struggle to comprehend how much money some people blow on gear then don't bother learning to use it right. For the £6k that the Line6 kit could cost you could have a monster sound system but at least this one seems to be making it easy for people to use it right which can only be a good thing. However I've personally enjoyed every minute of learning how to get it right the old fashioned way.

  11. Can sing whilst playing simple stuff as long as the two parts are similar. As soon as the vocal part and bass part separate I have to work super hard to get there. I also have a pretty baritone voice so high part harmonies are out of the question for me. Shame really as I love hearing a nice harmony.

  12. Played the Red Lion in Witney nr Oxford last night. Really enjoyed it although there were a few minor issues.

    A big plus was that the band due to play at the other (slightly better) local venue, Fat Lills, cancelled so we picked up some live music lovers from there.

    First issue was that the venue had it's own PA but when we arrived we were told nobody was there to run it so we'd have to do it ourselves. Not really a biggie but would have been nice to know before as we'd have bought our own with which we're more familiar. All went well but our singers mic cut out second song so he used mine til interval and we had a sudden outbreak of feedback midway thru firs set and mixer was behind bar. Luckily our mate sorted this for us with some quick thinking.

    Only other issue was me making a hash of Mr Brightside (complex stuff i don't struggle with but chugging thru chords always trips me up for some reason).

    Beyond that it was a great night. Dancefloor was packed with lurvely ladies all night (our singer and guitarist are both v good looking), we brought out 11 new tunes to a great reception and our facebook account grew by 19 peeps today.

    Happy days

  13. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1330884726' post='1564357']
    I'll add that I hate, hate, hate the sensation of adrenalin surge. The sensation is horrible. I'm your ultimate chill-out guy. ;)

    Yeah there's clearly a fundamental difference. I'm like a cat on a hot tin roof most of the time and get bored soooooo easily. My wife despairs cos I have to be active all the time.

    I know it may sound like hocus pocus but would you consider hypnotherapy or anything? I've never believed in it myself but it sounds like very little else has helped thus far.

  14. Poorly handled but can imagine that, like most studios, he's sick of people blowing his amps, pinching cables etc etc. Go back. Everyone gets a 2nd chance. Judging by how he handled the missing mic I doubt he'll be forthcoming with a free session but well worth asking. If anything like this happens again then knock it on the head.

  15. My concern would be that there's something amiss with your amp. In theory it should be more than man enough for the gig. As others have asked it would be good to know your eq settings, music style and what bass you use. A 300w 4x10 should happily cut it.

    Ashdown's have the input gain setting and I've known many people not set this right resulting in distortion. This post may also enter the nice bedroom sound vs nice live sound debate.

  16. On occasion when we're playing somewhere really busy and I see few members of other local bands in the audience i get that nervous feeling as the place fills up before we go on. I love it tho. It's that kind of "I feel very alive" moment. I'm a fanatical kitesurfer and when you turn up at the beach with the wind howling a gale and big waves rolling in you get that same nervous feeling. It makes you respect the situation and keeps you sharp.

    I know my nerves don't sound like a patch on yours but I guess they're what makes it addictive.

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