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  • Birthday December 10

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  1. Tuner > Compressor > Preamp/DI > Dist > Octave > Vibrato > ??? - What would you put last (effect or specific pedal)? I’m struggling for inspiration at the moment…

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    2. dodge_bass


      Reverb could also work depending upon what you use more. Personally I'd not'd have the compressor at the start of chain either but thats personal taste. If you have a decent DI / preamp you can just use that at the end of the chain and that would give you space for verb and envelope perhaps? Or perhaps a looper pedal to allow you to keep FX out of the signal chain til you needed them?


      I use:


      Bright Onion dual input / fx looper / tuner mute pedal  -> low pass -> compressor -> Noble DI


      In the FX loop of the dual input box I have envelope filter and octave pedal.



    3. skej21


      @dodge_bassMy Tuner > Comp > Preamp/DI is on a PT Nano and the others on a separate PT Nano+, so that I can keep things more flexible (and I don’t always need to take the ‘effects’ part). It might be a good shout to include a Bright Onions FX Loop on the DI board as a way to create a loop out to the additional board when needed, thanks for the inspiration!

    4. dodge_bass


      Ah I see - makes sense then - have a little FX looper on the main nano which can link into the FX board when needed. 

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