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Posts posted by gt4ever

  1. Yeah I’m seeing them at the roundhouse tomorrow. Soo pleased Dave is back from long covid.  Seen them many times and properly excited they’re all back together again.  Only downer is I can’t stand the roundhouse.

  2. On 19/02/2024 at 09:29, cheddatom said:

    We drove from Stoke to Margate on Saturday. 5 hours with a couple of stops. Olby's Soul Cafe is a brilliant venue! Great PA and the engineer was brilliant too. Unfortunately the choice of some unknown band from Stoke to headline a night in Margate didn't work out so well. The old story of a local support band bringing most of the crowd, then taking them with them after the set. All that way, writing off two full days, to play to less than 50 people... still, at least we got paid and had a laugh

    Ah man if I’d have known I would’ve been there with a few people. Love it at Olbys, great place.

    • Like 3
  3. I’m hoping someone might come up with a solution.  I have owned my stunning blue sparkle modulus FU4 for a couple of years now.  It plays and looks stunning but a few months ago my A and E string started to drop mid gig.  Upon investigation the screws in the saddles were loosening with vibrations from playing and the saddles were dropping.  It became a nightmare and I stopped gigging with it. 
    I’ve found d out that Badass have been taken over by a company called Allparts.  I’ve been in touch with them and they can’t provide screws alone for the saddle so have to buy whole new saddles, which is crazy, but they don’t stock like for like saddles and so it would be different to the original.  I plan to sell the bass in the near future due to my current financial situation but want the problem rectified before a sale takes place and I don’t want to use different saddles.  No other screws I’ve come across fit. Help please!!!!





  4. Thanks for the replies. I knew there were alternatives but my knowledge of what would work with an active bass is limited and so I was unsure what alternatives would do the job, hence I was looking for a like for like replacement.

    I’ve had it apart and everything seems secure.

    I’ll  give the pure tone jack a try as I can’t find a like for like replacement anywhere.  It only a few quid so worth a try.  Many thanks 👍🏼 


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  5. So my 1994 SR4 has finally given me jack problems.  Leads feel a bit loose in the socket and cut out intermittently, which isnt too clever when gigging.  It’s the plastic box type needed.  I’ve been on the musicman site but when you put it in the basket it says it’s not available for international shipping. Strings and things haven’t any in stock and they can take months to get stuff in as I assume they wait for a bulk load of stuff needed to save shipping costs.  Is there anywhere else where I can get a replacement?





  6. C

    12 hours ago, Jonesy said:

    Nice! I had mates go see them in Margate the other day and said the same. Really want to see them in London, but hate the o2, so will see what happens.


    I love the gear Homme and Van Leeuwen use, most of its pretty cool and obscure looking. Shuman's basses have all sounded great too.

    Can testify to that. I was in Margate and they were genuinely having a blast and on top form.  Seen them a few times and this tour is by far their greatest energy and performance.

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  7. Saw QOTSA down the road from me in Margate on Thursday and glasto is in for a treat. Josh is at the top of his game and they all properly vibes on stage and looked like they’re living their best life in music.  They broke curfew as standard and carried on as the PA for cut just using their backline.  New material is great too 🤘🏼 

  8. Yeah I’ve had lower back trouble on and off for 10 years or so.  Recent MRI showed L5 central disc extrusion and L4 bulging disc whatever the hell that means.  Ive been to physios, osteos and chiros with limited effect over the years.  I’ve been doing a bit of pilates on and off and do regular exercises to help with core strength so agree that helps.  I try to avoid lifting and twisting and purchased a much lighter bass and rig the last couple of years.  I now understand that it’s a case of managing the condition with a mix of being sensible, exercise and drugs if needed.  CBD and feminax ultra work really well.

  9. My function band had recently changed from RCF set up to a new smaller footprint and lighter PA rig.  We’ve only done 2 gigs with it but seems to work great and sound fantastic.  It’s not cheap though.  We have 2 x Electro-voice evolve 30M with the 8 channel mixer.  It comes with 2 small wedge monitors too.  All packs away really small. Not used it much yet but this is it set up.  We were using our old RCFs as monitors as the wedge monitors were in back order but we have them now. Anyway if space is an issue and you have the budget..



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  10. I have a couple I’m working on at the moment.  Little green bag cos I’ve started and stopped learning it so many times, I’m now keen to get it down 100% and Three days by jane’s addiction, just cos it’s an incredible song and I’ve again started and stopped a few times but gonna give them both more time to try perfect.



  11. 10 hours ago, EssexBuccaneer said:

    We’re adding Audioslave’s Cochise to our set as an opener, will be practicing it for the  first time at rehearsal on Tuesday. Killer song. 

    What a great opener, hope it works out.  Out of interest how are you getting Timmy’s killer tone from that album??  Good luck, I’m not jealous much 😝 

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  12. 3 hours ago, Bassfinger said:

    Can't say I'm an enormous flea fan, being unfortunate as I am to have to play some of his basslines live, but he is a man of the bass so I shall certainly listen in with interest.

    Never heard someone say they’re unfortunate to have to play his basslines?? Each to their own though.

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