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Posts posted by Telebass

  1. Frankly, I've never had the slightest problem with the stock bridge...I put an AmDlx bridge on my Sting when I had it, but didn't bother this time. There's enough sideways play to get pretty close. Otherwise, I'd go for the BAIII. Also, if you use contact core strings, there's much less error, but they are sometimes hard to get in the right lengths. For stringing through, I've found Fender 8250 strings to be good, they have a contact core E string.

    Bassbod, all Rotosound strings fit fine. Ernie Balls don't, GHS Boomers, some do, etc etc. Not remotely hard to find 'normal' strings that fit.

    And bridge and pickup covers are mandatory!

  2. Hmmm. I never go to a gig without a backup, and I did need it once, too...

    Black Fender MIM P (The Black Widow):- best split-coil P I've ever touched. Does most of the work, just.

    Blonde Fender MIJ 51RI P (The Blonde):- does the majority of the rest and is easily the better looking of all my basses.

    3TS Squier VM P TB (The Tart):- do some gigs with this also.

    So, any two of these 3 are always with me at a gig.

    Blonde Kramer Focus 88:- This is such a great rock bass, but I find I make mistakes on it for no reason I can pinpoint exactly...

    Yamaha RBX 250, stripped, defretted (neither by me!):- Not done much with this yet. May refret it (properly), or have the fingerboard repaired and leave it as a fretless, which is probably what will happen. Steal for 4 quid. That wasn't a typo.

    So, 5 basses...3 get used constantly or constantly-ish, so no worries there...the Kramer is only slighly less rare than rocking horse poo, although of little vintage value...the Yamaha was a lucky find. There's nothing I feel I should move on, really, which now I think about it, is odd for me. I've never had this many before!

  3. Now it has not only had a bit of a setup, and the odd tuner replaced, but it has frets! Truss rod was slack; it had probably never been adjusted, ever. That's what made me bang the frets in. It'll need a dress, of course, which is beyond me, but it will be worth having that done.

  4. Fun, most of the time. If you've no choice but to work at minimum wage, at least do it in a decent toy shop! And I've learnt to be a half decent tech, too, which is always useful. Got to have a good hefty grope around a rather nice Oly white '69 P-bass recently. It was really a nice bass. But little if any nicer than my '03 MIM P to play. Just had that cool, I've-done-39-years-gigging look about it. Nice to paly with the vintage stuff, but I'd never spend the money on it. Current Fenders are easily as good, even allowing for the fact that the specs are not identical.

    One thing, though...Anyone comes near me with a Floyd Rose, I'll hit them with it... Tech's worst nightmare. Bloody horrible things to put on a guitar...

  5. OK, here's the pix. If anyone has any clue as to the possible age of this bass, or general info, I'd be grateful.

    General view:

    Headstock. there's one odd tuner, but I'll rectify that tomorrow at the shop:

    Body, front. This is after significant cleanup. The strings are a set of part-used Rotosound SM55 half-rounds, and the knobs are from my Squier TB, which now has a set of Fender Precision knobs.

    Fingerboard butchery...


    Back at the shop tomorrow, I'll see how well the truss rod is, sort out the odd machine head, and generally sort the set up. I'll also see just how hard a job it might be to refret it.

    Certainly worth £4! Actually, for my £4, I got the bass and gig bag, a boot iron, and 3/4GB of PC2700 DDR memory. So maybe it cost me, say, £1.50?

  6. Mooching around the Sale Area of our local Recycling Centre (as you do), noticed a bass-size Warwick Rockbag, in fair nick. Lo and behold, within was a rather distressed, defretted, Yamaha RBX250. A steal at £4!

  7. Yup, more conage is the answer. More apparent volume, and the extra headroom will let the amp breathe. I use a CMD121H, with another 1x12, in all but the tiniest pubs, just so I'll never run out of headroom.

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