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Posts posted by Telebass

  1. Personally, I use an SM57 (for 30 years, the choice of mic for the podium of the President of the USA - good enough recommendation!), backed up by a Samson Q7 as a spare.

  2. Hartnolls (I work there) are G&L dealers, but even then, we don't have an easy time getting hold of them. I'm off work for several weeks due to surgery, but give the guys a call with what you're after. Biggest problem, as always, is rarely having anything available to try out...

  3. Our band plays everything from AC/DC to ZZ Top, via Nellie the Elephant. We have a hugely good time doing it, people love it and keep booking us, and as we're a 3-piece, the money works out reasonably too. We don't rehearse a lot, there are no conflicts - what's not to like? Musical integrity is a much overworked phrase that means very little. As far as I'm concerned, I'm doing what I enjoy most in the world, playing bass, and getting paid for it, and I consider myself very, very lucky, at 55, to have been able to get back in and have, so far, 5 years of fun. I'd love to turn pro. As I work in a guitar shop, my entire income does originate from music, but I'd love to able to say I'd done a tour, even if only for a couple of weeks!
    So, to me, musical integrity means that music is integrated into my life! :)

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