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Hey guys,

Been getting really into dubstep recently (for those who don't know what it is get on youtube or spotify) and I'm just wondering if anyone here is in a live band playing this kind of stuff? If so is it fairly easy to get gigs? Does it tend to go down well? Alternatively are there any of you who play drum and bass and drop a dub groove in the mix?

This is all info I'm pulling together for a new project with a really good keys player and a really good drummer. Gonna be a a sort of jazz/breakbeat/drum and bass/dubstep kind of thing! Where gonna start writing in a week or so and hopefully get it in the studio asap.

Cheers again guys


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Me a sax player and a producer are currently working on a dub step band project.

The producer and a DJ whos currently in the far east have had quite a bit of sucess with thier productions.

I dont wanna give away too much just yet cos we arnt ready to gig yet and we've had some pretty good ideas thus far but the Sax player will be playing an AKAI EWI (for the WAPs and WOPs) and i'll be doing the sub so we'll both be the bass players. Not sure if we'll get a drummer or use a laptop or MPC type thing.

There is a you tube clip of a live dubstep project but i think its just peeps playing along with a dj.

Let me know how your project goes



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[quote name='Wil' post='599936' date='Sep 16 2009, 10:07 AM']What's the weather like on dubstep island?


:) Thought that was great!

Cheers for the input guys. I really don't know where this is gonna go, it could end up being a total disaster but could also end up being really good! The keys player's just started his PGCE so he's crazy busy at the mo, like I said though we're hoping to start writing soon and just see what happens with it.

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