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1972 jazz value?


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I know that a guitar is only worth what someone will pay for it, but what would you think was a sensible value for this 1972 jazz bass currently on ebay? I'm tempted but don't want to underbid (or overbid).

[url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=290155206779&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=019"]1972 jazz bass original[/url]


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Well, if you go by Vintage & Rare Guitar's prices, then about £2,850

of course, no-one takes them seriously.
I'd hate to value and be wrong, but i'm gonna go for £1800, because it hasn't got the ashtrays and you'd have to replace the top fret.
Other forum members like 99ster will give you a much better idea!!


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£1,800 would be close to its top value I would think - though I personally don't like this one at all because the front is so badly faded, that you can't see any red remaining in the sunburst (this is pretty common on Fenders of this era & the reason why you have to be careful how you store vintage basses - leave them on a stand & sunlight/uv will continue to fade the colours & damage plastic parts). That really spoils the look of the bass for me.
The missing fret would be easy to fix - as long as the binding isn't damaged too much. But if someone has been happy to keep using a bass (for who knows how long) with a fret missing then it says to me that they haven't cared for it very well - so there may be other problems waiting to surface?
If it was me I'd pass on this one & look for a better early 70's Jazz instead. There's a much better one on eBay now from a seller in NYC.
Just my 10p worth of opinion though!

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[quote name='Brother Jones' post='55058' date='Sep 4 2007, 12:59 AM']"Build number is 357973 as you can see, which will relate to 1972, Which is also known as the CBS era for Fender guitars"

Huh? :)[/quote]

I've not heard that period in Fender history descibed like that before - but I suppose he's quite correct...
If pre-65/66 is seen as the 'pre-CBS' era - then 65/66 to 84 would be the 'CBS' era. And 85 to now(?) the 'post CBS' era!

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Thanks guys, great advice - It was actually the lack of red in the sunburst that attracted me to this one as I generally don't like sunburst too much. Just goes to show how tastes differ! Didn't bother bidding in the end but I guess someone got themselves a bargain. Thanks again, Phil

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