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RackMount Wireless (on a budget) - what's good??


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I've had a good look around it and seems that most people are trending towards the "bug" style or "pedalboard" style wireless systems nowadays so i wasn't sure what was good - and looking around for wireless that's rackmountable on a budget is a minefield.


as the band have now gone amp-less and me being picky with my sound didn't want to go straight in to the PA - i'm actually still using my Eich T900 bass head as my "pre amp" for gigs to get the sound i like

Downside to that is i don't have an amp to stick it on top off and squeezing it on the desk with the PA and Mixer is proving to be a real challenge.
So being sensible i'm going to rackmount the T900 (ears should show up within a week or so) - but it got me to thinking about rackmount wireless 

Currently i use a Boss WL-50 velcro'd to the top of the T900 and i have considered just rackmounting the T900 at the bottom of the unit and leaving the WL-50 where it is - but i think getting an actual rackmountable unit is probably a better idea - then sell off the WL-50.


So.. to get to the point as i do tend to waffle for no reason.


What's good in the Rackmountable world of Wireless Instrument stuff.
I'm thinking UHF is probably the best route to take nowadays (or 5.8ghz digital - but can't seem to find any of that for the UK market that's doen't mean taking out a mortgage or sell a kidney to pay for)


thanks BC'ers.

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I have a Sansom CR77  - a UHF system.  Has a good range, I have used it in our foyer with several walls, no issues with reception. 

It does eat batteries though. 

Prices vary  - I've seen them sell for £50 and nearly £200.

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